Baylor University
Language and Literacy for Deaf learners II
CSD 4361-01
Semester/Year:Spring 2012Office: Neill Morris Hall Room #218
Instructor:Dr. LummerPhone: (254) 523-4154 (VP)
Office Hours:T/Th11:00 –11:55a.m.Email:
2:00 – 3:00p.m.Class hours: 9:30 –10:45a.m
W 8:00 –11:55a.m.
1:30 – 4:00p.m.
This is the second part of a two part course.
Part two of the course will look more specifically at English literacy to Deaf students as second language learners of English, presenting various reading models and approaches to teaching English literacy to Deaf students, providing case studies on the success of various approaches as well as concrete recommendations for integrating literacy into a Deaf education classroom. Students will be presented with a bilingual approach to deaf education, utilizing a recently developed curriculum stemming from cutting edge research conducted as a cooperative endeavor by several Deaf schools. Students will be actively working with Deaf students at the RDSPD at Viking Hills Elementary.
The course will begin with the instructor presenting theoretical material in the form of lecture, supplemented by individual and group work. Videotape/film, guest lecturers, class discussions, student presentations, and clinical/educational observations will supplement the course material. Required readings will be assigned and discussed in class. Beginning February 6,students will begin the practicum component by working with assigned Deaf and Hard of Hearing students at the Waco RDSPD Viking Hills campus.
3-ring notebook binder to keep handouts, notes, and assignments
Supplies for teaching purposes, i.e. bookstand, drawing supplies, arts/craft supplies, etc.
You will be assigned chapters, articles, and handouts to read. You are expected to read the assigned chapters prior to coming to class. For each and every assigned reading, you are to be prepared to participate in class discussions based on the readings. Students will be required to alternate giving presentations or leading discussions on assigned readings
There will be a take-home midterm exam that will be over the chapters from the text
All students are required to be on time everyday. The children are depending on you to be prepared for each lesson that you will be teaching. YOU are the language model for your students. Therefore, ASL is to be used AT ALL TIMES! No Voicing in the presence of a Deaf student. While you are with your students you are to give them language …language…language. It is your responsibility to “fill up” your 3 hr/wk with expressive ASL, whether through direct instruction or via incidental learning. Lesson Plans are due Monday by 8am each week.. You may submit them via blackboard or email. Guidance will be provided with regards to the teaching process. Your teaching skills will be monitored and evaluated throughout the semester.
You will be assigned a specific student prior to February 6.
I. Creating a positive learning environment
Disposition: The classroom structure affects the attitudes and learning of students.
- Establishes expectations.
- Arranges space for safety and effective learning.
- Establishes small group procedures and routines and manages transitions.
- Prepares and manages materials and technology for effective learning.
- Keeps progress records in order to match and adapt curriculum to the characteristics of each student.
- Uses reinforcement and correction to increase learning and show respect.
- Paces lessons and activities to engage students.
II. Assessment
Disposition: Assessment assists in grouping students for instruction.
- Assessment method matches knowledge (curriculum) and student characteristics.
- Formative assessment provides information regarding student achievement level.
- Assessment information is communicated to students, parents, and other professionals.
III. Curriculum Planning and Instruction
Disposition: A range of instructional methods promotes and develops high academic achievement.
- Focuses students’ attention on the information.
- Organizes the knowledge when planning instruction.
- Presents information for instruction that is related to assessment.
- Guides students’ application of knowledge.
- Provides opportunities for students to use information independently.
IV. Professional Development and Communication
Disposition: A teacher is part of a larger professional community, which is nurtured through collegial relationships and contributions to the system as a whole.
- Participates in professional development.
- Is proficient in communication with students, parents, and other professionals.
- Collaborates with parents and other caregivers.
Standard I.The teacher of the deaf or hard of hearing students understands and applies knowledge of
the philosophical, historical, and legal foundations of deaf education.
Standard II.The teacher of the deaf or hard of hearing students understands and applies knowledge
of characteristics of learners.
Standard III.The teacher of the deaf or hard of hearing students understands and applies knowledge
of assessment, diagnosis, evaluation, and program planning.
