Franklin Middle School
415 Francis Street- Somerset, New Jersey 08873 Main Office: (732) 249-6410
Fax (732) 246-0770
Student Handbook 2017-2018
Mr. Nicholas Solomon, Principal Ms. Karen Adams, Vice-Principal Mrs. Torrie Hurd, Vice-Principal Student Development:
Mrs. Quiyon Peters, Counselor (A- G) Mrs. Precious Acolaste, Counselor (H-Pa) Ms. Surbhi Alaigh, Counselor (Pe- Z)
This agenda belongs to:
Board of Education
Edward Potosnak III, President Nancy LaCorte, Vice President Christine Danielsen
Laurie MerrisMs. Ardaman Singh
Richard Seamon Patricia E. Stanley Margaret E. Steele
Latee E. Walton-McCleod
Dr. John A. RavallySuperintendent of Schools Jonathan Toth
Interim Assistant Superintendent for Business/Board Secretary
Daniel Loughran
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
Orvyl Wilson
Director of School Management
Dr. Brenda Sofield
Director of Pupil Personnel Services
Mr. Nicholas Solomon, Karen Adams, Vice-Principal
Torrie Hurd, Vice-Principal
The Mission of the Franklin Township Public Schools is to provide excellent educational opportunities that meet or exceed New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards for every student; maintain an environment that engenders an appreciation of the value of every student; develop every student to his/her highest potential; and instill the attitudes, skills, and knowledge necessary to become independent, contributing members of a democratic, multi-cultural society.
Franklin Township Public Schools
415 Francis St.
Somerset, NJ 08873
Phone: 732-249-6410 Fax#: 732-246-0770
Mr. Nicholas Ms.KarenAdamsMrs. Torrie Hurd
Principal VicePrincipalVicePrincipal
September 2017
Franklin Middle School Students:
I am extremely excited to welcome you to our Franklin Middle School family! As we embark on this new school year, the administration, teachers and support staff are totally committed to providing a safe, positive and academically rich learning environment.
Franklin Middle School has so much to offer from rigorous core subjects, highly engaging elective offerings to Fine, Visual, Performing Arts model programs. Our students have proven to excel annually and we are confident you will as well. However as students at FMS, it is your responsibility to be driven to set and accomplish your goals.
This student planner has been designed to support you in your day-to-day assignments and activities at Franklin Middle School. Enclosed you will find various school policies, emergency and telephone information, as well as important dates. Please take the time to read the student planner carefully and discuss its contents with your parent/guardian.
On behalf of the FMS administrative team, we look forward to an amazing year working with you and your family. It is imperative that we work together to ensure our best potential is exhibited every day in and out of the classroom. The time in which we live is challenging, yet extremely exciting. Let us walk into this new school year determined to be part of a winning team in which we can all be most proud.
I wish you the best this school year. Go Knights!
Nicholas Solomon
732-249-6410 Ext. 200
Student Handbook/Planner
The student handbook provides a wealthofdistrictandschoolinformation, and includes an individual planner for personal use. Students, parents, and teachers utilize the planner as a communication tool. It is expected that students discuss the contents of the planner with his/her parent/guardian. Homework assignments and due dates for special assignments are to be recorded in the students’ plannerdaily.
Student I.D.:
Each student will receive a current 2017-2018 identification card, whichwill include the student’s picture, and a bar coded number. This card will be used for all school activities including attending field trips, entering school dances and serve as the student’s library card. This card must be worn at all times. To have a student ID replaced will be at a cost of$3.00.
Student Responsibilities:
Students attend and participate in the school program so that they may develop to their fullest potential. Students are reminded that their behavior throughout the entire school year may determine their privileges to participate in extra- curricular activities and school sponsored activities and trips. Students receiving in-school support and out-of-school suspension place their privileges of participating in extra- curriculum activities and school sponsored trips in serious jeopardy.
Studentshavethefollowing responsibilities:
1.To accept responsibility for their ownactions.
