Minutes of Meeting 27th January 2016
Mary Muir (Gretna) ChairMark Shaw (Cresswell) Vice-chair
Diane Currie (Annan) TreasurerDorothy Grant (Troqueer) Secretary
Margaret Johnston (Locharbriggs)Mary McCartney (Gretna)
Robert Kerr (Locharbriggs) Sybille Trimble (Kirkconnel & Kelloholm)
Eillish Warner (Troqueer) Lee Herron (DGHP)
Apologies; Janice Walker, Rab Davidson (Dalbeattie), Ronald Ritchie (Mid Annandale), Margaret McKeand (DGHP)
Mary thanked all for being able to make the meeting and wished all present a very Happy New Year.
Previous Minutes:Matters Arising, Amendments and Approval
Margaret Johnston named twice.
Proposed by Mary McCartneySeconded bySybille Trimble
Actions of Previous Meeting
All actioned.
Secretary Correspondence
TPAS Training Calendar, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year (various), email Ronald, re. ministerial meeting and Digital Engagement Feedback, email Gordon re letter from Margaret re. RTO Registration, email Gordon re. Activities and Services, Third Sector D&G, email Gordon re. flooding grants, email Ronald re. Citrus Energy, email Lee re. Asbestos leaflet, email TPAS re. training sessions, Emails Christopher re. portal meeting, Dorothy re Galaxy Hot Chocolate Fund, Catalogue, Furniture@work and 4 imprint.
Chairperson’s Report
Minutes by email or written copy are still not being given to Mark. APPROVED minutes to Mark, meeting minutes to Dorothy within 10 days of Federation meeting.
Laptop serviced annually in December, laptops must have anti-virus software, if unsure, ask for help. THS Computers provide aftercare. Some laptops did not have any anti-virus software at all. Repairs which are due to misuse by the user, the Federation will not pay and user will be liable.
Mary McC asked if the Federation would pay for the servicing of Margaret Johnston’s laptop, as she uses this for her TARA work. All agreed.
Chair would like an ‘Away Day/Team Bonding Day’ and would like suggestions from members at the next meeting.
Federation to produce a Newsletter, each TARA to contribute to what information regards their TARA should appear e.g. events, achievements etc.
Informed members of the passing of John Scott, previous member of the Federation and Chair of Lochmaben TARA.
Chair received a text message from Ronald regarding TPAS report, no report given until today’s meeting.
DGHP Report
Community Participation Strategy is up for review, consultation with Federation/DMC members in March 2016.
Area Action Plans for 2016/17 to be developed.
Federation members happy with the following areas for patch inspection for 2016/17 (Langholm, Thornhill, Castle Douglas and Sandhead).
Updates given on the current work of the Scrutiny Panel and the Welfare Benefit Advisor Post for a period of 2 years.
Dumfries & Galloway expecting the arrival of 4 Syrian Refugee families, sometime in March. No other information known at present.
Lee explained that she thought the members present at Rent Consultation, knew that she had took the photograph which was posted on Facebook and is willing to change if required. As a result of a comment made by a tenant, 4 new people have shown an interest in DGHP.
Region 6 Report
No report, had a catch-up with different committees.
Website Report
Only a few APPROVED minutes received. One TARA still sending ordinary minutes. Website archiving starting in earnest this week. Dorothy going to learn more about the website. A lot of money has been spent, so please make use of the website.
Project Report
Nothing to report.
TARA Reports
Gordon gave report. Questions about the rending of houses. Going to discuss how to attract more members. Next meeting Monday 15th February.
Cresswell & Larchfield
No meeting, next meeting Wednesday 3rd February.
No meeting, next meeting Monday 1st February.
No meeting, next meeting Wednesday 3rd February.
Kirkconnel & Kelloholm
No issues brought at meeting. Councillor informed members that monies for CCTV cameras, would be available soon, 3 cameras to be installed. Luckily, no properties were flooded in Kirkonnel during the last few storms, as floodgates and sandbags had been in place. Next meeting Monday 15th February.
Very good attendance. Co-ordinator at Catherinefield has arranged a team of 5 volunteers to clear snow. Application made for snow shovels and grit, ask Councillors for their assistance in this matter.
Gordon attended meeting about the new super school, and continuing with school visits. Was ask question about window replacement for Catherinefield Court, tenants complaints about draughts and keeping warm. Police report given and a crime prevention talk to be arranged. Concerns about pothole and drain covers near bus stop. Next meeting Tuesday 23rd February.
Mid Annandale Action Group for Tenants & Residents
No report.
Good attendance, Chair read some of her report as some members were not at AGM. No police report. Dates finalised for this year’s 2 events. Received lovely Thank You card from Old Bridge Nursery. DGHP report, all tenants lettered re rent increase and request input from tenants. School visits and some careers evenings taking place at some schools. Holm Park View no issues and are working within budget. Issue raised were potholes, trees and a grit bin request for the Community Centre. Drainage work being carried out by Scottish Water regarding the sub-station and wanted to dig up turf on Holm Park which has had £200,000 spent on it. We told to find alternative route. Mrs Smith long time President of Community Association n hospital, TARA to send card and Nursery Manager will get children to make a card also. Next meeting Wednesday 17th February.
Treasurers Report
Main £6,972.37Project £5,452.21
Mary talked about the Warm Home Discount Scheme, money available if you need the criteria, check with your supplier.
Sybille mention a story she heard on the radio with regards to allowances and housing benefit. Mary Taylor was the person talking about this.
Mark read out TPAS Conference Report and gave copies to members present.
Mary thanked everyone for attending and wished them a safe journey home, take your time.
Date of Next Meeting
Meeting takes place on Wednesday 24th February, 10.00 am at the Crichton Golf Club.