Academic Senate

(909) 594-5611, Ext. 5433

Minutes (approved)

Academic Senate Meeting

May 17, 2007

Present: Kristina Allende, Glenda Bro, Susana Cevallos-Castaneda, Micol Christopher, Kelly Coreas, Will Daland, Michael Dowdle, Kim Earhart, Tim Engle, Jennifer Galbraith, Jennifer Garwick, Barbara Gonzales, Vicki Greco, Michelle Grimes-Hillman, Scott Guth, Bob Jastrab, Matt Judd, Terri Long, Martin Mason, Phillip Maynard, Chris McDonald, Monique Neel, Rebecca Olavarria, Virginia Pascoe, Julie Perez-Garcia, Tony Rivas, Susie Rubenstein, Joan Sholars, Dan Smith, Chuck Sorcabal, Lina Soto, John Vitullo, Liz Ward, Kathy Watanabe, Sandra Weatherilt, Emily Woolery

Absent: Barry Andrews, Jerry Austin, Holly Cannon, Alison Chamberlain, Neil Chapman, Denise Condra, Sandra Esslinger, Terri Faraone, Arleen Fiorito, Casey Garcia, LeAnn Garrett, Paul Hischar, Katelyn Hoover, Luisa Howell, Bonnie Jeffers, Eric Kaljumagi, Dafna Kohn, Charis Louie, David Medina, Beta Meyer, Amy Nakamura, Rose Preciado, Joe Ramos, Lanny Richardson, Bruce Rogers, David Schmidt, John Smith, Bob Stuard

I.  Confirmation of the Agenda: The agenda was confirmed with Discussion Item C pulled from the agenda.

II.  Consent Agenda: A motion to approve the Consent Agenda was made, seconded, and carried.

A.  Approval of Minutes

B.  Approval of C&I Report

C.  Approval of SP&S Report

III.  Public Comment

IV.  Officer Reports

A.  President

1.  Agenda Format Change (Information): The Executive board has directed the Senate President to adjust the full Senate Agenda to separate the Discussion items from the Action items. Senators are encouraged to have a brief exchange of ideas during first readings to enable departments to make informed choices when taking action.

2.  Final Exam Schedule (Information): The Final Exam schedule has been revised to accommodate the block scheduling. The Senate Executive Board has approved the revised schedule, and the full Senate is asked to review it and return the information to their departments.

3.  PAC Update (Information): Dr. Nixon presented information on SB361 Non-Credit Enhanced Funding. The college will receive approximately 2.2 million dollars in the first year of the funding that will go to general reserves. We have the fifth largest non-credit program in the state. Dr. Nixon also presented an accreditation update. We are preparing a mid-term report, due in October 2007. C. Brown presented the college wide process for institutionalizing a “brand”. The marketing staff will be conducting focus groups on a new logo and tagline and then finalize the choices with PAC. PAC will make recommendations to the President’s Cabinet.

4.  Outstanding Awards (Information): The Outstanding Award Committee has selected the Outstanding Award Recipients. The recipients are Liz Ward and Barbara Vigano (Outstanding Faculty), Donna Lee and Yvonne Saxton (Outstanding Classified), Larry Redinger (Outstanding Administration/Manager), and Nicholas Crow (Outstanding Retiree). The award recipients will be honored at the Faculty Recognition Ceremony/Closing Meeting on June 13 at 3:00p.m. in the Sophia B. Clarke Theater.

5.  Learning Assistance Center—Test Proctoring User Guidelines (Consent): The Senate President attended as advisory meeting for the use of the LAC facilities. The facilities are being abused by some faculty who use it for a drop off/pick up station for homework assignments. The LAC has neither the storage capacity nor the ability to secure students’ work. The LAC would like the Senate approval of the attached User Guidelines via its consent agenda.

B.  Vice President

1.  Administrative Procedures: J. Galbraith and J. Vitullo have completed the review of the APs. The Executive board directed J. Vitullo to meet with G. Burley to correct minor changes. Any major issues will be pulled and distributed to the appropriate councils.

