It is a requirement for all applicants intending to submit an ARC Discovery Indigenous Project proposal for funding in 2015 to submit an NOI (only 1 investigator per DiscoveryIndigenous proposal needs to submit the form on behalf of the project team).

  1. Project leader (1st named Chief Investigator)

Name: / Phone:
School: / Email:
  1. Project title (short descriptive title – plain English/layman’s terms - that is no more than 20 words)
  1. Is this a resubmission of a previously unsuccessful application?

Yes Provide ID number______No

If yes, provide ranking:

Top 10% of unsuccessful Top 25% of unsuccessful Not in top 25% of unsuccessful

If yes, please provide a brief overview of proposed changes to be made to increase chances of success

  1. Proposed Chief Investigators (CIs)

Role / First Name / Family Name / Organisation / Discipline/Input into the Project / % FTE commitment to project
CI / Charles Darwin University
  1. Organisations involved and their roles: Administering Organisation, Other Eligible Organisations (i.e. other universities), Other Organisations (i.e. industry partners)

(please note: partner organisations and cash contributions are not usually a requirement for DI applications)

Organisation Name / Role (collaborating org; partner org) / Indicative cash contribution
per annum / Indicative
in-kind contribution per annum / Confirmed
Charles Darwin University / Administering Organisation
Other Eligible Organisation
Other Organisation
  1. Please provide a summary of the aims of the project (please limit to 300 words).
  1. Briefly describe the approach and methodology you plan to use and why you have chosen this approach? (please limit to 200 words)
  1. What are the expected outcomes of the project? (please limit to 200 words).
  1. How is this project new / novel / innovative? Does it address a significant problem? Please demonstrate evidence of your literature review in answering this (please limit to 300 words).
  1. How does this project align with the Strategic Research Priorities for Australia?

What is the national benefit and impact? Why should this project be funded now (why now factor)? (please limit to 300 words).

  1. What are the roles of each of the named CIs, PIs and their organisations? How does their involvement contribute to the project? (please limit to 300 words)
  1. Which ARC College of Experts panel will the proposal be directed to? If the project is relevant to more than one, answer 1, 2, 3 etc in order of priority

Biological Sciences and Biotechnology (BSB)
Engineering, Mathematics and Informatics (EMI)
Humanities and Creative Arts (HCA)
Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences (PCE)
Social, Behavioural and Economic Sciences (SBE)
  1. Approximate project length and budget to be sought from the ARC

(Please note: The funding rules for DI15state that a proposal must request ARC funding for 3 consecutive years. The minimum budget is $30k per year; the maximum budget is $500k per year.)

ARC $ Request per year
Length of project (years)
  1. Are you planning on also applying for the Discovery Indigenous Award (DIA) to cover the salary of an Indigenous CI on this Proposal?

Yes No

If yes please fill in the following details:

Name of CI who will be applying for DIA
Current salary level
  1. Indicative resources required to conduct this project(to assist in identifying requirements for this project)

ITEM / ARC Requested (comments) / In-kind contributions (comments)
Travel / [Please note that travel costs are limited to a maximum of $50k over the life of the project, not including fieldwork travel.]
  1. Investigator track record – for each named investigator attach:
  • A statement on their most significant contributions to the research field of this proposal (up to 500 words for each investigator)
  • A list of recent significant publications (2004 onwards), split into four categories of:
  • Scholarly books
  • Scholarly book chapters
  • Refereed journal articles
  • Refereed conference papers

Number publications continuously and asterisk the publications relevant to this proposal.

  1. Application development and review process

As a strategy to maximise the quality of CDU’s submissions in this Program, it is strongly recommended that each application is developed in consultation with, and reviewed by, two senior researchers with a strong track record in NCG projects, independent of the Candidate.

Candidates, in consultation with their HOS/Director are to nominate appropriate colleagues who will be consulted during development of the application. Nominees may be external to CDU but must have a strong track record. Nominees should be consulted prior to submission of this form.

Name of advisor/reviewer / School and Institution / Availability confirmed Y/N

CDU Notification of Intent – ARC Discovery Indigenous Projects for funding in 2015

Office of Research and Innovation 29/01/2014