High School Lesson Plan Implementation Time Line

AUGUST / What do I need to know about my
What extra-curricular activities are
available to me in my school? / Why is it important for
me to take pride in my
Why is my school
attendance important? / What does my transcript tell
me about my status in
high school?
What are the school rules I
need to know?
(SAT/ACT, Planning,
Time Management) / What important tasks do I need to
be sure I do this year?
What tests do I need to take to
get into the post secondary
school of my choice?
(Application Process)
SEPTEMBER / What are the guidelines for athletic
eligibility in my high school?
What are the criteria for promotion
to 10th grade? / What are some time
management tips I can
How can I better
organize my activities
and time? / What do I need to know about
the GHSGT Writing Test
Before I take it?
What programs are available
to me that will help me score
higher on the Gateway and
GHSGT? / What does my transcript tell me about
my graduation status?
What are my long and short term
goals for the next 5 years?
OCTOBER / What are the promotion requirements
for 11th and 12th grade?
How is my school attendance
important to me doing well in school? / How can I get my
driver’s license?
What are some of the
advantages and
dangers of online
communication? / What do I need to know about
Applying for a job?
What do my progress
reports tell me about
my semester status? / What should I know about the HOPE
Scholarship and HOPE Grant?
What other types of financial aid
are available to assist with post
secondary education costs?
(include FAFSA)
NOVEMBER / What is community service and why
is it important to me?
What are some study techniques I
could use to help improve my grades? / What do I need to know
About the Gateway tests?
What tests will I take in
high school besides
Gateway? What are
their purpose? / How do I get more information
about careers and post
secondary schools?
What resources are available to me in this school that can helpme plan my future? / How are my progress report grades
and what do I need to do to ensure
I pass my classes?
How am I doing with my goals
for this semester?
DECEMBER / What options do I have if I need to
make up a class?
How should I study for my final exams? / Where are some places
I can do volunteer work
in my community?
What are some
that are available to me? / How should I study for my
final exams?
How can I make up a class
that I fail? / What are some helpful money
management tips for me?
What is identity theft and how could
it happen to me?
JANUARY / How did my first semester report card
impact my high school status?
What opportunities are available for
me to make up a class? / How did my first semester
report card impact
my high school status?
What is my GPA and
why is it important to
me? / How did my first semester
report card impact my
graduation status?
What responsibilities do I
haveas a high school junior? / How did my first semester report
card impact my status toward
How should I adjust my goals
for this semester?
FEBRUARY / What skills do I need to positively
advocate for myself?
Why should I be aware of internet
safety? / How can I prepare to
take the Science portion
of the Gateway Test?
How can I prepare to
take the Social Studies
portion of the Gateway
Test? / How can I prepare to take
the GHSGT?
What are some simple tips
to help me manage stress? / What important information do
I need to review regarding financial
aid and HOPE Grant?
What does my 6 week progress
report tell me about my graduation
MARCH / What do I need to know about
peer pressure?
What are some ways I could handle
bullying if it happens to me? / What does it mean to
make responsible
How can I continue my
career planning? / What are some tips I should
keep in mind about Spring
Break safety?
What are some etiquette tips
I need to know for Prom? / What are some tips I should keep in
mind about Spring Break safety?
What are some etiquette tips I
need to know for Prom?
APRIL / What do I need to do now to improve my
Will I be promoted to the 10th grade?
What additional opportunities will be
available to extend my interests? / How should I prepare
for my final exams?
What are some ways
I can better manage stress? / What are some safe driving
When I visit colleges,
what are the questions I
should ask? / What are some differences between
high school and post secondary
What tips for high school success
would I share with Freshmen?
MAY / How can I best prepare for my
Final exams?
Did I meet my goals for this year? / What skills will I need
to get and keep a job?
What options do I have
to earn extra credit
this summer? / What skills will I need to
get and keep a job?
What options do I have to
Earn additional credit this
Summer? / What can I expect of Life After
High School?

Career awareness/implication of topicsto employability skills will be infused into all advisement lessons by advisor.

* 12th Grade, throughout the year, College Visits, Progress Report Checks