Created by Kerry Moody
Week Beginning: 5.11.2012 (4 days) / PLC: People who help us - Who are the different people who help me? / Week: PLC1Key Question:Who helps me at home?
Time / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday8:50 / Carpet session 1: Register and news from the weekend Introduce children to key question of the week. / Carpet session 1: Register and Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet session 1: Register and Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet session 1: Register and Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet session 1: Register then Whole School Celebration Assembly
9:15 / Physical Development : KM/LSm
Setting up continuous Provision/ Outdoor Activities then
Ind Readers / Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT: Ind Readers/HandwritingHLTA: Ind Readers/Handwriting
TA: Cont Prov/ Outside Act / Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT: Cont Prov/ Outside Act
HLTA: Ind Readers/Handwriting
TA: Ind Readers/Handwriting / Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT: Ind Readers/Handwriting
HLTA: Cont Prov/ Outside Act
TA: Ind Readers/Handwriting
Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
TA: Cont Prov/ Outside Act
HLTA: Ind Readers/Handwriting
Children: / Children: / Children: / Children:
9.45 / Carpet session 2: Mathematics
Obj:N30-50d, f, h; 40-60e, g, h, I, j.
Warm Up:Count to 20, use different voices. Count to 20 from different starting points forwards/ backwards.
Main Teaching Session:
Key Vocab: number names, count, count on from, check, how many?, estimate
WALT: Count up to 10 objects carefully.
Show the children a selection of tins containing different numbers of objects from around the classroom. Ask chn to estimate how many objects they think there are. How can we find out?Invite individuals to count the objects. Suggest strategies for accuracy – moving objects out of/into the tin, lining objects up and counting along the line. Invite another child to check the count. Emphasise importance of checking and using strategies accurately. Choose 2 groups of objects for chn to compare using more/ less/ fewer. Ask chn to match numeral and quantity correctly using digit cards / Carpet session 2: Mathematics
Obj:N30-50d, f, h; 40-60e, g, h, I, j.
Warm Up:Sing “10 Green Bottles”, using laminated green bottles.
Main Teaching Session:
Key Vocab: number names, count, count back, one less, one more, check
WALT: Count up to 10 objects carefully. Use the words more/ less/ fewer to compare 2 groups of objects.
Put the 10 bottles on the Teaching Board. Move some of them into a hoop placed in the middle of the board How many bottles are in the hoop? How many are outside the hoop? Which group contains more/ less/ fewer?
Remove the bottles from the hoop and invite individuals to come out and make a set of bottles for a given number they have chosen from the magic number bag. (display the numeral).Repeat questioning as before. Ask another child to check the set.Remind children of strategies for accurate counting.
Repeat focus using counting ITP / Carpet session 2: Mathematics
Obj:N30-50c, d,f, m; 40-60e, g, h, j, m
Warm Up:Put a variety of objects on tables near to the carpet. Ask two or three children to fetch a given number of objects from the different places.Who got their objects first?
Main Teaching Session:
Key Vocab: number names, count, check, how many, first, second, third
WALT: Say what 1 more/ 1less up to 10. Use the words more/ less/ fewer to compare 2 groups of objects.
Children count how many claps teacher does. Ask what would one more/less be? Repeat with a variety of sounds and actions, including beats on musical instruments.
Put two irregular arrangements of dots/squares/cars etc. using Easiteach/ ITP counting. Invite individuals to count each set and label with the correct numeral. Ask the class to say which set has more/ fewer or less in it.
Demonstrate how to compare the two amounts directly. / Carpet session 2: Mathematics
Warm Up:Play ‘Action Numbers’ eg clap the numbers, two claps for 2. Ask what will happen when I point to 0. Do numbers in order first. Change the actions. Do numbers in random order.
