120 Mayfair RoadWarwick, Rhode Island02888
(401) 781-9242  stpeterschoolri.com

May 20, 2011

Dear Parents,

After a great deal of preparation, the highly anticipated “So You Think You Can Dance WiththeTeachers”has arrived. Doorsopen at 6:00 PM Saturday, May 21st at McNally Gym, BishopHendrickenHigh School. I hope to see many of youthere that evening. Chances are you may not even recognize me! Also, don’t forget the Historic Walk that takes place Saturday afternoon (1:00-3:00PM)in PawtuxetVillage.

NEXT WEEK: Many exciting things will take place next week:


LIFETOUCH PICTURES(children must have completed form and payment with them)

GRADUATION PICTURE (re-scheduled from last Thursday)

Painting of the Pots—please make sure your child has brought in a pot and a large shirt

to cover his/her clothing.

Dress Down--$1.00 (those not having their picture taken)


Paul G. Keough Earth Artist Award Ceremony @ Save the Bay. We congratulate this

year’s recipients: Grace Pine, Daniel Cavanagh and Scott Lewis.


LastSchool Guild Meeting of the year tonight at 7:00 PM. Refreshments will be served. There will be no babysitting available this evening.


May Procession @ 2:00 PM. Children will line up in the schoolyard (weather permitting) at

1:45 PM

SATURDAY, SUNDAY AND MONDAY (May 28th, 29th & 30th): Join us for Gaspee DaysArts and Crafts Festivalin PawtuxetVillage. We will have a table to sell our painted pots andflowers. Proceeds from the sales of pots will go towards the faculty Wish List!

NED YO YOS: Ned Yo Yos are guaranteed. We have extra string in the office and Sam Young has kindly agreed to fix and adjust until he graduates on June 13th. However, if you have to replacea yo yo, please call Customer Service at: 1-877-872-9696, ext. 101 or go to

SUMMER SOLUTIONS: As we all know, children lose a great deal of what they have learned during the school year in the summer months. Summer learning is critical to the academic growth of all children. The recent research on summer learning loss is staggering, and demonstrates that all students, regardless of income level, lose ground when not engaged in learning during the summer months. Therefore, I encourage all our parents to purchase Summer Solution Workbooks and make surethat their children work in them daily during the summer months. Many of our classes use Simple Solutions during the school year and find them very effective. Included in previous Friday Folder was a flyer with instructions on how to easily purchase these books on line. If you use our school code PET02888 (also on the flyer), you will be able to purchase these books for $10.00 each. You will not be charged shipping and handling. Please follow the simple ordering instructions that were included on the flyer. The last day to order books is June 6, 2011. The books will be delivered to the school before the last day of school (June 23rd) but you must place your order by or before June 6th!

SCHOOL NEWS: I am pleased to announce the winners of Rhode Island’s First Annual Eighth GradeGandhi Essay Contest, “My Life Is My Message”: Isabella Carroll, Samuel Young and Adam Joyal. We thank and congratulate all of you for helping to promote the message of non-violence, respect, and peace for all in the school and local community.

ALUMNI NEWS: Not only has Nicole D’Andrea (2010) made honors both trimesters at Fatima HighSchool, Sister Mary Margaret Souza, SSD has informed me that Nicole has been named to the NationalJunior Honor Society. Congratulations Nicole!


Gaspee Day Parade News:We invite anystudents from St.PeterSchool to walk with the float we will share with St. Peter Faith Formation students on Saturday, June 11th. Please consult the redflyer that is included in this week’s Friday Folder.

VacationBibleSchoolis filling up fast. If you are interested in having your child participate in this fun event, please send your paperwork and check to Mrs. Andreozzi as soon as possible.

UNIFORM SHOPPING FOR NEXT YEAR: I realize that many of our school families will be doing their school shopping during the summer months. Therefore, I would like to make you aware of some changes to the 2011-2012 Student Handbook regarding uniforms before you go shopping.

Sneakers, which are worn with the gym uniform and the warm weather uniform are to be a solid,dark color or white. Bright colored or neon colored sneakers are not allowed. Also, girls’ shoes worn with the dress uniform and the winter uniform should be sturdy with rubber soles. “Sunday” shoes and “party” shoes are not appropriate choices for schoolyard play. Children run around and these types of shoes are not safe.

Excessive jewelry, especially bracelets, are not allowed. They are a distraction.

If a student is out of uniform, parents will be called to bring in the appropriate clothing items.

There will be an opportunity during the summer months to browse through our used uniform collection. Dates and times will be announced and on the website.

TARDINESS: Excessive tardiness will not be tolerated at St.PeterSchool. All students should be in the schoolyard by 8:45AM. School wide prayer begins at 8:55 AM and first period classes begin at 9:00 AM. Students walking in late for school are disruptive to the office and the classroom.

Beginning next school year, detention will be given to students after 3 unexcused tardies. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

LOST AND FOUND: A pair of dark brown/dark rose frame children’s eyeglasses was turned into the office this week We have announced that they are in the office several times, but they have not been claimed. If your child is missing his/her eyeglasses, please call the office.

SCIENCE OPPORTUNITIES: Mrs. Unger will continue to offer a review of science concepts every Tuesday from 8:00 to 8:30 am throughout May for Grade 8 students. This is totally optional, and students are welcome to come to any or all sessions.

TUITION REMINDER: Tuition must be paid in full to be fully re-registered in St.PeterSchool. If your tuition is not current by June 1st the following will occur:

  1. Students in Middle School will not be allowed to take their exams
  2. The pre-paid Yearbook will be held back
  3. If you have re-registered, you will be put on a waiting list

Please honor your tuition contract commitment. This is how we pay our salaries and bills!

TARGET RED CARDS: If you have a Target credit card or are thinking of getting a Target credit card, Target has a program called Take Charge of Education. You need only sign up once at Target.com/tcoe and put in St.PeterSchool ID #15656 and every time you use your Target credit card St. Peter will get 1% of your purchase. It costs you nothing. Remember, you only have to sign up once on line, and then it is automatic. If your child graduates from St. Peters and goes on to another school, you can go back to the Target website and redirect your 1% to another school—or you can just leave it with us!! Thank you for considering this program.

Please continue to send in your EMPTY COMPUTER INK CARTRIDGES, Box Tops for Education and Campbell’s Soup Labels. Thank you to all who have been sending them in to school.


May 21 “So You Think You Can Dance With The Teachers—show begins at 6:30 PM

Bishop Hendricken’s McNally Gym. Refreshments will be sold.

May 22 Monsignor Iacovacci celebrates his 60th Anniversary as a priest after the

11:00 AM Mass(actual anniversary was Thursday, May 19th).

May 23 LifetouchSchoolPictures and Graduation Picture

Painting of the Pots

Dress Down $1.00

May 24 Paul G. Keough Earth Artist Award Ceremony

May 25 Preschool 4 visit Children’s Museum

LastSchool Guild Meeting for this year—7:00PM—no babysitting

May 26 May Procession 2:00 PM

SAVE THE DATE: Friday, June 3rd –St.PeterSchoolAnnual Walk-a-Thon

Monday, June 6th –Sports Award Night

Thursday, June 23rd – Last Day of School

Mass at 10:00 AM Dismissal at 11:30 AM Bus transportation provided.

Have a wonderful weekend. Pray for sunshine!


Joan Sickinger