2.  Faculty Interns: J. Nixon presented a few small revisions and questions at AMAC. J. Vitullo will seek input at the next Executive Board meeting.

3.  Faculty Hiring Form: J. Nixon presented a few small revisions and questions at AMAC. J. Vitullo brought answers back from the Executive board and the form is now mutually agreed upon and will be used in the fall.

4.  Evening with Champions: M. Grimes-Hillman and J. Vitullo attended “Evening with Champions” sponsored by the Mt. SAC Forensics Team. Congratulations to coaches Anne Fleisher, Casey Garcia, Ken Klawitter, Liesel Reinhart, and the entire team for once again winning the National Championship.

5.  Closing Meeting/Faculty and Manager Recognition Ceremony: The Closing Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 13 from 3:00-4:30p.m. in the Sophia B. Clarke Theatre.

6.  End of Year Report of Accomplishments: J. Vitullo is working on a year-end report that lists the Senate’s accomplishments as they relate to our stated goals. Senators can expect a copy at the May 31 full Senate meeting.

V.  Legislative Liaison

A.  The resolutions from the Spring 2007 Plenary Session are available now. The document can be viewed online at Printed copies are available in the Senate office.

B.  Resolutions of particular interest this session were: A group addressing discussion by BOG regarding Title 5 changes concerning curriculum—6.02 (non-credit repeatability), 6.03 (clarifying degree applicability), 6.04 (enrollment in overlapping courses); a group addressing more effective use of data and programs to promote student equity, namely 3.01 through 3.05; three resolutions calling for more proactive activities to help emerging senates and to foster good governance practices (1.01, 1.02, 1.05); and a resolution stating that in order to protect a wide range of individual religious beliefs and activities for the entire college community, inclusion of a religious invocation in official events is inappropriate.

VI.  Faculty Association

A.  Retirement Tenure Tea: The Faculty Association is hosting a tea for retiring FA members and newly tenured FA faculty. The tea will be held on Tuesday, May 22nd from 12-2 p.m. in the Faculty Association Conference Room. Lunch will be served. Please be sure to RSVP at extension 4531.

B.  Emergency Preparedness Open Forums: Two open forums on Emergency Preparedness will be held on Thursday, May 24th from 4:30-6:00 p.m. in 28A-103 and Friday, June 8th from 12-1:30 p.m. in LTC-160. A short presentation on MSAC’s plan/procedure will be followed by a question and answer period. Additional questions should be forwarded to President Long.

C.  FA Scholarship Awards Ceremony: The FA Student Scholarship Awards Ceremony will be held on Saturday, June 9th from 4-6 p.m. in Founders Hall. Light refreshments will be served.

D.  FA Executive Board/ Part-time at Large Elections: Ballots for FA Executive Board and Part-time at Large Representatives are due Monday, May 25th. Please encourage faculty to return their ballots.

E.  Puttin’ on the Hitss 2008: Puttin’ on the Hits 2008 is scheduled for March 14th and 15th. Mark your calendars. This is the 10th anniversary performance, and the FA will be bringing back some of the best acts from the previous shows.

VII.  Associated Students: Student survey can now be done online, and the link will be ready by next week.

VIII.  Council/Committee Reports

A.  Curriculum Report

1.  Educational Design Committee: Several new courses were approved by Ed. Design and must now go to Senate for approval (See handout). The committee will need a new representative from the Humanities Division starting next year (3 year term).

2.  Ed. Design Subcommittee for G.E. & Transfer: No new courses have been reviewed.

3.  Curriculum & Instruction Council: The committee discussed the need for an AP which would cover the retention and destruction of records—particularly with regard to faculty responsibilities.

4.  Distance Learning Committee: The DL conference was a success, attended by 43 people.

5.  Community Education: No new report. We are still awaiting decisions on our submissions for enhanced funding.

6.  Gen. Ed. Outcomes Committee: The committee is still awaiting the selection of the G.E. Outcomes Coordinator. The committee is up and running and will report to the Senate through C & I.