Main Teaching Session:
Key Vocab:Number names, count
How many?, one more, one less, How many now?, more/less than
compare, enough, bigger, smaller, greater, fewer)
Use rub and reveal on the IWB to reveal a picture of policemen. How many policemen o you think there are? How could we check? How many would there be if we added 1/ removed 1?Show a second picture of helmets. How many do the police need for everyone to have a helmet?Are there enough helmets to go round?Compare visually first then count and compare. Model matching objects to quantity to check.
Repeat with e.g. hammers for builders, hoses for fire fighters
10:00 / Carpet session 2: Mathematics
INSET / Adult Led Activity
Obj: N30-50d, e, f, m; 40-60b, d, f
Children using their own wbs to make marks to represent numbers given, eg. Draw 3 tally marks (lines). Write the number that goes with it?
Try asking children to draw one more/rub one mark out and ask them ‘How many now?’Repeat with different marks and shapes eg. dots, circles, crosses etc.Children practise writing numerals 0-6. TA models writing these numerals. / Adult Led Activity
Obj: N30-50e, g, h,j, l
Provide chn with a set of cards displaying irregular arrangements of up to 10 stars. Ask the chn to count the stars and arrange them in ascending order. Can they order these from biggest to smallest?How could we record how many stars are on each card?Provide chn with numeral cards and ask them to match the numeral to the correct quantity. HLTA to model forming numerals 0 to 10 correctly. All chn practise writing the numerals 0 to 10 beneath the matching numeral. Ask: Which no is 1 more than..? Which no is 1 less than…? Which no comes between … and …? Which no is more than/ less than/ fewer than/ greater than/ bigger than/ smaller than? Which card shows the most/ least amount of stars? How do you know? / Adult Led Activity
Obj: N30-50e, g, h, j, l, ELGi
As MA but using a set of cards displaying irregular arrangements of up to 20 stars. See previous adult activities for key questions.
Children:CT Observations/ Identified Focus Groups from AFL / Children: LA Rainbow Fish
CT/HLTA/TA / Children: MA Hungry caterpillars
CT/HLTA/TA / Children: MA Elmers
CT/HLTA/TA / Children: HA Gruffalos
10:20 / PLAYTIME
10:35 / Carpet session 3: L&S
INSET / Carpet session 3: L&S
Recall – s/ a/ t/ p/ i/ n/ m/ d/ g/ o/ c /k/ ck/ e/ u/ r using flashcards/ action/songs.
Practise high frequency word: a, at, as to, get, got, the, is, it, in, an, I, and, on, not, into, can, no, go, back, put.Make using word cards on phoneme frames. Sentence building using flashcards.
Play Quickwrite letters p 55. Use the initial sound objects : Play ‘Pass the sound box round and round. All chn write initial sound. / Carpet session 3: L&S
Teach tricky words no, go, his, him p64
Teach ‘h’ using action/song (see also p51 of L&S for ideas).
Play sound buttons p58: had, him, has, his, hot, hut, hop, hum, hit, hat, hack, hug.
Oral blending play action game with actions/sounds for hat, hot, hop, hit, hum, hug. Perform the action and ask children to sound out / Carpet session 3: L&S
Recall – s/ a/ t/ p/ i/ n/ m/ d/ g/ o/ c /k/ ck/ e/ u/ r/ h using flashcards.
Teach ‘b’ using action/song
Carousel of activities:
- Speed sounds books green/purple
- Phase 2 matching captions game
- HFW – make and write magnetic letters.
Full circle p63: bet, Ben, hen, hem, him, dim, dip, sip, sit, set, bet. / Carpet session 3: L&S
Practise ‘h and b’ using action/ song.
Blending for reading:
Sound buttons (and lines for ck where 2 letters make one sound) p58 as follows: buck, peck, back, and hat.
Practise reading no, go, his, him.
Practice writing the, and, to flashcards p64.
Demonstration writing p67. Write the following caption:
The rabbit is on the pot.
11:00 / Carpet Session 4: CLL
Obj:(LA30-50a, 40-60a; S30-50c, h, 40-60d; R30-50d, h, j, 40-60f, g)
WALT: Think about and talk about different kinds of writing we receive through the post.