2.To respect the rights of others, including the rights to secure an education in an environment thatis orderly andsafe.
3.To attend school on a regularbasis.
4.To be punctual to school and every class.
5.To dress appropriately and maintain habits of personalcleanliness
6.To respect schoolproperty.
7.To recognize that during the school day, the school staff assumes the role of a surrogate parent in matters of behavior anddiscipline.
8.To make an earnest effort to do their bestwork.
9.To obey school rules and regulations.
- Be on time forschool!
- Accept directions from all staff members, not just your teachers.
- Homework should be written in a homework pad or notebook daily for each subject. Remember homework affects yourgrade!
- Don’t forget to study fortests.
- Turn permission slips in on time.
- Dress comfortably, but appropriately for a school setting.
- For safety reasons stay to the right while walking in the hallways.
- Keep noise to a minimum while in the hallways. No loud sounds orscreaming!
- A pass is required when in the halls except during the change ofclasses.
- Designated locker times are: before and after homeroom, before and after your lunch period, and at the end of the day.
- Locker combinations should not be shared withanyone.
- No electrical devices in school. (i.e. Cell phones, IPods, MP3 players, walk mans, cameras, video games,etc.).
- Hats must be removed when entering building and kept off while in thebuilding.
- Keep food and drink in thecafeteria.
Turn in absence notes tothe Guidance Department.
- Teachers are more than willing to give you extra help in their class. Don’t be afraid to ask.
- On weekdays, keepphone calls and TV watching at a minimum.
- Join school clubs and extra- curricular activities – remember busy studentsare successfulstudents!
- Keep a large calendar in your room with importantdeadlines andevents
- Make an appointment tosee your school counselor when necessary.
- Take standardized tests (PARCC, NJ ASK Science8)
- Join at least one club orextra- curricular activity thisyear!
Materials Needed:
Students are to arrive to school each day with the materials needed to be successful in all their classes. Please refer your class supply list. If there is a problem purchasing needed materials, parents may contact the appropriate assistant principal.
Textbooks are issued to all students. BOOKS MUST HAVE COVERED TO PROTECT THEM AT ALL TIMES.At
the end of the school year, or upon transfer, all books checked out in your name must be returned to your teachers. Lost or stolen textbooks must be reported to the teacher and the administration immediately. Fees for lost/stolen textbooks will be assigned to the family if the item(s) is not found. School grades or official school records are not released or forwarded until full clearance is given for lost or damaged books.
Teachers interpret and respond to the individual needs of their students in many ways. An example of this is homework. Homework compliments our school program and class goals. Homework at FMS is either an extension of skills learned duringschool hours or preparation for the next day’s activities. Examples of homework assignments are the completion ofwork assignments, studying for tests, enrichment and reinforcement activities based upon the individual needs of students. Individual teachers design and assign homework based on the instructional goals of eachclass.
Telephone Use:
The office phones can only be used for emergency purposes. Students willnot be called from class fortelephone calls, but emergencymessages will be delivered to themas quickly as possible.
Report Cards:
Academic progress in school is vitally important to student’s success and preparedness. The current report card used is designed to help students and parents understand the child’s academic and social development so that the school and home community can work together in creating success for all students.
Marking Period – Dates subject to change
Year-end Report Cards are mailed home in July.
Grading System District Conversion & Equivalence Chart
A+ / 96 – 100A / 90 – 95
B+ / 86 – 89
B / 80-85
C+ / 76-79
C / 70-75
D / 67-69
F / 66 and below
Honor Roll:
The criterion for the Franklin Middle School honor roll is as follows:
Principal’s Honor Roll All 96 and only one 90
High Honor Roll All 90 and above
Honor Roll
All 80 and above
Progress Reports:
Progress reports will be mailed home midway through each marking period. The purpose of a progress report is to notify both students and parents of the current academic standing of the student. This interim report should be used as a guide to inform students and parents of what their child should or should not be addressing at each marking period interval.
