I'm going to talk about the notion places and forms of power. First of all, power is the ability to influence people's behaviour, it can be related to law, money, media, medicine or social interactions and opinions. Some forms of power are criticized and rejected by some people. For example this is the case of money and the consumer society. We can ask the following question: what is the impact of money on the world? To answer this question, I chose two documents. The first is a poem named "money" by Benjamin Zephaniah and the second is a poster entitled "fair trade". I have chosen these documents because they offer two different visions about the power of money.
The first document « money » deals with the bad side of money. Indeed, money is defined as a source of problems, it makes people selfish and isolated, and change the world into something artificial and unrealistic, it values the Rich and disadvantages the Poor. People are manipulated by money,in order to become richer they go so far to kill someone. The artist denounces the consumer society, greed and the inequalities about money. This poem illustrates the notion places and forms of power because it shows that the power of money can have many horrible consequences.
We saw the negative impacts of money through a poem. Now I'm going to approach another side of money.

The second document « fair trade » talks about an alternative form of commerce. On this poster is written « when you choose coffee and fruits and clothes with fair trade you know farmers like me, Moussa from Mali, can support my family, strengthen my community and protect our planet ». There are pictures instead of words to highlight the important things. It encourages to buyfairtrade-markedproducts because this trade allows poor population to work. Moreover, it's green, there is not GMO. The artist wants to show that the fair trade is a good thing and encourages to do a good deed.
It's an interesting illustration of the notion places and forms of power as it shows a good way to use the power of money.
In my opinion, money can be a really good thing when it is used for helping the poor population, the disabled persons or the victims of a natural disaster for example. However, it can be dangerous when people give too much importance to money, and when money leads their lives. Moreover, money creates inequalities between rich who have the advantages and the poor who have the disadvantages. For some sociologists, this is the cause of many problems in the world.
To conclude, there are mixed impacts about the money, it can be have social impacts like the isolation, the fake world that the money creates, the conflicts and death because of money for example. Nevertheless it can be beneficial when it is used for a good cause and helps people in need. We can also relate the second document to the notion idea of progress because the fair trade is an improvement in trade system and in the social conditions.