Mailing Address: 1395 Brickell Avenue | Suite 180 | Miami, Florida 33131


Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Courvoisier Centre, 601 Brickell Key Drive, 1st Floor Conference Room


ATTENDANCE: Mr. Daniel Ponce, Mrs. Mercy Perez, Mr. Randy Olen,

IN ATTENDANCE: City of Miami Police Department Commander Antonio Diaz, Mr. Fabian de la Espriella DDA, Ms. Abigail Mahoney- Commissioner Ken Russell, Ms. Kimberly Bentley, Brickell Key Resident, Mr. Jeovanny Rodriguez, Director of the City of Miami Capital Improvements, Mr. Humberto Gomez, Assistant City of Miami Director of Public Works & Mr. Hermes Diaz – Civil Engineer, City of Miami Public Works Dept.

Call to Order: Mr. Ponce called meeting to order at 5:06 pm

Areas of immediate discussion:

Mr. Ponce confirmed the attendance of the board members of Mercy Perez and Randy Olen.

Introductions were made throughout the meeting of attendees.

Mr. Ponce announced the election of Mr. Randy Olen as the incoming President of the Brickell Area Association.

Mr. Jeovanny Rodriguez, has completed a design for the project B-50205 and estimated to begin to begin the project in 6-weeks. There is a pre-selected contractor. Asphalt resurfacing will also be taking place. The new design will eliminate the parking spaces between Brickell Bay Drive and 12th Terrace. Noisy work will be scheduled to occur between the hours of 8:00 and 11:00 p.m. and completed by 5:00 a.m. Mr. Ponce inquired about the work on the south end of 12th Terrace where Heritage Trust Bank is located. Mr. Rodriguez did not know the status on that specific area, but will inquire and inform Mr. Ponce.

Ms. Alyce Robertson of the DDA apologized for the committee-made decision of the crosswalks on sections of Brickell Avenue. Mr. Rodriguez asked if anyone present had seen the revised design for the crosswalks and that he would bring them to the BAA April Board Meeting).

Mr. Ponce explained that about 15 years ago the plan and color scheme for Brickell Avenue was decided by several committees and given to the DDA.

Ms. Alyce Robertson with the DDA introduced her presentation. A snapshot of Downtown Miami from 2001 to 2016, and the planned next phase.

City of Miami Police Department Commander Diaz reported on Brickell City Centre recommendation of hiring two off duty police officers and an additional two other officers for the openings of the Apple Store and Cinema. His concern was with the homeless and the Centre’s open parking lot. The Commander reported that the St. Patrick’s Day celebration went well with no incidents. A guard rail of water tanks was installed to avoid any trucks coming on to the venue.

Commander Diaz reported that car break-ins are still at a high level in the Mary Brickell Village area. He also stated that the Panarama project is about to top off and the huge crane is expected to break down within the next week.

The Ultra music festival is scheduled for this weekend.

Mr. Ponce adjourned the meeting at 5:41 p.m.