I-SEM Programme
Change Request & Impact Assessment Form / JCR323
Section 1: CHANGE REQUEST DETAILS (to be completed by CR Originator)
CR Title: / Splitting of Existing Milestone#174 “Central Systems Ready”
CR Description & Reason for submission: / In line with the discussion and direction set at the Project Managers’ Group Meeting of 20 September 2017, the TSO proposes to split their existing internal milestone #174 (Central Systems Ready for Market Trial) into the following two milestones:
  1. #174aCentral Systems Ready to Commence Market Trial (30 November 2017)
The planned date by which the central systems which are necessary to commence the Market Trial are fully developed and tested, ready for operation in the Market Trial. By necessary, it is those central systems which are required to operate Scenarios 1 to 4 of the Market Trial. Note that Market Trial Scenarios will be defined in the Market Trial Participant Guidebook.
  1. #174bCentral Systems Ready to Complete Market Trial (29 January 2018)
The planned date by which the full suite of central systems are fully developed and tested, ready for operation in the Market Trial. These are the systems which are required to complete Scenario 5 “Full Market – Full Functions”, and all subsequent Scenarios of the Market Trial. Note that Market Trial Scenarios will be defined in the Market Trial Participant Guidebook.
This is in line with the preferred approach and detailed plans being discussed by, and developed with, the Market Trial Working Group; that is, tofollow best-practice by progressivelyfeathering-in I-SEM functionality into the Market Trial. As such, not all functionality is required in the early scenarios, as it will not be exercised; notably, the Credit Settlement and Billing (CSB) software is not required to be functional in the Market Trial before Scenario 5 is trialled. Hence, the Trial can commence as scheduled in December 2017, if Milestone #174a is met, and can proceed into the full functionality Scenario #5, if Milestone #174b is met.
Splitting the Milestone therefore allows the appropriate focus on each of these two separate states of readiness, each of which is critical to the success of I-SEM. It also allows for a more informed reporting of those two states of system readiness and understanding by participants. This is not only prudent, it is now absolutely necessary. This is because CSB’s scheduled delivery is later than the other central systems, in order to allow the vendor to make the necessary changes to that system’s functionality to align it to the requirements in the final TSC.
CR Originating Party: / TSOs
CR Sponsor Name: / Rodney Doyle
CR Originator Name: / Ray Porter
CR Originator Email: /
CR Originator Phone: / +44 7986 637 351
CR Date Raised: / 20th September 2017 / Date Required: / 6th October 2017
Section 2: CHANGE REQUEST LOGGING (to be completed by CCC / JPLG)
CR ID: / JCR_323
JPLG Date: / 20thSeptember 2017
CR Priority: / Minimum / Moderate / x / Significant
Impacted Organisation(s): / Core Parties: / Other Impacted Parties (please list):
Date issued for IA: / N/A
Due Date for IA completion:
Section 3: IMPACT ASSESSMENT (to be completed by relevant party)
Name, email and phone number of person completing IA (if different from CR Originator):
Date IA completed and returned:
CR Impact Assessment
CR Estimated Time Impact / Target Date for Completion
CR Estimated Cost Impact (please state £ or €)
Section 4: RECOMMENDATION AND DECISION (to be completed by JPLG)
JPLG Recommendation to JPB: / Approve
Additional notes / comments:
JPB Decision / Recommendation to I-SEM SG (Significant CR only): / <Approve / Defer / Reject>
Additional notes / comments:
I-SEM SG Decision (Significant CR only): / <Approve / Defer / Reject>
Additional notes / comments:
Implementation Date: / <The date by which the change needs to be implemented>