Parent Conferences:
Parent/Teacher formal conferences are one of the tools used by teachers to foster communication and cooperation between the school staff and parents. Formal conferences are held during the fall and spring for FranklinMiddle School students; however the staff and or parents can schedule informal conferences anytime throughout the year. Parents are encouraged to discuss their child’s progress at these conferences to support their child’s success inschool.
FallConferences-*Datessubject tochange
October5,2016October 6,2016
October 7, 2016
Spring Conferences
*Dates subject to change
March3,2017March 2,2017
Guidance Department: SchoolCounselorsarethestudent’slink between school and home. Students can expect professional advice and assistance from their school counselor. The counselor’s role entails helping students to develop personal, vocational, and educational goals. Student contacts with a schoolcounselor can be voluntary or scheduled. Counselors are availablefor individual and group conferences. Counselor assignments are for two yearsaccordingtothechild’slastname.
- Mrs. Quiyon Peters, Counselor (A-G)
- Mrs. Precious Acolaste, Counselor (H-Pa)
- Ms. Surbhi Alaigh, Counselor (Pe-Z)
Student Transfers:
When a student transfers out of the Franklin Township school district, parents must provide writtennotification
to the Guidance Office at least twodays inadvancefromthestudent’slastdayof school.
All books and athletic equipment must be returned and all fines paid before final clearance is granted for transfer.In addition, students must complete a School Sign-Out Withdrawal Form and secure their teachers’ and cafeteria manager’s signatures to indicate all obligations have been satisfied. This form must be returned to the Student Development Office. Parent/Guardians must furnish the school with the forwarding school information in order for a school transfer card to be completedandsubsequentrecordssent to the receiving school. The information needed includes: new home address, new school address, and last day of attendance. Along with a copy of the transfer card, the student will be issued a copy of their health records from the nurse’s office for the new school. Also, the parent/guardian must come to
F.M.S. and sign a School Records Release Form so that the child is removed from the school roster.
Change of Address or Telephone Number:
Students are required to inform their School Counselor of any change in address or telephone number. Please report these changes as soon as they are known. Lease, mortgage payment or utility bill will be required for proof of address change.
Homework for Extended Absences: Foranyabsencethatexceedstwodays, homework assignments can be acquired by contacting the Guidance Department.
Emergency School Closing:
When school is closed because of a storm, other emergencies, or when school has a delayed opening, the local radiostationslistedbelowwillbroadcast the information. Listen carefully for delays or closures for Franklin Township Somerset and do notmistake it for another FranklinTownship.
W C T C / New Brunswick / 1450AM / W M G Q / New Brunswick / 98.3
W H W H / Princeton / 1350
AM / W B R W / Somerville / 1170
W O R / New York / 710
AM / W E R A / Plainfield / 1050
W P S T / Trenton / 97.5 / W K X W / Trenton / 101.5
The announcements will begin no later than 6:00am. Please continue to listen to the radio and/or local TV in the event the ninety-minute delay changes to a school closing due to deteriorating weather conditions.
Inclement Weather Information
90-Minute Delay Opening:
Due to inclement weather conditions, there will be times when the start of the school day will be delayed for 90 minutes. This delayed opening will allow students and staff additional time to arrive safely at school without having to cancel school for the entire day. It is also important to note that a ninety- minute delayed opening of school satisfies the State requirement for a full day of classes. On any day of early dismissal, should it be necessary for the district to have a delayed opening, the early dismissal will be cancelled and departure time from the schools will be as on a normal schoolday.
- Transportation schedules will be delayed ninety minutes. Bus studentsshouldbeatassignedbus stop 90-minutes later than posted on buspass.
- Most after school student activities will be held as regularly scheduled. Announcements will be made if activities arecancelled.
