Social Purchasing Policy

Policy Number: XYZ 123

Policy Aim:
To outline a framework that ensures XYZ Council’s procurement procedure gives due consideration to the actual and potential social benefits to the local community from any supply arrangements. The parameters will inform any process which leads to the procurement of goods and services.
The purpose of this policy is to:
  • Ensure that due consideration is made in purchasing decisions of how suppliers contribute socially to the local community

XYZ Council has been actively pursuing the development of the local community by ensuring that it gives due consideration to suppliers, in its procurement activities. Consequently, this Policy forms part of Council’s overall procurement policies and guidelines, and should be read in conjunction with the following;
  • XYZ Council Purchasing Policy
  • XYZ Council Contracts & Tendering Policy
  • XYZ Council Financial Delegations
  • XYZ Council Best Value Policy

Statement of Commitment:
XYZ’s commitment to supporting the local community is outlined in the[INSERT APPROPRIATE CORPORATE PLAN], as follows:
E.G.“XYZ will have a vigorous local economy based on environmentally sustainable and social responsible practices that attract business investment, support growth and promote employment within the municipality.”
This commitment is also reflected in [INSERT OTHER APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTSe.g.,social or community planning]as follows:
“To achieve the vision for Economic and Social Development, the community, business and Council in partnership will encourage the purchase of local services and goods from suppliers who contribute to the local community in such ways as:
1.1.Business as a Collection Point
1.3.In Kind donations
1.4.Pro Bono or discounted Services Sponsorship
1.5.Skills and Knowledge Sharing
1.7.Sharing donation of Premises and other infrastructure
1.8.Employment/ Work Experience
1.9.Community Involvement Programs
1.10.Monetary donations
1.11.Scholarships and Awards
1.12.Corporate Philanthropic Activities.”
And is a strategic objective in applying the Best Value Principles, as follows:
“In applying the Best Value Principles, Council will take into account a range of strategic objectives which include ….
(x) contribution of suppliers to the local community
Scope of Policy:
In accordance with the Local Government (Best Value Principles) Act 1999, this Policy applies to the procurement of all Council goods and services unless specifically exempted by Council.
Policy Statement:
XYZ Council will encourage suppliers to consider the ways in which they can make a social contribution to the local community.
For the purpose of this policy, “Social Contribution” is defined as meeting either or both of the following criteria:
The supplier maintains and conducts a local social contribution within the XYZ municipality;
The supplier can demonstrate a tangible local socialbenefit from any national social activities within the XYZ municipality
Statement of Practice:
Council will examine the benefits available through procuring goods and services from suppliers who make a practicable contribution to the local community. This can take various forms (as detailed above) and the council will actively pursue measures that support the local community i.e.,how are suppliers contributing at a local level to the social sustainability of our municipality.
This practice will be undertaken in accordance with the following, where applicable:
  1. The use of local media to attract Local Suppliers of goods and services,
  2. Development of functional and performance based, rather then technical, specifications where possible to encourage local contributions,
  3. Consideration of social benefits as a purchasing evaluation criterion.
  4. Consideration of conducting supplier briefing sessions on building a social contribution

Related Council Strategies/Policies:
XYZ’s Corporate Plan.
INSERT long term plan (e.g. 2025 Vision/Plan).
INSERT Economic Strategy Action Plan or other plan
Policy Authorised:
Expiry Date (if any):