State of New Jersey
Statewide Voter Registration System
Production System Changes
Report Date: Monday July 28, 2008
The following system changes, including bug fixes and enhancements, were put into Production on July 26th, 2008.
Bug Fixes:
Item / JIRA # / Description of the Fix / Issue Logged County1. / NJP-4898 / Corrected the SVRS not to reset the results and show all the Poll Places for that County, on filtering by MWD and selecting the page option. / Gloucester
2. / NJP-5644 / Corrected the SVRS as part of CCR-235 enhancement.
When ‘Ballot Mailed’ checkbox is checked:
Generates the labels for the ballots that are mailed.
When ‘Ballot Not Mailed’ checkbox is checked:
Generates the labels for the ballot request for which the ballot label has not been generated (Do not update mail date.)
Generates the labels for which the ballot label has been generated without mail date.
While generating any labels, those Voters who are in Rejected, Deleted, and In Complete Status are not eligible.
Any Absentee Ballot related Report will not filter Voters who are in Rejected, Deleted, and Incomplete Status. / Ocean
3. / NJP-5855 / Corrected the SVRS to display totals at the end of each District on Voter History report with below selection criteria.
No Page Break- Checked( Do not want page break)
Status – All except Rejected & Deleted.
Election – Select 2-5-2008 Primary Election.
Sort – Name
Smaller & Landscape / Morris
4. / NJP-5896 / Corrected the SVRS to restrict the resetting the counters to Zero after inserting the scanned voters on Multiple Election History Screen. / Morris
5. / NJP-6043 / Corrected the SVRS to Process the ‘Street Voter List’ report successfully. / Burlington
6. / NJP-6121 / Corrected the SVRS to have the option to resize and scroll Generate Ballot Pop up window and Ballot Pop up window, so that user can see all the data in the page. / Cape May
7. / NJP-6252 / Corrected the SVRS to display the user id correctly on Signature History screen of Voter registration. / Bergen
8. / NJP-6199 / Corrected the SVRS to display Residence or Mailing Address on Poll Worker Training Class Attendance” report. / Salem
9. / NJP-6226 / Corrected the SVRS to display missing Poll Worker records on Poll Worker Payment report. / Cumberland
10. / NJP-6244 / Following Business rules are implemented as part the fix on Provisional Ballot screen.
1. A voter can have only one provisional ballot "Accepted" for an election, provided that there is no existing "Accepted" ballot for that election. There is no such restriction on "Rejected" and "Received" as before.
2. Election History displays only Accepted and Rejected Provisional ballots. They are displayed exclusively. "Received" provisional ballots will not be shown in history screen anymore
3.Bulk Accepting provisional ballot will not consider voters with multiple Received provisional ballots / Bergen
11. / NJP-6246 / Corrected the SVRS to display the Poll Workers on Maintain Poll Worker screen, when the search is performed using Voter Id or Poll Worker Id. / Burlington
12. / NJP-6267 / Corrected the SVRS to match the count on Voter History Report and Voter History Data Export Report with below selection criteria.
Report - Voter History Report/ Voter History Export report.
MWD - Trenton ( Complete Municipality)
Election - All the elections mentioned in the attachment
Times voted - 6 Times / Mercer
13. / NJP-6270 / Issue is similar to NJP- 6246 / Burlington
14. / NJP-6279 / Corrected the SVRS to display the voters with no history on the Voter History report when the check box is checked and not to display the voters with no history when the check box is unchecked / Ocean
15. / NJP-6286 / Corrected the SVRS to have the option of changing an address for the registered voter whose date of birth is 1/1/1800. / Essex
16. / NJP-6297 / Corrected the SVRS to display “Batch Card Details" screen on clicking "Return" button on the system confirmation screen. / Essex
17. / NJP-6304 / Following changes are implemented for "Voter By Street" Report
1. A new sort option “MWD- Totals by District " is added to Voter By street report.
2. Totals at the end of each street are displayed and Totals at the end of each district is provided and a page breaks after each district. ( As per Gary)
4. Added legend to the report for status. / Bergen
18. / NJP-6308 / Corrected the SVRS to print confirmation cards in Spanish when selecting bilingual option on Maintain County Wide Data / Bergen
19. / NJP-6312 / Corrected the SVRS to change the municipality for the voters who has "Municipality Problem" with out generating the acknowledgment card on voter registration screen.
For the given voter id's in the JIRA ticket Municipality drop down displays wrong municipality under voter registration module. User will have ability to change the municipality to correct municipality with out generating acknowledgment card. / Atlantic
Data Fixes:
Item / JIRA # / Description of the Fix / Issue Logged County1. / NJP-5821 / Data fix has been applied to change voter status from active need id to active for Pre -Hava voters. / Passaic
2. / NJP-6143 / Data fix has been applied to display CONV as created by on Signature History screen under Inquiries –Voter Registration. / Mercer
3. / NJP-6233 / Data fix has been applied to change ballot request type to UOCAVA -Federal General Elections Only from PTD Ballot request type for Pre -Hava voters / Ocean
4. / NJP-6293 / Data fix has been applied to display 58 Acknowledgment cards that were deleted by mistake on show reminder screen / Essex
Item / Title / Description1 / CCR-236
Report Change Part 8 / Alpha Voter List report
An option to turn off the Municipality display on the output report header of Alpha Voter List report is provided as part of enhancement.