Look at a picture of a person who delivers the mail. Who do you think this is? What do they do? Talk about the way they help people to keep in touch. What kinds of things have they received through the post?Show chn the different types of mail – letters, brochures, ads, magazines, postcards, etc and sort in groups. Categorise these groups. Share Interactive book: The journey of a letter.
Discuss: What are some reasons to write letters? What type of letter would you write if someone gave you a gift? What type would you write if you broke someone’s toy? What type would you write if you were having a party? Do you like to get mail?What do you need to post something? address/stamp/envelope
Share text: The Jolly Postman by Janet and Allan Ahlberg, spend time exploring each of the different pockets and engage the chn in talking about the variety of postcards, cards and letters that the postman delivered. Discuss which part they enjoyed and why?. Which of the characters do you recognise? Which story do they belong to? Explain that all of the characters in the story are from different Fairy tales/ Traditional Tales. Which ones are the chn familiar with? / Carpet Session 4: CLL
Obj:R30-50d, e, f, h, I, j; 40-60e, f, g,
WALT: sequence events in a story using a story map.
Re- read the Jolly Postman. As a class, recall the characters of the story. Who did the Jolly Postman deliver a letter to? What do you know about these characters? Where have you seen them before?
Try and place the characters in the order they were visited.
- 3 Bears
- Wicked Witch
- Giant
- Cinderella
- Wolf
- Goldilocks
Obj:W30-50a, b; 40-60a, b, d, e, g, h.
WALT: Write a card to say thank you.
Recap the previous day’s lesson, can children remember the title of the book, author. What kind of letters did each of the characters receive? What did the Jolly postman deliver to Goldilocks and why? What kind of cards have the chn received? Why else might we send someone a card? Remind chn that we are thinking about who helps us at home and how? Discuss briefly. Explain that it is important to say thank you to the people who help us and one way of doing this is by sending a thank you card. Model writing a thank you card from one of the chn to someone at home. / Carpet Session 4: CLL
Obj:(R30-50j, k, n, p; 40-60e, g, h; ELGi, iii, iiii)
Share the interactive text and poster ‘I am the Postman’ with the children. Talk about how the style of a storyboard created by the individual boxes helps us to follow Gurmail’s routine during a day at work. What does he do first/next/last? Invite the children to make a storyboard of a typical day in their own lives, or in the life of someone special to them. Refer to the poster for ideas about illustrations, text and layout. Invite the children to help you read the print on the poster. What information do we find out from the words we read? Talk about how speech is written in bubbles. What are the people saying? Read the word ‘Vroom!’ What does this refer to? How useful are the clock faces?
11:30 / Adult Led Activity
G. Reading/ G. Writing
INSET / Adult Led Activity: G. Reading/ G. Writing/ G. Talk
Obj: (W30-50a; 40-60a, d, e, f, g, h, partial ELGi, ii)
(Key vocab: help, helpful, names of people, author, illustrator)
Support chn in the writing area to make ‘People who help me at home’ books in the shape of a house.
AIA: Remind chn of the discussions about people who help them at home. Show them the house shaped books and explain that they are going to make a book about the people who help them at home. Show the chn the pages and together count them. Ask chn to say who they would like to draw in their books. Give each child a book and ask them to begin to draw one of the people they have suggested on the first page. Encourage them to put in details so that the person can be identified.
HA/MA: Help chn to label their drawing by supporting their application of phonics.
LA: Support chn labelling their drawing through either overwriting or using a word mat from which to copy words.
