Booster Club Minutes -- August 4, 2015 -- LPHS Football Stadium

The meeting was called to order and presided by Sharon Redd. Minutes were approved as amended. Treasurer’s report was approved. Note: Returned check from Fan Cloth order has been satisfied including bank fees.

Old Business:

  • Media Guide update (Kathy A): Media guide is progressing. Larger than last year. We have more of both business and student ads. Only Adopt-a-Senior ads are still available. William Lewis is finalizing pages and content. Ads still outstanding need to be submitted asap—realizing that some ads are waiting for picture day.
  • Banquet (Sharon R): date secured on calendar. Need to begin to collect silent auction items.
  • Membership drive (Kathy A): incentives are ordered and will be here by parent meeting.
  • Football Camp Update (Sharon R): going on this week. Thanks to those who have volunteered at registration and concession stand. Pizza is gaining in popularity. Drinks have been the best seller.
  • FanCloth orders (KathyA): orders are in and being distributed at the concession stand. Will need to have the orders at the parent meeting for those athletes who have not picked up. Notice put out on FB of times and locations to pick up orders.
  • 501c3 process (Kim G): need for Sheryl Ford to head up this project. We should qualify for the status with minimal paperwork due the IRS yearly.
  • Future Bulldog update (Lori C): letters are ready to be copied and delivered to school for inclusion in the school opening packets for students. Deadlines and activities reviewed. Have had 3 enroll so far via the internet.
  • Dinner at the Dawg House (Sharon R): Date and time secured. Friday, Aug 28th. 6-8pm at the LPHS Student Center. Minimal decorations will be needed. Menu reviewed. Need sub-varsity players to volunteer to serve the meal that evening. Coach LaReau will have sign up sheet in the field house for volunteer signups. Aprons to be printed for servers. Varsity players and coaches to mingle and interact with the community guests. Coaches will be encouraged to bring their families. Each coach will be introduced and asked to share their football experience and introduce their families. Varsity team will be introduced. Tickets to be sold by booster members and will be given out in lots of 10-also available for purchase at the door. Yard signs to be printed and set out in community that week. Tickets also to be mailed to media guide ad purchasers. Need volunteers for that evening.
  • Pizza vs BBQ (Kim G): Will attempt to secure Pizza set up for the first home game. If well received, will offer pizza at home games instead of BBQ. If Pizza set up not available—will again offer BBQ this year but will need to search out strong group of volunteers to man BBQ pit.
  • Game Meals/Snacks: VARSITY: Thad Nations, athletic trainer, presented meal ideas and needs for the season. SKK will cater varsity meals for $8/player meal/ week. Student athletes will be expected to contribute $2/meal. Nations requested 5-6 parents to help serve pregame meals. Need to be there at 2:15. Nations requested booster underwriting of half time snacks for a few games (oranges/grapes). Nations also requested assistance with snack bags for long bus trip games. Booster will get back with Nations as this is a major expense in its entirety.

SUB VARISTY:LPISD will again provide away game meals for the sub varsity teams. Meal will include 2 ham/cheese sandwiches, fresh fruit and water bottle. Meals will be ready for pickup at 2:30 and trainers will get them to subvarisity coaches for hand out.

New Business:

  • Parent meeting – Saturday Aug 15th. Need volunteers to man stations at meeting
  • Fire Extinguishers: Jennifer not available to help, extinguishers are expensive. Will look at smoke machines and feasibility vs weekly filling of extinguishers.
  • Clean up/weekly set up of Bulldog Run Through Head: need to find reliable volunteers to man this task weekely.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, Aug 11th, 6pm in the football stands.