1. Navigation: Reports – Alpha Voter List report.
2. A new check box “Turn off Municipality Heading is added to Alpha Voter List report.
3. This checkbox is unchecked by default.
4. Municipality is not displayed on the header upon generating the report with the check box checked.
5. “Turn off Municipality Heading” label is added on the selection criteria page of output report. If the check box is unchecked the label on the output selection criteria page displays blank, and upon selecting the check box on Alpha Voter List the labels displays as “Y”.
Poll Location & Poll Place report
An option to display ADA address on Poll Location and Poll Place report has been provided as part of enhancement.
1. Navigation: Reports – Poll Place / Poll Location Report.
2. A new checkbox “Display ADA Address” is added on Poll Place and Poll Location report.
3. This check box is unchecked by default
4. Upon checking “Display ADA Address” checkbox, ADA Address is displayed on the Poll Place and Poll Location output reports.
5. “ADA Address” label is added on the selection criteria page of output report. It displays blank when the check box is unchecked and displays “Y” when the check box is checked on Poll Location Report and Poll Place report.
Voter Registration Summary report
An Ability to generate the Voter Registration Summary report with Voting Privilege Date and Party Privilege Date is added as a part of enhancement.
1. Navigation: Report- Voter Registration Summary Report.
2. A new Date Range selection for Party Privilege Date and Voting Privilege Date is added on Voter Registration Summary report selection criteria screen.
3. The entered Date range is displayed on the selection criteria page of the output report.
Party Declaration Report
An ability to generate the Party Declaration report for the Voters who changed their Party to a Particular party during Primary Election.
1. Navigation: Report – Party Declaration report.
2. A new multi select box “New Party’ is added on Party Declaration report selection criteria screen.
3. Upon selecting this option, report displays the voters who changed their party to the selected Party.
4. Entered Date Range on the Party Declaration Report is displayed on the selection criteria page of the output report.
5. A new check box “Display Phone Number” is added on the report selection criteria screen and is unchecked by default.
6. Upon checking “Display Phone Number’ checkbox, the phone number is displayed on the output report.
Poll Worker Final Assignment report
Signature column width on the Poll Worker Final Assignment report has been increased as part of enhancement.
1. Navigation: Reports- Poll Worker Final Assignment report.
2. Increased the Signature column width on the Poll Worker Final Assignment report.
Signature Export report
An option to select MWD for Signature Updates/Scanned during the period as a part of enhancement.
1. Navigation: Reports- Signature Export report.
2. An ability to select MWD option for Signature Updates/Scanned during the period has been provided.
3. A new check box “Signature Update/Scanned during the period” is added next to the “Supplemental Images” checkbox.
4. Upon selecting “Signature Updates/Scanned during the period” checkbox,
· “From Date” and “To Date” under “Signature Updates/Scanned during the period” is enabled.
· “Supplemental Images”, “Address change within County” and “New Registration/ Moved into County” checkboxes are disabled.
Data Export for Master Street Index with Poll Location Information
An option to export the data for Master Street Index with Poll Location Information report has been provided as part of enhancement.
1. Navigation: Reports- Master Street Index with Poll Location Information report.
2. A new button “Export Data” is added on this report.
3. Upon selecting “Export Data” option, the data is exported to a text file using a pipeline format.
4. Total counts are displayed at the end of the report.
5. The HTML file displays the report selection criteria, the field name, field type, and size.
Poll Book Report
The ability to select multiple municipalities for School/Fire districts has been added as part of selection criteria.
1. Navigation: Reports- Poll Book report.
2. Based on the municipalities selected, respective School /Fire districts are populated.
3. Municipality drop down list has been changed to multi select box when “Generate for School /Fire Districts” option is selected.
4. When “Generate for School/ Fire Districts” option is selected the ability to select multiple municipalities are provided.
Application Changes Part 13 / Full Fax for over seas citizen
An option to select the type of absentee as Full Fax when the voter is UOCAVA – All Elections has been provided as part of enhancement.
1. Navigation – Activities – Absentee- Absentee Ballot request.
2. Alert message “Only Military Fax or Military Overseas Fax can be selected as Fax ballot type for UOCAVA All Election Absentee Voters” has been removed when “Type of Absentee” is Full Fax for UOCAVA –All Election ballot request.
3. Fax sheet is generated individually on the confirmation page or in bulk on Generate Fax sheet screen, for the “Type of Absentee –Full Fax”.
Note: The First page of Fax sheet prints the County Clerk’s information and the second page prints BOE information. Enable BOE “Letter Header” on Maintain County wide -> County Election Officials screen to auto populate BOE information on second page of the Fax Sheet.
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