Be Wise

Proverbs 23: 9-14

Introduction: Proverbs has been called “The Yellow Pages for Daily Living.” Got a need? Proverbs probably has the answer. Here Solomon teaches us about some areas where we need to demonstrate some wisdom. Be wise when it comes to your:

I. Speech (vs. 9)

“Fool”= one who is dull, stupid or silly. It is the picture of a person who is morally perverted and blatantly unreasonable. He’s like a brute beast.

“Speak”= to teach. A serious or urgent discourse. Save your words. You are wasting your breath. “Don’t cast your pearls before the swine” (Jesus). Don’t waste sound teaching on the stubbornly unresponsive. (See PROV... 9:7-9) Here is one who is “fat with foolishness.”

“Scorn”= to desire or disrespect.

“Wisdom”= Intelligence

“Words”= Discourage. You may as well try to teach horse algebra as to teach a fool wisdom. The best way to convince a fool he is wrong is to let him have his own way (Josh Billings). Never argue with a fool. Why? Because by-standards won’t know which is which! If you could tell a fool anything it would be to “tune-in”, “tone-down”, “chill-out”, and “wise-up.”

II. Steps (vs. 10-11)

See PROV. 22:28.

“Remove”= Take hold of.

“Boundary”= Landmark

“Encroach”= Invade

“Fatherless”= Lonely or bereaved.

“Redeemer”= Next of kin

“Mighty”= Strong or hot

“Plead”= Grapple or wrangle. Hold a controversy. The law of Moses prohibited this and pronounced a curse on the guilty. Read JOB 24:2, HOSEA 5:10. You don’t want to go to court with God. Think about they types of fatherless children. Some are fatherless because of death, others because of desertion.

III. Study (vs.12)

This is an imperative,

“Apply” = Contemplate, give yourself to, note, not the mind but the “Heart”. One can have a head full of facts and figures but not be motivated or driven. I can fill my mind with techniques from Golf Digest all day long but it’s not until I actually start practicing those techniques on the range or course that I benefit.

“Ears”= The gateway to the mind which is the vestibule of the heart. (Phillips)

There is right now a battle for your mind and heart. Satan is after your mind. God wants your heart. See 2 COR. 4:4, ROM. 12:1

IV. Spankings (vs.13-14)

Here’s good advice for parents. Modern psychologists and human secularists are not smarter than God. This is not about brutality or abuse but it is a serious principle. Look at:

A.  The Rule: Spoiled children grow up to be spoiled adults. They want their way and will. Those who won’t take no for an answer will have difficulty in life.

B.  The Rod: It needs to be administered rationally and with restraint.

C.  The Reason: One who learns earthly discipline will more easily be brought under divine authority.

Conclusion: Be wise.