When all four pages have been completed, decorate the front cover with house features. Show chn examples of author’s and illustrator’s names on book covers and explain that they are the author and illustrator, use this as an opportunity for chn to practise writing both first and surnames on their own book covers. / Adult Led Activity
CT Observations/ Identified Focus Groups from AFL
HLTA: Spellings and
Handwriting Focus
Children: HA Gruffalos
CT/HLTA/TA / Children: MA Elmers
CT/HLTA/TA / Children: MA Hungry Caterpillars
CT/HLTA/TA / Children: LA Rainbow Fish
CT/HLTA/TA / Children:CT Observations/ Identified Focus Groups from AFL
11:50-12:00 / PSED/ Singing:
Handwashing & Lunchtime
1:00 / Carpet Session 5: Register and
Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet Session 5: Register and
Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet Session 5: Register and
Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet Session 5: Register and
Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet Session 5: Register and
Wake & Shake – Take 10
1:15 / Carpet Session 6:
INSET / Carpet Session 6:
Obj: SCSA 30-50e; 40-60a; MR40-60a, b; MFB ELGi.
Introduce the PLC and LC for the week through involving children in sharing their experiences about people who help them at home.
Look at pictures of homes. Talk about all the jobs that have to be done to look after homes. Discuss the variety of cleaning, decorating and gardening tasks and the ways chn might be able to help. Which jobs do chn enjoy doing? (PC40-60a; ELGi) / ICT Skills:
Developing mouse and keyboard skillsLogging on to Purple Mash - Using 2Simple City to Encourage Independent ICT Work in the EYFS
WALT: Log on to a virtual city and use the mouse to move to the different locations.
Explain that the program we are going to use is a virtual city where we can visit different locations to find out more about the different jobs of people in our community.
Briefly explain and model how to navigate around before giving chn time to explore the programme independently.
Support chn around the room in how to operate its video controls and givesome direct guidance in how to use the program to maximum effect (e.g. highlighting to them how to click on some of the objects in the drag-and-drop scenes to make them animate) / Physical Development –
See separate planning sheet
Val Sabin Gymnastics 4-5 Years N/R Reception Introductory Unit Lessons 1 and 2.WALT: Use space safely; recognise directions and travel with control; identify and use different parts of the body and work co-operatively to move simple apparatus. (MH30-50a, d; 40-60a, c, d, ELGi, ii, iii; HSc30-50f; 40-60c, d, e,f; ELGi, ii; links with C&L U30-50c; 40-60a, d; PSED SCSA30-50d; 40-60b; ELGi, iii)
Lesson 1: Tracks 21& 1, cones, tambourine & mats
Lesson 2: Tracks 15& 1, cones, tambourine & mats / Carpet session 6: L&S
Carousel of activities:
- Speed sounds books green/purple
- Phase 2 matching captions game
- HFW – make and write magnetic letters.
Physical Development/Creative Development (Music): –
1:45 / Adult Led Activity
INSET / Adult Led Activity
Obj: (EMM30-50g, h, I; 40-60c, d, e; ELGii; BI30-50j; 40-60a)
TA: AIAPaint portraits of the people who help chn at home. Use pasta to decorate the edge of large sheets of card. When dry , paint the pasta with gold or silver paint and use the pasta frames to display the portraits.
CT: Outside Activities/ Observing/ Ind Readers / See MTP Spring 4 RE/ SEAL Plans: Getting On and Falling Out
Obj: (MR 30-50c,d; 40-60a; ELG; SCSA 40-60b; MFB ELG work as part of a group/class – links with CLL LA 40-60a)
TA: AIA Remind the children circle time skills:
Eyes to see, Ears to hear, Mouth to speak, Head to think, Hands in lap to concentrate
Resources:Story of Squeak and Snappy p15
Circle time: – See also blue book for games & rounds.
- Children to stand in a circle. Each child to take a turn to say their name and stamp their foot three times.
- Ask one child to change places with another in the circle.
- Read “Squeak and Snappy” using puppets (stop at what went wrong) p15
Rotate on a carousel basis:
2:05 / Whole School Assembly
2:30 / Adult Led Activity
TA: Outside Activities/ Observing/ Ind Readers / Adult Led Activity