Vacation Care - Release Notes V7.0.00

Software Release Date: 20th June 2016

Xpedite has updated the tool used for the development of all the City Manager modules.

The tool bar buttons have been updated to a ribbon bar, screen layouts in some instances may have been changed.

Please take the time to look around and familiarize yourself with the new layout.

CCMS 2016 changes are included. This update must be installed in your LIVE environment by opening of business, Monday 4th July 2016. Your Centres will not be able to communicate with CCMS if this update is not applied by this date.

Refer to the Inclusion Support Programme and Innovative Solutions sections for the major changes.

General look and feel updates for Version 7.0 3

Double click on Ribbon Bar 3

Roll through the ribbon bars 3

Buttons – greyed instead of imprint 3

Application Exit 4

Search Button updated 4

System Group 4

Vacation Care 5

Home Ribbon 5

SQLServer screen 5

Authority/Informix screen 5

Centre Ribbon 6

Administration Ribbon 6

System Group 6

CCMS Ribbon 7

Message Logging 7

Batch Ribbon 8

Reports Ribbon 9

Help Ribbon 10

Enhancements 11

Child Details 11

Indigenous Status - New Child/Family Record (10776) 11

Immunisation details (10733) 12

Attendance Record 13

Debtors tab link to corporate finance system 13

Maintenance - Immunisation recording 14

Look Up – Immunisation Codes 14

Inclusion Support Programme 15

Summary Changes: 15

Service Agreements & Timesheets 15

CCMS Enrolment 15

IS Case Claim 16

Innovative Solutions Cases 19

Query Innovative Solutions Case Claims 19

Query Innovative Solutions Cases 19

General look and feel updates for Version 7.0

Double click on Ribbon Bar

If you double click in the ribbon bar it will “hide”, to bring it back, click on any of the Ribbon bar names.

Roll through the ribbon bars

Single click on a ribbon bar; use the mouse wheel to roll the various ribbon bars to locate the one you want.

This works only when a button/screen is not open.

Buttons – greyed instead of imprint

instead of

Instead of ......

Application Exit

Exit application only exists on the Home Ribbon

Search Button updated

Where you need to search for an application the binoculars button has been updated throughout the system.

Was is now

System Group

Included within the Administration Ribbon

Vacation Care

Centre selected and Staff (who is logged in) display on every ribbon.

Home Ribbon

Displays the most used areas of the system as buttons

SQLServer screen

Authority/Informix screen

Reg Maint will never be accessible on the Home ribbon for Authority/Informix Users.

-  Application Exit is only on the Home Ribbon

-  Click the Reports button to see a reorganised reports screen. Or select the Reports ribbon to access the top 6 groups.

Centre Ribbon

Combined access to all the Centre specific details.

Use this ribbon to:

‘Set Current’ Centre

Create Program Templates

Record Centre & Program details, Staff and review Alerts specific to the Centre.

Administration Ribbon

Configuration button has an arrow indicating there are additional items in this group.

Year Details – record the annual dates as well as CCB/CCR details here when advised by CCMS.

Care Period - record the site specific Periods for Programs run at your site’s Centres.

System Group

-  User Security was previously labelled Operator Profile/Security Access

-  Templates grants access to the module specific, User definable Word Templates.

-  Logos is where your site can add links to multiple logos to use when printing Xpedite provided reports

CCMS Ribbon

Message Logging – click this button to change the setting to ‘Enabled’.

You must also run and enable the same setting in the CCMS.exe

Used to create XML of the transactions being sent to and returned from CCMS.

Maximise your screen to see complete details of each button on the CCMS ribbon.

Some buttons/headings appear too small to read the details when the screen size is made smaller –access continues to work in this smaller display.

Message Logging

Message logging is used in conjunction with the CCMS.exe module.

Set to Enabled and start CCMS.exe to record the XML details for specific CCMS troubleshooting.

Click on the coloured circle to Enable/Disable.

Batch Ribbon

All the items previously located in the Batch Menu are on this ribbon.

Each item has retained their number in the processing order, read from left to right across the screen.

Added a new group to the Batch Ribbon – Enrolment Charges

Enrolment Charges details were previously only found through the List Timesheets screen

Updated the screen to include Set ‘Post Next Run’ button

This button when clicked, will update the Post Next Run check. (ensuring ALL Charges will be Posted in the next Batch to Finance)

Reports Ribbon

Each of the 6 regularly used group of reports has an icon on the Reports ribbon

Click the Group required, then make your standard selection.

