
18thSunday in Ordinary Time2nd August 2015

(Eucharistic Adoration every Tuesday evening from 5.30pm to 7.30pm)

Recent Death:

Michael (Mikey) Ahern Glencullare, Tarbert,

Josephine Kennelly SmearlaBridge.Listowel,

Seamus O Neill, Rusheen, Ballylongford.

Day/Date / Time / Intention
Saturday1st Aug / 6pm / Deceased members of the Egan & Dowling family TarmonsTarbert
Sunday 2nd / 11.30am / Dermot O Connor, Main St
Tuesday 4th / 10am
Wednesday 5th / 10am
Thursday 6th / 10am / Sean, Liam & Seamus Kane
Friday 7th / 10am / Thomas Lyndon, Kilpadogue
Saturday 8th / 10am
6.pm / Georgie O Connell
Josephine, Bridie, Mary & Tom Holly Tarmons
Sunday 9th / 11.30am / James & Esther McNamara Chapel St & McNamara Family Tieraclea

Priest on Duty this Weekend: Fr Declan O Connor 087-0908949

Offertory Collection: Last weekend €961Our Sincere thanks for the Offertory collection last weekend.

Eucharistic Ministers:Vigil 6.pm: Joan Murphy, Tom Nash

11.30am: Amanda O’Sullivan, Teresa Hayes, John McGinley

Readers Next Weekend:Vigil 6.pm.Member of family11.30am.Member of family

Fr Padraig Kennelly will do his house calls in Tarbert on Wednesday 5th August 2015

Kilnaughtin Graveyard Mass will be held on Friday 21st August at 7.30pm

LislaughtinGraveyard Mass will be held on Friday 7th August at 7.30pm.

Baptism: We Welcome into the Parish community Georgia White who was baptised recently at St Mary’s Tarbert.

Wedding Bells: We congratulate Elaine O Connor & Anthony Mullen, MairePrendiville & Carl Coates, who were married recently in St Mary’s Church Tarbert.

Prayer to the Sacred Heart

O most holy Heart of Jesus, fountain of every blessing, I adore you, I love you and with lively sorrow for my sins, I offer you this poor heart of mine. Make me humble, patient, pure and wholly obedient to your will. Grant, good Jesus that I may live in you and for you. Protect me in the midst of danger. Comfort me in my afflictions. Give me health of body, assistance in my temporal needs, your blessing on all that I do and the grace of a holy death. Amen.

TARBERT BINGO – every Wednesday evening in the Community Centre at 8.30pm. All welcome.

MEAL FOR VISITING CLERGY ON HOLIDAYS: As is usual, Bishop Ray would like to invite priests who are home for vacation to gather for a meal on Tuesday, August 4th at 6.30pm at the Parish Centre, the Church of the Resurrection, Park Road, Killarney. So if there are any priests from our parish interested – Please contact the Diocesan Office at 064-6631168

LOUGH DERG 2015 Last day of the Three Day Pilgrimage is Thursday 13th August.

Pilgrims can begin their pilgrimage any day up until then.

No need to book. Information available at or phone 071 9861518


"Mary went in haste",this is the title of a Catholic Young Adults Conference being held in All Hallows College, Dublin on the 29th & 30th August. It is open to young adults aged between 18 and 40.
The Legion of Mary in the Kerry Diocese wish to sponsor 2 young people to attend.
More information from Patricia O Donoghue 087 9048659

THE NORTH KERRY BRANCH OF M.S. would like to thank all those who contributed to their recent Church gate collection. Amount collected was €380. Sincere thanks also to those who took up the collection for a very worthy cause.


“Limited number of seats available on the Kerry Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2nd – 7th Sept. led by Bishop Ray Browne ex Kerry Airport. Contact: Janice 064 7758219 / E-mail: ”


Killarney – Mondays, KDYS at 8pm

Tralee – Tuesdays, meeting room at rear of St. John’s Church at 8pm

Aware Support Groups are free to attend, no referral necessary.


An updated rota for the period 3 August 2015 through to Aug 2016 is available now from the Sacristry. Please collect your copy. Thanks.


Desmond Complex Newcastle West, Sunday 9th August at 3pm. All welcome.


“A life spent making mistakes is not only more honourable but more useful than a life spent doing nothing” – George Bernard Shaw

The Parish Newsletter is now available on the website.