Approved by the Minister of Social Affairs October31, 2013 with the decree no.122

“Guidelines for grant applicant responding to the fund for bilateral relations

under Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014

programme “Public Health Initiatives”

To be completed by the recipient
Application no. / Click here to enter text.




  1. General information

The objective of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 (Norwegian FM) programme “Public Health Initiatives” is improved public health and reduced health inequalities in health services. The main activities of the programme are related to improvement of mental health services for children, reduction of risk-taking reproductive behaviour and promotion of healthy behaviour and lifestyle.

The aim of the fund for bilateral relations (FBR) is to support and facilitate:

  • search for project partners from donor country Norway and development of such partnerships;
  • operating as cooperation network, exchange, sharing and forwarding of the knowledge, technologies, experience and best practices between the project promoters and Norwegian institutions.

The given form will be used in the evaluation process under the FBR of the Norwegian FM programme „Public Health Initiatives.” We request that all the information of the FBR applicationissubmitted to the Ministry of Social Affairs by the date and time given in the Guidelines and web-page The form must be filled inEnglish.

Before filling and submitting the application form we ask that you carefully read the Guidelines for the FBR as well as the Programme Agreement of the „Public Health Initiatives“ programme.

All the above mentioned documents are available on the programme’s website at

  1. Submission and general data

B.1Submission data
Project title / Click here to enter text.
Deadline for submission / Continuous basis until the 1st of November, 2016 at 12:00 PM (EET)
  1. Applicant information

C.1 Applicant organization
Name of organization (include abbreviation, if applicable) / Click here to enter text. /
Legal status / Click here to enter text. /
Reg. number / Click here to enter text. /
Address / Click here to enter text. /
Zip-code / Click here to enter text. / City/town
/ Click here to enter text. /
Country / Estonia
Phone / Click here to enter text. /
E-mail / Click here to enter text. /
Homepage / Click here to enter text.
C.1.1 Person authorized to sign theproject contract
First name / Click here to enter text.
Last name / Click here to enter text.
Position / Click here to enter text.
Phone / Click here to enter text.
E-mail / Click here to enter text.
C.1.2 Contact person (applicant)
☐ / Check here if same as C.1.1 – Person authorized to sign the project contract and continue with section C.2
First name / Click here to enter text.
Last name / Click here to enter text.
Position / Click here to enter text.
Phone / Click here to enter text.
E-mail / Click here to enter text.
I allow to use contact person’s e-mail address for passing information and submitting documents. / ☐YES / ☐NO
C.2Background of the applicant organization
Please describe the applicant organization's field of activity in general and main activities and highlight the main facts that support the organizations competence and ability to execute the proposed project (including previous experience with similar activities experience in the field, etc.).

Click here to enter text.

C.3 Project Partner (fill in if relevant)
Name of organization (include abbreviation, if applicable) / Click here to enter text.
Legal status / Click here to enter text.
Reg. number / Click here to enter text.
Address / Click here to enter text.
Zip-code / Click here to enter text. / City/town / Click here to enter text.
Country / Click here to enter text.
Phone / Click here to enter text.
E-mail / Click here to enter text.
Homepage / Click here to enter text.
C.3.1 Person authorized to sign the contract with the applicant (project partner)
☐Mrs/Ms / First name / Click here to enter text.
Last name / Click here to enter text.
Position / Click here to enter text.
Phone / Click here to enter text.
E-mail / Click here to enter text.
C.3.2 Contact Person (Project partner)
☐ / Check here if same as C.3.1 – Person authorized to sign the contract(project partner) and continue with sectionD – Applicant's professional background and expertize
☐Mrs/Ms / First name / Click here to enter text.
Last name / Click here to enter text.
Position / Click here to enter text.
Phone / Click here to enter text.
E-mail / Click here to enter text.
C.2 Background of the partner organization
Please describe the partner organization's field of activity in general and main activities and highlight the main facts that support the partner organizations competence and ability to execute the proposed project (including previous experience with similar activities and experience in the field, etc.).

If in addition to the partner mentioned above, there are other entities involved with the project that qualify as partners, please provide their information as exemplified in sections C.3, C.3.1 and C.3.2 to the end of section C.


Name of organization (include abbreviation, if applicable) / Click here to enter text. /
Legal status / Click here to enter text.
Reg. number / Click here to enter text. /
Address / Click here to enter text. /
Zip-code / Click here to enter text. / City/town / Click here to enter text. /
Country / Kingdom of Norway
Homepage / Click here to enter text. /
Contact person[1] / Click here to enter text. /
Phone / Click here to enter text. /
E-mail / Click here to enter text. /
D.1Background of the donor project partner
Please describe donor project partner organization’s main activities and competence in the field and role in the project.

Click here to enter text


E.1 Overview of the project (already approved project or project idea under the 3rd open call)
Please describe the main aim of the project and how it will affect the objectives of the „Public Health Initiatives” programme.

Click here to enter text.

E.2Objective of the bilateral relations proposal
Please describe theobjectives and expected results of the bilateral relationsproposal. Please indicate how using the FBR will support the project proposal or project implementation.

Click here to enter text.

E.3Activities of the bilateral relations proposal
Please describe planned activities. Indicate duration and preliminary schedule, participants, tasks and expected results of the activities.

Click here to enter text

E.4Importance of the cooperation
Please describe the main advantages that your institution could offer to a potential donor project partner and indicate benefit of partnership between the organizations.

Click here to enter text.


Please name the categories of expenses and prices (conference fee, consultant fee, travelling expenses etc.)
Category of Expenses / Unit of measurement (hour, person, etc.) / Unit price / Total
  1. (please insert additional rows if needed)

  1. Total cost of the project (100%)

  1. Grant from bilateral relations fund (Norwegian Mechanism)


To be completed by the person authorised to enter into legally binding commitments on behalf of the applicant.

I hereby request a grant from the fund of bilateral relations under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 programme “Public Health Initiatives” in the amount of Click here to enter amount EUR to implement the action covered by this grant application.

I certify that all information contained in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge andI am aware of the content of other relevant documents (“Project Partner Statement”) of the application form.

Full legal name:Click here to enter text.

Position:Click here to enter text.

Signature:Click here to enter text.

Date:Click here to pick a date

The application with all its annexes must be sent electronically to the Ministry of Social Affairs.

P.S! Submitting application documentation electronically please make sure that the format of downloaded forms is maintained.

Ministry of Social Affairs
Gonsiori 29, 15027 Tallinn

[1]Ministry of Social Affairs will contact with the partner before making a decision about the funding.