REPORT - April 2008 to September 2008
Goal: To facilitate creative and value based teachers for the present education system who is also responsible in creating the good society.
· To make the teachers aware of the nature, purpose, problems and issues of elementary education,
· To empower them to evolve need based community specific and child centered pedagogy including indigenous learning systems,
· To make them understand/appreciate the advantages of ICT and empower them to use the same in the class,
· To give an elementary knowledge of inclusive, physical, yogic, health and citizenship education in the common school system,
· To create environmental awareness with the intent of promoting its protection/preservation,
· To prepare them to use the latest constructivist pedagogy and evaluation techniques and
· To enable them to impart value education and life skills education.
Location : Hosahalli, Beeramballi post, Heggadadevanakote taluk
Mysore district 571116,Karnataka
Telephone: 08228 211598 , 08228 263611
Service area: All Districts in Karnataka.
Facilities available : Class rooms, Laboratory for Experiential Learning in Psychology, Physics, Chemistry & Biology, Resource centre with varied Learning aids, Library with 3000 books, 224 audio cassettes, CD ROMs L.C.D. Projecter. O.H.P, Playground with all kinds of sports facilities, Food and Accomodation, Health facilities.
Duration of the course: 2 years (4 Semesters)
Beneficiaries: 1st and 2nd year 100 students
The curriculum of teacher education is designed by the National Council for Teacher Education. The theoretical and practical contents are followed as per the guidance. The components of child psychology, psychology of teaching and learning, elementary cultural anthropology, Indian cultural heritage and philosophy, essential unity of religion, history, problems and status of elementary education, integrated approach to curriculum transaction and evaluation techniques, use of ICT, elementary and need based yogic exercises and physical education, organization of school, group and individual educational activities, working with community and work education, aesthetic education, pedagogy of school subjects, art of productive and happy living, building of educational climate, organization of field trips for educational activities, protection of environment, inclusive education, emerging Indian society and educational trends, remedial teaching, content of elementary education all these content will be planned as per the year calendar and respective teacher educators will conduct classes for the same.
For imparting practical experiences, internship of substantial duration, practice teaching of curriculum transaction, observation of model lessons, preparation of school records, beautification of schools, and implementation of action research are included in the practice of education. Supervision of practical activities are the joint responsibility of the schools and colleges of teacher education. The following suggested curriculum frame work adopted for this purpose.
Curriculum Framework for Elementary School
Teacher Education
- Principles, Status, Issues and Problems of Elementary Education,
- Emerging Indian Society (Regional Specifity be emphasized) & Elementary Education,
- Philosophy of Elementary Education – Main trends in the Indian and Western context,
- Psychology of teaching and learning of Elementary School Child,
- Sociology of Education and Cultural Anthropology for elementary school teacher,
- Integrated Approach to Teaching in the Elementary Schools,
- Peace education and Social Harmony
- Environmental Education,
- Elementary Education in other countries,
- ICT in Elementary School,
- Health, hygiene, life skills and physical education,
- Nutrition and balance of diet,
- Safety Education and Disaster Management,
- Management, Finance and Planning of Elementary Education,
- Teaching of Mother tongue and regional language,
- Evaluation in elementary education,
- Guidance & Counseling,
- Aesthetic Education,
- Inclusive education,
- Life skill education,
- Pedagogical analysis of school subjects,
Any other need based programme.
Practical Activities
- Internship at Elementary School for a duration of one semester,
- Communication Skills – Mother Tongue and Regional language and Foreign language,
- Delivering of 60 supervised lessons,
- Plantation and water harvesting,
- Energy harvesting,
- Soil & grassland management,
- Celebration of local festivals,
- Work Experience,
- Organisation of Games and Sports,
- Community Interaction,
- Disaster Management and safety education,
- Scouting & Girl Guiding,
- Action Research, Case Study, Field Work,
- Activities for Self-Expression,
- Visit to Local fairs & historical sites,
- Nature Study,
- Beautification of School,
- Cleanliness and personal hygiene of Student,
- Evaluation of Answer Scripts,
- Preparation of Tests to measure cognitive and non-cognitive abilities – Diagnostic tests and Remedial teaching,
- Preparation of Exam Results,
- Aesthetic Education,
- Maintenance of school and student records
Any other need based activity,
Evaluation: The prospective teachers are made aware of new evaluation techniques and grading system. Its purpose is to improve performance and develop the capacity for self-evaluation. The present mixture of internal and external evaluation is to be replaced by internal evaluation only in course of time. The whole concentration is on bringing self-improvement in the development of professional competency and performance competencies. Evaluation done in both formative and summative system and continuous as well as comprehensive.
Brief descriptions about the activities:
Dated 01-04-08 to 05-04-08: A workshop was held on Microteaching. All the teacher educators and student took part. The main aim of this workshop was to make adopt the teaching skills in student teachers by gaining mastery in them and help to become an effective teacher. It was also useful in adopting the skills for forty minutes teaching.
Dated 17-04-08 to 19-04-08 : N.S.S camp was held at Karapura in H.D. Kote taluk. The main objective of this camp was to provide good citizenship training and orientation towards civic sense. Teacher educators and second year D.Ed students took part in this workshop. The resource persons addressed the group on the relevant topic on Forest conservation, Civic sense, Volunteerism in work, Social service. All the students voluntarily took part in cleaning the village. The students and teacher educators also took community participation to make the camp successful.