For other groups of reports in Vacation, use the Home Ribbon Reports button

Help Ribbon

The Help Ribbon is common to all Xpedite modules.

-  Refresh Profile

-  Visit – takes you to Xpedite’s Website –

-  About – will display a splash screen with details of the Database Version, Product Version etc. Click on the splash screen to close it.


Child Details

Indigenous Status - New Child/Family Record (10776)

Indigenous Status has been made mandatory when recording a New Child using the input wizard.

In this example when Next is selected before recording an Indigenous Status – the warning will display.

For previously recorded Children, where the Indigenous Status has not yet been recorded on the CALD tab, opening the Child Record – usually to record a booking will show the same Warning when the record is saved.

Record an Indigenous Status response, save the record.

Indigenous Status is passed to CCMS in the Child’s CCMS Enrolment. Next time you update the CCMS enrolment the updated Indigenous Status details will be passed.

Immunisation details (10733)

Added facility to record Immunisation details for each Child Record

Added button access to the Child screen – button color changes to yellow highlight when details of Immunisation(s) have been recorded.

-  Tick the box to indicate Immunisations have been Given

-  Enter a Date given

-  Save the change

Attendance Record

Debtors tab link to corporate finance system

Changed the message when checking Debtor Account balance.

When there is no link to your Council’s Finance system you will see this message.

Click OK to see the next screen

Maintenance - Immunisation recording

Look Up – Immunisation Codes

Using your State Vaccination Schedule record the names of the Immunisations.

Administration tab

-  Select the Configuration button

-  Then Immunisations

-  Record Age Codes initially

Immunisation Age

Create Age codes as required for your service – in this example we’ve added 5 years for all immunisations due prior to school age.

Age Codes are entered using either Month or Year

The system uses this code to indicate overdue immunisations

Immunisation Schedule

Select the name of the Immunisation then add the Age. Tick the box to indicate the immunisation is required.

Inclusion Support Programme

Refer to communications from Education- IPSP: regarding Inclusion Support Programme details

Summary Changes:

Added new Innovative Solutions Cases and Claims

Service Agreements & Timesheets

-  Submitting session details to CCMS for IS Attendances is no longer required. Making the need to record a ISS specific Programs defunct.

-  The ISS column is now a legacy column – for viewing past details only.

-  Submit only the standard entries of Care on the Child’s timesheet

-  Attendance records including Programs marked as ISS will NOT submit to CCMS – they will fail – please remove any from your bookings/attendance records.

CCMS Enrolment

Information supplied by CCMS in the Child’s CCMS enrolment has changed.

Please review your enrolments with Inclusion Support.

IS Case Claim

IS Case Claims screen has expanded details required for the submission of the Claim for payment.

-  Hours Claimed now require Dates provided and number of hours for the date

-  Non Face to Face hours claimed is limited to a percentage of the IS Case Hours – refer to your program guidelines for details.

IS Case Claim details

Record the Case ID – from the Child’s CCMS Enrolment or the Query IS Cases screen

Week Ending date is required – submit this data AFTER the Attendance records have been sent to CCMS for processing

IS Payment Type – Centre Based Care has 5 types – these are included in the drop down list

Service Provision is either Face-to-Face or Non Face-to-Face (absent child)

Additional Educators

More information is now collected for Staff providing the Additional Care

-  When making a Claim submission agree to the Additional Educator Declaration

-  Use the white button to look up the Additional Educator CCMS Personnel ID (refer to Staff screen/CCMS Personnel button all personnel require a CCMS Personnel ID)

-  Record the Hours then the Care Date provided by this Staff member. Repeat for each date hours of IS where provided.

-  SAVE for each line of detail

-  Repeat the process for each Staff and dates Care was provided


New - for each Case Claim link the CCMS Enrolment ID of each Child who is linked to the IS Case.

Look up the Enrolment ID using the white button

Click the binoculars

Use Child ID or name details to search for the Enrolment ID

When located, Save the entry.

Innovative Solutions Cases

The Query IS Innovative Solutions Case Interface is used to query DSS for information on the Centre’s IS Innovative Solutions Case records.

2 Query screens included accessed via the menu:

-  Query Innovative Solutions Case Claims

-  Query Innovative Solutions Cases

Query Innovative Solutions Case Claims

Query Innovative Solutions Cases

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