English 9Name______
REGENTS ENGLISH 9 (one credit)
Ms. Plummer
Phone ~ 807-3600 ext. 1972
Email ~
Content:Regents English 9 is a year-long course that is worth one credit. It is driven by National CORE Standards. We build on content from previous years. Reading and writing are emphasized in increasing detail. Students will read a variety of genres from poetry to short stories, novels to plays, and various nonfiction texts. Students will be required to maintain organized folders, as well as create a research paper. Studying is expected nightly for mastery of terms and concepts in general.
Course Goals:
~To develop readers’ competence as readers, writers, and viewers of many texts.
~To read and analyze a variety of literature.
~To prepare students for higher-level reading and writing skills and prepare them for the ELA Common Core Exam.
Course Methods:
~Class, small group, and partner discussions
~In-class and homework practice activities
~In-class and homework readings
~In-class and homework writings
~Scheduled and surprise quizzes
~Formal tests/exams
~STAR assessments
~Quarterly benchmark exams
Instructional Philosophy:
In order to be successful in this course, students are expected to be active participants. It is my goal to provide a positive and engaging classroom where all students have the opportunity to learn, succeed, and share their thoughts and opinions verbally without fear of embarrassment or ridicule.
Student Expectations:
1. Be respectful.
2. Be responsible.
3. Be appropriate.
4. Be involved.
5. Be honest.
Classroom Management:
In order for each student to feel safe and comfortable in my classroom, a positive and respectful attitude is expected of all students; this includes respecting each others’ thoughts, work, feelings, and individuality. If a student does not demonstrate positive behavior, I will visit with him/her and we will try to resolve the issue together. If this proves unsuccessful, a phone call home will be made to explain the behavior. The third offense will be a disciplinary report to the assistant principal.
Grading: There are three grading categories:
- Benchmark Assessments(20% of grade) will be administered three times a year (one per marking period). They mirror the final exam for reading and writing tasks. They are used in preparation for the Common Core Exam in English. They are also used to indicate a need for the AIS writing class as well. These assessments will be givenin class and take three to fiveconsecutive class periods.
- Major Grades(50% of grade) are essays, tests, and unit folders.
- Minor Grades (30% of grade)consist ofhomework, quizzes, shorter writings, class participation/preparedness, etc.
*I do not give grades, you EARN them.
*Please note, *50 is not used on report cards.
Assignments: Homework may be assigned daily. You should have a proper heading on each assignment that you turn in (please see the heading on this page for the proper heading). You should complete each assignment in PEN, unless otherwise specified. Should you turn in an assignment in pencil, it will be returned to you without credit. You may rewrite the assignment and turn it in the next day for half credit. All assignments are to be fully completed at the beginning of class on the due date. All due materials must be placed in the English 9 wire basket. I will not ask for the homework; it is the student’s responsibility to come to class on time and immediately place it in the wire basket. If you do not have the completed homework, you will fill out a “No Homework” slip and place that in the basket. In the event you forget your assignment, you will have ONE SCHOOL DAY to turn it in (the next day of class). You will lose points (depending upon how much the assignment is worth)for turning it in late. If you do not turn the assignment in the next day, the grade will be marked as a ZERO.
Make-Up Work Policy: On the day of the student’s return, it is the student’s responsibility to go to the “While You Were Out File” to see the lesson plans for the days missed and get the handouts for those days. ALL MAKE UP WORK, OR WORK TURNED IN LATE DUE TO LEGAL ABSENCE, MUST BE LABELED “abs” ABOVE THE STUDENT’S NAME. Students have the same number of days absent to make up their work. If the work is not made up by the due date, the penalty for late work will be applied.
Attendance: Students are expected to attend class daily. Every day is important. Making up work is not equivalent to being in class. Students are expected to be in their seats ready to begin with necessary materials when the bell rings.
Dismissal: I dismiss you, not the bell. You will remain in your seats until I am ready to dismiss you.
Required Resources and Materials:Supplies are also available at the school store.
~7 2-pocket folders, plain, light colored (cannot be used for any other class)
~100 3x5 lined index cards
~loose leaf paper (prefer college-ruled, but will accept wide)
~2 pens - blue OR black, not one of each
~1 highlighter
~1 red pen
~Course Website:
~Student Portal Account
~1 box of tissues
Suggested Resources and Materials:
~Student subscription to my Remind service
~Parent subscription to my Remind service
~Parent Portal Account
~1 flash drive
The pocket folders are required to contain individual project units for final collection and grading. Index cards are for flash cards for literary terms, techniques, and devices.
Students need supplies as soon as possible. To function in class over the next week, they need at least paper, a pen, index cards, and a folder by Wednesday, September 8. If there are any difficulties obtaining supplies, please let me know (not any details…just contact me if your child is not comfortable seeing me privately), and I can help.
Cell Phone Policy:
There is to be no cell phone use during class time. CELL PHONES WILL BE IMMEDIATELY CONFISCATED. I will not return cell phones to students at the end of class; I will turn them in to the assistant principal at the end of the day. Cell phone use during tests results in an immediate “0”. Cell phone use is not a valid excuse for being in the hall when the bell rings for the start of class.
Other Information:
It is the responsibility of each student to make the teacher aware of any special needs, concerns, and problems. I am better able to accommodate and problem solve special situations when I am aware of them in advance.
All NTHS Student Handbook rules are in effect in my classroom. Please review the handbook as needed.
Declaration: I have read and understand the above information.
Please sign and return this page of this packet by FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11! A copy of this form can be found on my teacher page of the school’s website.
student signature
parent/guardian signature
Please use the bottom of this page for comments/concerns. Include a phone number a range of times for me to call you. If you prefer, send me an e-mail and I will “return your contact” that way.