Bankier Primary School

Pupil Eco Council Issues Raised

Feedback / Responses by Mrs Dyer – Meeting Date 18.6.15

Meeting attended by: / P1
Abi Thomson / P2
Liam Sherry / P3
Fulton / P4
Ellie Murphy / P4/5
Jake Hardie / P5/6
Sophie-Jay Fraser / P6/7
Cameron Stark / Mrs Dyer
Absent :
Chair: Cameron / Vice Chair: Sophie / Secretary: Ellie
For next meeting:
Special Items for this week’s Agenda:
free choice – classes can decide what issues they want to discuss for the last meeting of the year.
Nethermains PS has sent us this e-mail and is looking for a response:
Dear Mrs Dyer
We are the Better Behaviour, Better Learning group from Nethermains Primary School. We are looking for some advice. Could you please tell us the ways that you encourage your pupils to behave better and follow the Golden Rules, such as Golden Time, Dojo Points, Stickers and certificates. These examples are ideas we already have so could you please give us some new ideas.
Yours sincerely
The Nethermains Better Behaviour Better learning Group.
P1 Issues / P1 pupil eco council ideas for behaviour management group
·  Get a prize if you get all your boxes coloured in on merit chart
·  Get a yellow token
·  Get a yellow token if you try hard with your reading
·  Use Alfie so that everyone gets a turn to make it fair
·  Use the lollipop sticks to make it fair
·  Colour a box on merit chart
·  Get an end of term treat if you don’t have any red tokens that term
·  Get extra choosing time
·  Good writing goes on the star writer’s wall
·  A golden ticket winner each week
·  Good work goes on the good work wall outside the classroom
·  A stamper for good work
·  Golden time
·  Get a prize if we get all of our rainbow points
·  Outdoor learning
·  Play outside
·  A well behaved person gets told they are a good example
·  Get to choose first at choosing time
·  Get extra playtime
P2 Issues
P3 Issues / ·  Pupils think if it is raining they should be allowed anywhere
·  Eco domes need refurbished
·  Basketballs put up on astro pitch for proper games
·  Real goals on pitch-not paint
·  Cut down jaggy nettles in forest
·  Lunch menus been the same for ages and only 3 weeks before they start again –would like different choices and more weeks before back to week 1. Different pizza, fish stew with muscles, Yorkshire pud with roast, mince pie, roast chicken with gravy-breast tho, ribs, noodles, chicken drumsticks, bbq chicken,
P4 Issues / free choice – classes can decide what issues they want to discuss for the last meeting of the year.
·  When are the eco domes getting painted?
·  New lunch choices – e.g. cheeseburger, pasta, chicken drumsticks, pepperoni pizza, fruit kebabs, more juices to choose from, roast chicken, chicken burger
·  Grass cut at the BMX track area
·  Bike Shelter needs repaired
Better behaviour
·  Good Behaviour at assembly awards – fun activity e.g. Easter Hunt
·  Golden Ticket winners
·  Merit Points / Class Dojo
·  Class Points
·  Stickers
·  Prizes
·  Mrs Dyer’s treasure box
·  Extra Golden Time
P4/5 Issues / ·  Older pupils are a bit rough on pitch when playing football
·  Still swearing on pitch
·  New choices for school meals
·  P5/4 agree with p 7 about whether BMX track should be open
·  More things to play with in playground /shed
·  Pitch for little ones
·  Longer playtimes/dinnertimes
Warning bell at play time
P5/6 Issues
P6/7 Issues / free choice – classes can decide what issues they want to discuss for the last meeting of the year.
·  School meals- ideas for new choices
·  Voting of pupil council representative- one only for the whole year or different people each term
·  Discussion around BMX park- should it be kept open for the community to use at night
P6/7 also wish to know update on progress made on:
1.  Dragon at top of grassy hill for playing in- mentioned last year at pupil council
Better behaviour
• Golden ticket to pupils who ALWAYS show good behaviour
• Pupils must show good behaviour to be allowed to participate in clubs and school team events and festivals.
• Group points within the class and trophy awarded to winning group
• No discipline points within a term- special reward
• Merit point winner certificate
• Winning class group get to choose first at golden time
• Good behaviour at school assembly awards
• Time out cards if required
• Teacher compliments and praises examples of good behaviour
• Class treats- e.g. free time on computer, games in class, outside
Responses to all issues – for Assembly Report
Dates of next meetings held at 12.30pm in Mrs Dyer’s office:
28.8.14 / 11.9.14 / 30.10.14 / 20.11.14 / 15.1.15 / 19.2.15 / 12.3.15 / 23.4.15 / 21.5.15 / 18.6.15