Standard IV.The teacher of the deaf or hard of hearing students understands and applies knowledge
of instructional content and practice.
Standard V.The teacher of the deaf or hard of hearing students understands and applies knowledge
of how to plan and manage the teaching and learning environment.
Standard VI.The teacher of the deaf or hard of hearing students understands and applies knowledge
of how to manage student behavior and social interaction skills.
Standard VII.The teacher of the deaf or hard of hearing students knows how to communicate and
develop collaborative partnerships.
Standard VIII.The teacher of the deaf or hard of hearing students promotes students’ performances in
English language arts and reading.
As a future Deaf educator, it is vital that you maintain a relationship with the Deaf community. You will be required to attend at least 8 Deaf Events over the course of the semester. There is a form attached that must be turned in to receive credit.
You will have the opportunity to volunteer with Sign Language Classes for parents of deaf children attending the Waco ISD RDSPD. They will be held at Viking Hills Elementary on Thursdays 5:30p-6:30p
(tentative date/time) This may count towards your Deaf Event. This is an excellent opportunity for you to gain experience in working with the parents of Deaf students and learn how to cultivate that very important relationship. It will also afford you the opportunity to develop strategies for sharing information about Deaf culture to parents.
Part One:
You are to videotape yourself signing 2 children’s books, using ASL. In addition to this, you are to create lesson plans and language activities to go with each of the books that you choose. You may choose from the Shared Reading Bags or a Book of your choice. If you choose a book other than a Shared Reading book, you will have to purchase the book and turn it in as part of your project.
Part Two:
You are to create a lesson plan using the chosen ASL friendly method. You will be assigned a specific reading level.
1.)Regular attendance is mandatory. Because we only have 8 class meetings, plus the day of the final, missing one class meeting is like missing 2 full classes. A great deal will be covered in each class meeting, so a class missed would be difficult to make up.
With regards to your teaching assignment-medical absences require a note from the health center or physician’s office. You must email me if you have an emergency and will be late or absent.
2.)You are expected to arrive to class on time. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO ARRIVE AT YOUR TEACHING ASSIGNMENT EARLY SO THAT YOU WILL BE PREPARED TO BEGIN TEACHING ON TIME. If done properly, you will need time to “set up” for your lesson before your student arrives.
3.)You are required to complete all assigned readings, lesson plans,and other class assignments at designated times. Late papers and assignments will not be accepted. All lesson plans are due on the Friday BEFORE the T/TH classes. That means that you will need to be prepared one week before the class period(s)
4.)You MUST come to school PREPARED to teach. I expect that you to spend a significant amount of time practicing your ASL as it relates to your lesson plans. REMEMBER…YOU ARE THE ASL LANGUAGE MODEL FOR YOUR STUDENT.
5.)If you miss class, it is your responsibility to consult with your classmates for any notes and assignments.
6.)Use of pagers /cell phones in class is strictly forbidden at any time.
7.)In order to receive credit for your teaching, all lesson plans for the week are due on Monday by 8am.
8.)You are expected to be as active with the Deaf community as your schedule permits. This is an important aspect of Deaf Education .
ATTENDANCE:To earn course credit in the College of Arts and Sciences, a student must attend at least 75% of all scheduled class meetings. Any student who does not meet this minimal standard will automatically receive a grade of “F” in the course. Any University-related activity necessitating an absence from class shall count as an absence when determining whether a student has attended the required 75% of class meetings. Three tardies will count as one absence.
As you know from last semester, regular attendance is essential in this class. If you miss even a few classes, you will find yourself struggling. Every day’s new information builds on and assumes knowledge of information covered in class up to that point. I expect you to make class attendance a very high priority, and I look forward to seeing you in class every day.
Deaf Events10%
TA Evaluations20%
Lesson Plans20%
Final Project**15%
Saturday, May 5, 9:00 a.m.
Event Form
Student Name:
Event Name:
Event Date:
Event Time: Beginning ______am/pmEnding ______am/pm
TOTAL Hours ______
Comments: (REQUIRED)
Include a description of the event and your interactions.
Event representative Signature: ______