Suggested Outline

Junior High Agriculture Course

Grade Level: 7 & 8 Length of Course: Nine Weeks Credit: 1/4 Unit

Course Description (68003A001): This exploration course provides the opportunity to learn fundamental concepts in agriculture to serve as a foundation for future courses and to inform students about the industry that is so vital to society and to their future. Major units of instruction include an introduction to the agricultural industry, animal science, plant science, horticulture science, environmental science, agricultural mechanics, and leadership and personal development. Participation in FFA student organization activities is an integral course component for leadership development, career exploration and reinforcement of academic concepts.

AGL – Middle School ( ASB – AgriScience ( MAGIC – MAGIC Kits / Suggested Hours/ Unit Area
Instruction in the FFA Organization is to take place at appropriate times throughout the semester.

Unit: B - Developing Leadership Skills in Agriculture

Problem Area: 1 – Understanding the History and Organization of FFA
Lesson: ASB B1-1 – History and Organization of FFA
Problem Area: 2 - Recognizing Opportunities in FFA
Lesson: ASB B1-2 - Opportunities in the FFA
Lesson: ASB B1-3 – Achievement in FFA
Problem Area: 4 Participating in Community and Government Organizations
Lesson: ASB B1-6 - Youth Clubs and Organizations
Lesson: ASB B1-7 – School and Community Awareness / 5
Unit: A – General Agricultural Science
Problem Area: 1 – General Ag Science
Lessons: Illinois Magic Kit / 10
Unit: B – Animal Science
Problem Area: 1 – Animal Science
Lessons: Poultry Magic Kit
Lessons: Dairy Magic Kit / 10
Unit: C – Plant Science
Problem Area: 1 – Plant Science
Lessons: Plant Magic Kit / 5
Unit: D – Horticulture Science
Problem Area: 1 – Horticulture Science
Lessons: Horticulture Magic Kit / 5
Unit: F – Environmental Science
Problem Area: 1 – Environmental Science
Lessons: Soil Magic Kit / 5
Unit: G – Agricultural Mechanics
Problem Area: 1 – Agricultural Mechanics
Lesson: Machines Magic Kit / 5
Total / 45

This is a suggested outline of instruction. Teachers should use it as a guide in developing a course outline for their local situation. It is advised that a minimum of 60-70% of the lessons found in this outline appear in the outline developed for the local situation.

* Magic Kits are self-contained, all-inclusive kits that are designed to bring agriculture to life in the classroom through hands-on learning activities. The Magic Kit lessons are written to address the Illinois Learning Standards in math, science, language arts, and social science. The Magic Kits are available from Information Technology and Communication Services (ITCS) -

Junior High Agriculture Course 1 October, 2010