
July 15, 2018


Getting Started

Is a previous TEAAS Client Version installed?

Valid Java Versions

Installing Java

After JRE Install

Installing TEAAS

Change Log

Date / Made By / Remarks
2/13/2013 / Timothy Moore / Document Created.
4/7/2014 / Abdul Abdalla / Updated with the recommended java version. Updated screen shots.
5/5/2014 / Abdul Abdalla / Updated with the recommended java version.
6/17/2014 / Abdul Abdalla / Applied a work around to work with Java 7u55
2/22/2016 / Abdul Abdalla / Updated the supported version of Java 8u66
9/14/2016 / Abdul Abdalla / Updated the supported version of Java 8u102
11/30/2016 / Abdul Abdalla / Updated the supported version of Java 8u112
09/29/2017 / Rohini Rasakulasuriar / Updated the supported version of Java 8u144
7/15/2018 / Chia Lang / Updated the supported version of Java 8u172

Getting Started

Is a previous TEAAS Client Version installed?

It is not mandatory to remove an earlier version of TEAAS but is recommended. You may need to have Admin Privileges to remove previous versions of TEAAS.

See the TEAAS Uninstall document to for instructions on how to remove TEAAS v8.00.0000 Client version. This document can be found under the Reference Material section.

Valid Java Versions

A valid JRE is Java 8 update 172 and up. Java 9 and 10 are not supported.

NOTE: You must have Admin Privileges to install the Java

Installing Java

Select Yes button when the initial JRE Install pop up is shown.

Choose the defaults for each pop up,

After JRE Install

After the JRE Install, select the Start/Install TEAAS button in Step 2. See figure next page.

This will install the TEAAS 10.08.0000 client if it is not installed or start it if it is installed.

Installing TEAAS

Click on the Start/Install TEAAS button and the following screens will appear.

You will get the following dialog box, click Run

The appliction will start downloading and you will get the following dialog boxes (Verifying and Downloading application).

The dialog box will keep switching between Verifying and Downloading application

After the Application has been verified and downloaded you will get the next screen.

You are shown the Welcome pop-up.

Wait a little while or click the OK button and you will see the Logon pop-up.

You may see this pop up from Java the first time you run TEAAS.

Click Allow access.

You are done.