- You may also call the Board of Education Office at 732-873-2400 Ext. 555 for a taped message. In the event of a delayed openingdue to inclement weather, please continue to listen to your radio in caseadelayedopeningchangesto a school closing due to deteriorating weather conditions. Avoid calling the school. We need totakecareofalteringourschedule and using the main phone line to receive phone calls from staff members.
- Please utilize for updated information
General Information
Attendance Policy:
The Board of Education and the Administration of Franklin Middle School recognizes the educational significance of the student’sattendance in class and as mandated by N.J. S.A. 18A:38-25through31andN.J.A.C.6A: 32-8 and 13.1. To this end, theteaching staff is committed to conduct at least 180daysofwell-plannedinstructionand theentirestaffiscommittedtoenforcing the conditions of the attendance policy. Please note: Parents must keep the school informed of any phone numberchangesoraddresschanges as theyoccur.
State regulations demand an attendance policy that requires student attendance on the days and hours during which school is in session. Research has revealed that students who are late or miss school regularly find it difficult to be successful.
Absences and tardiness are recorded on each progress report and reportcard throughout the schoolyear.
Students who were absent have the privilegeofmakingupanymissedwork. However, it can be assumed that class participation cannot be made up. Forall absences, the student must approachhis or her individual teachers to requestmake-upassignments.
Students who cut class or who aretruant from school will not bepermittedtomakeupclassworktheymissed.
Student Arrival:
Franklin Middle School opens its doors at 7:00am. Students are dismissed from the cafeteria by school personnel, to go to their lockers in order to prepare for homeroom and breakfast.
Student Departure:
Students are dismissed from school at 2:25pm. At the end of the day students should go to their locker and then promptly leave the building. Any student
student staying after school must be under the direct supervision of a teacher/coach and involved in a school activity. If a student is unsupervised after school he/she will be asked to leave the building. Potential disciplinary action can be administered if continual loitering occurs.
Long Term Illness:
If a student will be absent from school for an extended period of time because of illness, injury or unusual circumstances are eligible for “alternate instruction” (see Home Instruction). Arrangements are made by calling the school nurse at (732) 249-6410 ext. 246/247. The days that a student receivedalternativeinstructionaretobe counted as days of schoolattendance.
Student Tardiness:
Students who enter the building after 7:30am are considered late for school. Late students must report to the sign-in table located in front of the auditorium for each lateness. The following action will be taken at the number of lateness indicated below:
A.Three lates–call to parent and office detention, for each additional late up to 10 an office detention will be assigned.
B.Six lates–letter to parent/student conference with school counselor.
C.Ten lates–letter to parent/mandatory parent conference with Grade Level Vice Principal. The student will receive ISS until conference is held, afterward everyday late equals one day of ISS will beserved.
D.Twenty lates– Student will be assigned OSS until parent conference is held, possible courtcomplaint.
Student Absences:
Student absences from school requirea written explanation from the parent/guardian within (5) five schooldays of return. This written notification must include an explanation of the absence(s) and the parents/guardian’s name and telephone number.
- Four unexcused absences – letter to parent and administrative detention.
- Between five - nineunexcused absences –letter to parent, administrative detention for every day absent and an action plan must be created with the schoolcounselor
- Ten unexcused absences– one-day ISS and Attendance Officernotified.
- Fifteen unexcusedabsences
– two days ISS and possible court complaint signed.
- Twenty or more unexcused absences – 1 day OSSFamily will be contacted by the District Attendance Office.
Early Dismissal (Signing Out of School Early):
Students are required to remain in school for the entire day. If it is necessary for a student to leave school prior to the end of the school day for a doctor, dental or court appointment, he or she must have a signed note including a phone number where a parent/guardian can be reached. This notice is to be delivered to the Main or Guidance Office in the morning. Keep in mindthat students must be in school for four hours in order to get credit for attendance. Students who leave school prior to 11:30 am or arrive after 10:30 am without proper documentation verifying the reason will be recorded as absent for the day.
Attendance and Extra-Curricular Participation