Dated from 01-05-08 to 02-05-08
A workshop was held on ‘Creative methods of teaching English’ for second year D.Ed students by Smt.Nalini, Experienced English Teacher educator who is presently working in Bangalore.
Dated 13-05-08: Annual review meeting was conducted by Education coordinator Ms.Malathi in College campus with teacher educators and Principal of D.Ed College. In the review meeting discussed all the administrative issues like Admission, Budget, Recruitment, Hostel issues and also Academic programs were discussed like whether the syllabus was covered as per plan, Cultural and sports activities and Educational trips was organized and conducted as per the year Calendar.
Dated 20-05-08 to 21-05-08 : Nature camp was conducted by Environmentalist Mr. Rajkumar in Bandipur National Park on Wild life conservation for the second year D.Ed students. The students stayed in the forest with the science educators for 2 days and discussed with the resource person about the importance of environment awareness.
On 12/6/2008 For 2nd year D.Ed students one day workshop was conducted by HCL Software Company on usage of internet and creating email and how to use technology for effective classroom teaching.
Dated 02-06-08: A workshop was conducted on Critical pedagogy and its implications in the classroom practices for all the students and teacher educators. The resource person was Mr.Sathish who is a well known Educationist and also a science teacher in one of the reputed education institution in Mysore named Demonstration school. This helped our teacher educators and students to understand and adopt new techniques in teaching and classroom management.
Dated 13-06-08: Chaithanya –I and II a workshop on Experiential and activity oriented teaching techniques was conducted by the resource persons Mr. John Kennedy in Science and Smt.Jayashree in English for 1st year D.Ed students.
Dated 16-06-08 : Chaithanya tarani workshop on preparing teaching aids for all subjects in elementary level was conducted by resource person Mr.Mahadevaiah in Kannada for 1st year D.Ed students.
Dated 02-07-08 to 30- 09-08 : 2nd year D.Ed students were deputed for three months to different government schools for practice teaching classes (internship) by the block education office.
Dated 02-07-08 : Chaitanya tarani workshop was conducted by Ramashetty on activity oriented teaching in Mathematics and Mr.Ramnath conducted workshop on Chaitanya-I in teaching methodology for higher primary school children. The resource persons were trained and deputed from the government department. This workshop was organized for the 1st year D.Ed students.
Dated 15-07-08: Deputation of first year D.Ed students for teaching practice in five higher primary government schools and our tribal school. This block teaching practice was conducted for 40 continuous days for 50 students. The students classes were observed by the educators and inputs were given simultaneously.
Dated 21-07-08 to 22 -07-08 : All the teacher educators participated in D.Ed educators training program organized by Karnataka Education Network at Bangalore for 2 days. The training was on Activity oriented teaching in Maths, Kannada, English, and Social Science. The training program was very useful for the teacher educators.
August 2008
Dated: 03-08-08 – Chaitanya-II training was conducted on multigrade teaching by a resource person Mr. Ramanath. All the teacher educators and D.Ed students were present. The purpose of this programme was to guide our students regarding Multi Grade Teaching techniques. The out come of this programme is to give skills and activity based teaching for students.
Dated: 15-08-08 – Independence Day was celebrated with a view to respect our national symbols and remember the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for our mother land which motivated our student teachers to develop such qualities like nationalism, unity, sacrifice etc. First D.Ed students gave a dance programme which attracted the audience.
Cultural Competition: On 22-08-08 State level D.Ed college students Cultural Competition was held at “Sri Ram Chandra education trust” at Chamaraja nagara. Our students also took part in that Competition and Shilpashree of 2nd D.Ed got a consolation prize.
Montessori programme: - On 24-08-08 a seminar was conducted on Montessori system of education by resource person Mr.Anantha padmanabha, Director of Indian Montessori Centr, Bangalore. He stressed the importance of Montessori system of education wherein the students were really impressed and highly motivated about the importance of Montessori education.
DATED: 11-9-2008: Teachers’ day was celebrated in memory of the birth day of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. All the teacher educators and D.Ed students took part. The main aim of this programme was to make the student teachers to know the idea of Radhakrishnan regarding education and make them to become good teachers.
Swami Vivekananda in the year 1893 on 11th of September represented India and spoke on India and its greatness in Chicago on the eve of religious conference. To remember the event and the great speech we celebrated by conducting the quiz program about this program and all the students participated in this program. The teacher educators also participated by giving the speech of Chicago’s program.
On 24th September 2008 a workshop was conducted by Dr.lalitha appachchu on creative teaching in English for 1st year D.Ed students. On the same day the students also observed the classes of Montessori pre school section in Sargur. After the classroom observation they also interacted with the Montessori teachers and took inputs from them.
Admission started for the new batch from 1st of September 2008. The Karnataka secondary board of education will select 25 merit students from all over Karnataka and remaining 25 seats will be selected by the College.
Breakup of the D.Ed students for the year 2008-09
Standard / Boys / Girls / Total1st year / 23 / 27 / 50
2nd year / 37 / 12 / 49
Total / 60 / 39 / 99
Break up of the D.Ed Students Caste wise for the year 2008-09
Caste / 1st year / 2nd year / TotalTribal students / 11 / 09 / 20
Others / 39 / 40 / 79
Total / 50 / 49 / 99
Note: Details of 7 tribal students are enclosed in word file.
Education Co ordinator