Patient Questionnaire Report and Action Plan
Station House Surgery, Kendal
Throughout February 2013, the Surgery asked patients to complete an anonymous patient questionnaire.
The questions that were asked to patients were based on feedback from Station House Surgery Patient Reference Group, and covered the areas that they felt were important focus points.
An action plan has been developed from the feedback from patients, and this is at the end of the report.
Profile of Patients that Participated
The age and gender of the patients who completed the questionnaire were mostly female, with the majority in the 65 to 74 years age bracket as shown below. This data also resembles last year’s results.
The patients who completed the questionnaire varied in attendance to the Surgery as follows:
Summary of Patient Questionnaire Results
The questionnaire covered areas of care, appointments, reception, dispensary and premises. There was also the option of comments being left about each section.
The breakdown of responses as follows:
Level of Care
Question: How would you rate the care you receive from a Doctor?
Question: Do you have any improvements/ suggestions/ thoughts regarding the Doctors?
-Telephone surgeries with the Doctor -Don’t like Choose and Book system
are a big help -More surgeries as have to wait to see own doctor
- First rate, listen attentively, -Listen to patients more, don’t rely on notes
excellent advice -Can give the impression you’re an inconvenience
-GP couldn’t be better -More home visits when required
-Always helpful and considerate -More spontaneous checks on over 80s
-Try to keep appointment times as often delayed
-Difficult to get appointments at times
Question: How would you rate the care you receive from a Nurse?
Question: Do you have any improvements/ suggestions/ thoughts regarding the Nurses?
-Always helpful and considerate -Improved signage when nurse rings in sick
-Cheerful, reliable, competent, - Telephone appointments to discuss minor ailments
positive, first rate - Occasionally appointments run very late
-Always fantastic
Appointment Times
Summary of comments received for each department:
Question: Are there any improvements/ suggestions/ thoughts you have regarding the Reception at the Surgery?
-Generally satisfactory -Attend to patients quicker
-Seem to be friendlier -Be friendlier when ringing patients to cancel appts
-Improved immeasurably, staff -Have a friendlier attitude, first impressions count
now pleasant, polite, helpful -Often rude and unhelpful
-Mostly helpful and pleasant -Smile more
-More acknowledgment from staff, have they seen me?
-Have two receptionists available during busy times to avoid queues
-Poor empathy and customer service
-More seats in Reception area
-Takes a while to get an answer on the phone
-Have an automatic booking-in system
Question: Are there any improvements/ suggestions/ thoughts you have regarding the Dispensary at the Surgery?
-Very helpful -Not sure what Dispensary are for
-Reliable, excellent service -Shorter waiting time for prescriptions (24hours)
-Very modern and efficient - Staff lack personality
-Cannot be praised highly enough - One person needs to be more polite
rest of practice should be at this - Would be helpful if I could have 3 months prescriptions
standard of care/ professionalism at a time
-Seem organised, good work
-Very helpful when Lloyds didn’t
have a prescription
Building/ Premises
Question: Are there any improvements/ suggestions/ thoughts you have regarding the premises at the Surgery?
-Always clean -Don’t like the ceiling fans
-Improved parking at the -Have a coffee machine / water fountain
front of the building - Have clocks in the waiting room
-Update magazines more regularly
-Better ventilation as stuffy and unhealthy
-Could do with cheering up / decorating
-Narrow footpath access, nearer parking needed
-Front door blocked by queues at Reception
-Coat hooks in the toilets
Question: Are there any improvements/ suggestions/ thoughts you have regarding the Surgery website?
-Greater awareness / more publicity of surgery website
-Email letters / information to patients
Other comments
Any other comments that patients made include:
-Friendly surgery -It would be good to ask Doctors questions via email
-Very happy with help -It would be good to pop in instead of booking
-Best interest comes from new -I wish I knew my Doctor better
-Now a pleasure to visit surgery
with improved service
Action Plan
In response to the feedback from the Patient Questionnaire, the Surgery would like to address a number of issues raised. The table below shows any actions that can be achieved to improve our service to our patients.
Issue / Action / Review Date:Appointments:
Availability / Surgery to review the demand on patient appointments and telephone calls to better manage capacity, and to make it easier to book appointments with same doctor. / October 2013
Nurse Telephone Appointments / Surgery to consider Nurse Telephone appointments for advice / review / October 2013
Automatic booking-in system / Review the viability and cost of an automatic booking-in system being used at the Surgery / October 2013
Quality of Customer Service / All staff dealing with patients to attend customer service training and monitor improvements / November 2013
Speed of Customer Service / Answering Telephones / Review of Surgery telephone system and protocols to reduce waiting times for telephone calls to be answered
Review of Reception protocols regarding colleagues helping at the desk during busy times. / November 2013
Seating / Review reception layout to see if more seats could be added to this area / November 2013
Awareness / Provide further explanations of the use, protocols and reasoning behind dispensary through posters, information sheets and information on the website / September 2013
Quality of Customer Service / All staff dealing with patients to attend customer service training and monitor improvements / November 2013
Building / Premises:
Appearance of Building / Consider the option of redecorating the surgery and redoing the notice boards to create a better atmosphere in the waiting room / December 2013
Clocks / Add some clocks to the waiting areas / May 2013
Coat hooks / Add some coat hooks to the public toilets / May 2013
Website / Review and update the website to include useful health information and links. Promote the website and its functionality within the Surgery. / September 2013
Technology / Surgery to look at ways of embracing technology to improve patient service and information / July 2013