Attachment D Mass LEAP Resident Survey Required Questions
Attachment D: Resident Survey
These are the questions that must be asked in the Tenant Survey. You may include additional questions, but you must have tenants respond to these questions. You may send this survey out as an Excel or Word document. Answers must be compiled and submitted with your application.
Notice: This is an important document, please have it translated.
Date: ______
(Insert Housing Agency Name Here) is applying for funding for an exciting new program called Mass Learning, Employment and Assets Program (Mass LEAP). Mass LEAP will provide participants with services and supports to help them set and reach goals in education, career and employment planning, and saving for yourself and your family (up to $15,000). Being part of Mass LEAP will not change your housing status with us. We are conducting a survey to help us understand your possible interest in this program.
Please take a few moments to answer these questions. Your feedback will be an important part of our application for funding!
Part One: Employment and Career
Are you currently working? Yes__ No__
If yes, do you work full-time (more than 32 hours per week) ___
Part-time (less than 32 hours per week) ___
If you are not working, when did you last work?
Less than six months ago __ More than six months ago __ More than a year ago __
More than three years ago __
If you are working, when you think about your job are you happy or unhappy about the following:
How much you earn Happy Unhappy
Your work schedule Happy Unhappy
Your benefits (vacation and sick days, insurance etc.) Happy Unhappy
Your future at work Happy Unhappy
Part Two: Education
Do you have a high school diploma or GED Yes __ No__
Have you attended college Yes __ No__
If yes did you complete an Associate’s Degree __, Bachelor’s Degree __, or Masters/PhD __
When you think about your future and college, which of these statements do you agree with
(Check all that apply)
__I plan to finish my degree
__I’d like to go back but can’t afford it
__It has been so long since I was in school I don’t think I could do it
__I would like to go to school but I don’t know how to start
__I would if I had help with childcare, transportation, and other needs
__College is not for me
Other ______
Part Three: Money and Savings
Do you have a bank account Yes __ No__
Checking __ Savings__
Do you keep to a budget Yes __ No __ Sometimes__
Do you sometimes fall behind on bills Yes__ No__
Do you wish you could save more money Yes__ No__
Mass LEAP is a new and exciting program available to help people build a stronger future for themselves and their families. It will provide supports and planning for you in your career, education, and financial future. If this program were available to you here, would you be:
__Very interested
__Somewhat interested
__Interested but need more information
__Not at all interested
If not interested, why not? Please check that apply.
__I’m fine with my life right now
__My family and work keep me busy
__I am worried about the time it would take
__I don’t have the support I need to be part of this – childcare, transportation, money for school.
Thank you for your help!