B.  Student Preparation & Success

1.  CSU/IGETC Transfer Degrees Information Only): There are pending changes to the Title V regulations that may make Mt. SAC’s “transfer” degrees out of compliance. The changes will require a major or area of emphasis to be listed on a degree. If the Title V changes are approved by the BOG, they will become effective Fall 2009.

2.  Assessment and Matriculation Committee (Consent): Assessment and Matriculation would like to have a faculty co-chair. This change does not increase the membership. The faculty co-chair would be one of the five faculty sitting on the committee. SPAS recommends approval of this change.

3.  Student Preparation and Success Council (Consent): Student Preparation and Success would like to ass the Academic Senate Vice President to the membership. This change would mimic the composition of C & I and is necessary to ensure continuity of the relationship between Student Services and the Senate.

4.  Board Policy 5010 Admissions (Action): Student Preparation and Success recommends approval of the proposed change to Board Policy 5010 (see attached). The change is to assure that students, especially those under 18 years of age, who are awarded a high school diploma or equivalent have received that award from a nationally/internationally recognized entity. The Executive Board recommended sending this to the full Senate with a minor clarification. This item was pulled from the agenda since the language of revision needs more clarification.

IX.  Action Items

A.  Resolution 2007-03 Letters of Recommendation (2nd reading): A motion to approve Resolution 2007-03 was made and seconded. Discussion ensued with the presentation of pro arguments (that an adjunct faculty member may be at a disadvantage is he/she cannot request a letter from his/her Department Chair), as there was no Senator who chose to present con arguments. The motion carried.

B.  Resolution 2007-04 Anticipated Degree Completion and Faculty Hiring (2nd reading): A motion to approve Resolution 2007-04 was made and seconded. Discussion ensued with the presentation of both pro (that some departments would lose strong members of the pool) and con arguments (that we are at risk if we hire and then the candidate does not complete the degree). The motion carried.

C.  Resolution 2007-05 General Education Outcomes Coordinator (2nd reading): A motion to approve Resolution 2007-05 was made, seconded, and carried.

D.  Resolution 2007-06 Classified School Employees Week (2nd reading): A motion to approve Resolution 2007-06 was made and seconded. Discussion ensued with the presentation of pro arguments, as there was no Senator who chose to present con arguments. The motion carried.

E.  Wait List – Task force & Executive Board Recommendations (2nd reading): A motion to approve the Executive Board’s recommendations was made and seconded. Discussion ensued with the presentation of both pro (that there has not been enough notification for the changes to be implemented in the fall) and con (that implementing the changes now will make the process of changing to Banner more fluid) arguments. It was also clarified that the Executive Board’s recommendations are different than the Task Force’s recommendations. The Task Force’s recommendations were summarized. The Executive Board’s recommendations carried.

F.  AP7211 – Minimum Qualifications and Equivalencies (2nd reading): A motion to approve AP7211 was made and seconded. The AP was summarized. The motion carried.

X.  Discussion Items

A.  Resolution 2007-07: Faculty Role in Early College High School: A brief background of the rationale for presenting this resolution was given.

B.  Resolution 2008-08: Assistant Online Faculty Mentor: A brief background of the rationale for presenting this resolution was given. A motion that we suspend the rules and waive a 2nd reading and vote on this motion today was made. The motion to suspend the rules was seconded and carried by more than 2/3 majority. A motion to approve this resolution was made and seconded. Discussion ensued with the presentation of both pro (that online learning is growing and we should allow that growth) and con (that the success rate in online classes is lower than those in traditional classes and we should not be putting money into the program until this issue is studied) arguments. The motion carried.

XI.  Information/Announcements

A.  Election Results

B.  Final Exam Schedule

C.  Board of Trustees Meeting – May 23

D.  Sixth Annual Classified/Faculty Pint Challenge (Blood Drive) Scholarship - May 29

E.  Closing Meeting/Faculty Recognition – June 13

XII.  Adjournment