Interreligious Eco-Justice Network
What People are saying about This Old House of Worship…
“As a result of the This Old House of Worship class, at FirstChurch in Middletown we have done the following:
- We relamped our Sanctuary with compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) which brought our total lighting load in that space from 8800 watts down to 1598 watts, or 6212 watts reduction. It is also brighter and more inviting, especially under the balcony in our previously underused side pews. In 1.5 yrs we have only replaced one CFL bulb due to burnout, saving us on maintenance time as well.
- We are installing two ceiling fans to maintain air circulation in the Sanctuary and improve ambient temperature.
- Replacing outdoor HID lighting with CFL fixtures to reduce wattage
I must say that I believe this program is invaluable to our CT churches and synagogues…With rising energy costs and few resources available to them, I believe our religious organizations need this type of program now more than ever, if they are to survive the decade.
Steve Jones
“By first investing in affordable energy- and water-saving improvements, we should be able to shave up to $5,000 per year from our electricity, heating, and water bills.
A few examples:
- In winter, our beautiful steeple acts like a chimney, allowing expensive heat to fly out of the building. Our entryway is drafty, with uninsulated glass on the north side, and no way to block heat from going out. Our toilets are old and use far more water than is needed. Our refrigerators are not energy-efficient, and the hot water heater is too big for our needs.
- We can stop the escape of heat through the steeple by insulating the cinderblock wall outside the balcony. By creating a cozy vestibule for the entryway, we can stop the drafts and slow down the heat loss.
- Electricity can be saved and lighting improved, by replacing light bulbs with bright compact fluorescents, and replacing Exit sign bulbs with LED lights. Replacing the old appliances with Energy Star models can start saving money (and energy) the minute they are installed.
- Low-flow toilets save over three gallons of water on every flush, and no one will notice a difference in how they work.”
Nancy Dittes,
Spring Glen Church House
Curt Johnson, Senior Environmental Attorney at CT Fund for the Environment