Principles of Human Services Policy Sheet
Jennifer Carver
Room A203
Conference: 5thperiod
Course Overview:
This laboratory course will enable students to investigate careers in the human services career cluster, including counseling and mental health, early childhood development, family and community, and personal care services. Each student is expected to complete the knowledge and skills essential for success in high-skill, high-wage, or high-demand human services careers.
Textbooks are your responsibility of the student to whom it is issued. Lost, misplaced or damaged books should be reported to the instructor immediately. If your textbook is damaged when you use it, please inform the instructor as to the extent and type of damage.
If homework is taken up (… and the students should always assume it will be!!), it is due on the scheduled date and anything late will report in points being deducted, except in the case of an absence. In lieu of taking up some homework assignments, a daily quiz may be given.
Lab Rules:
All of the lab rules must be followed must be followed.. If a student is found breaking the lab rules he or she will not be allowed to participate in other labs. The student will be given an alternative assignment. This policy is strictly enforced because SAFETY is extremely important.
Major Exams:
A major exam is predominately objective but will consist of multiple choice, fill in the blank and some open ended questions.
Those students who find they are in need of help are encouraged to attend tutoring sessions. Do not hesitate to come during any of the tutoring session times after school on Tuesday or Thursdays.
Makeup Policy:
In accordance with district policy, it is the student’s responsibility to consult with the teacher upon return to school about work to be made up. This includes and assignments that were made or completed during the absence.
If an absence involves a test or quiz day, the student is expected to make up the missed work the day he/she returns to school. If this presents a problem, the student must counsel with the instructor about when the work will be made up. The student must contact the teacher by the end of the day the student returns to school. Please DO NOT attempt to resolve makeup issues during a regular class time.
Late Work Policies for All CTE Classes
Day 1 – Turned in on time. Student will receive a possibility of 100 points.
Day 2 – Turned in one day late. Student will receive a possibility of 85 points.
Day 3 – Turned in two days late. Student will receive a possibility of 70 points.
Day 4 – Turned in three days late. Student will receive a possibility of 50 points.
Day 5 – Not turned in. Student will receive a 0.
Grades will fall under two categories.
Daily- 40%
Major- 60%
Parent Conference:
Parent conferences are encouraged and will be scheduled by appointment.
I require that each student brings a pencil or pen to write with EVERYDAY. Please have a designated folder for this class. The folder needs to have the class policy and student expectation handout in it at all times.
Looking Forward To An Exciting Year!
Setting Up Remind…. Instructions Below