Norcross Garden Club

BusinessMeeting Minutes



Tuesday, 22August 2017

Time / 7:00 PM
Duration / 2 hours 35 minutes
Location / Garden Clubhouse Cottage
Meeting Facilitator / Leanne Penman


Board Participants:
  1. Saundy Kittle
  2. Asta Moore
  3. Jeanette Osowski
  4. Sandy Pagano
  5. Leanne Penman
  6. Hazel Ringelstein
  7. Teresa Stoker
  8. Sue Wyatt
/ Committee & Club Member Participants:
  1. Jane Cunningham
  2. Barbara Macon
  3. Carol MacGregor
  4. Cathy Nelmes
  5. Diane Reese
  6. Trudy Rudert

Agenda Topics & Meeting Minutes

I. Meeting was called to order.
II. Minutes were approved via email from April 25, 2017 meeting
Treasurers Report –Sue Wyatt
Balance on hand as of April 25, 2017 - $7,694.98
Receipts since then - $9,903.70
Total disbursements - $3,435.72
Balance presently on hand - $14,162.96.
President – Leanne Penmanthanked members who attended the Officers Workshop on June 28 in Johns Creek and July 20 in Canton. The Garden Club of Georgia theme for 2017 - 2019 is “Plant America – Georgia’s Heritage, Georgia’s Legacy”.
Tersea Stoker, Trudy Rudert, and Leanne will attendan Awards Workshop on 8/23.
Second Vice President & Membership – Teresa Stokeris applying for a $1,000.00 “Plant America Community Project Grant” sponsored by the National Garden Clubs, Inc..The grant is intended for the beautification and/or restoration of gardens, community gardens, school gardens or environmental education.
It will be judged on several qualifications. Suggestions made were a mini library, handicapped access for planting stations at Discovery Gardens and a shared greenhouse with Annandale Village. Teresa is asking for suggestions from members. The project must be submitted by 11/1/2017 and completed by 5/2019. Sue Wyatt moved that Teresa continue to go forward with the grant project. Motion carried. Teresa also brought up the prospect of an irrigation system on the cottage grounds. She suggested the possibility of meeting with owner Teddy Russell of Russell Landscaping to discuss.
A “New Member Orientation”has been scheduled for 7 PM Monday, August 28.
Clubhouse Chair – Hazel Ringelstein reported that the gutters were cleaned on 8/3/17 for $135 and eight white tablecloths were purchased. An interior housecleaning day will be scheduled before the first meeting on September 11.
Garden Therapy Chair – Hazel Ringelstein discussed collecting hats and gloves for the Norcross Co-op at our Christmas Party. Cathy Nelmes suggested we ask the Co-op if these specified items are needed or if something else would be preferred.
Grounds Committee – Carol MacGregor reported the cottage grounds and the plot at Discovery Garden Park are doing well. We need to make sure plants are getting watered especially the flowerpots. We might want to plant more bulbs and maybe some shrubs at the Discovery Garden Park in the fall.
Sandy Pagano reported that Mason Bernard is unable to complete his Eagle Scout path project on our property. She also reported she is working with Jane Burkes’ labeling ideas to identify all the plants on the cottage grounds with both the common name and the botanical name.
Historian Committee – Sandy Pagano and Leanne Penman met with local Norcross historian Gene Ramsey. He’s willing to research the history of the Garden Club. There is documented history that the Norcross Garden Club was formed on February 19,1931. In 1932 they became members of The Garden Club of Georgia. There was discussion on updatingthe club logo. The framing of the gifted documents from the Jackson family has been delayed while more research is done.
Hostess Chair – Diane Waters
Leanne is helping establish hostesses for the September 11 meeting since Diane has not been well. Members are being asked to sign up for the 2017-2018 monthly hostess positions via email.
Publicity Chair – Jolyn Barrow
Leanne reported that Jolyn Barrow is the clubs new webmaster. The website is under construction and continually being updated. The results of the membership questionnaire survey are reported on the website. Not all members have participated.
Jolyn has designed a Norcross Garden Club banner - cost $56, club letterhead - cost $37, and Sunshine cards - cost $50.
Rental Chair – Jane Cunningham
Hazel Ringlestein will close up the cottage for the Lionheart rental 9/24/17. She will also coordinate the rental close up dates with Jolyn for 11/12/17 and 12/10/17
TanashaTindal is renting the cottage for a baby shower on 10/20/17 from 5PM to 9PM.
Sunshine Chair – Peggy Woods
Leanne reported that Peggy sent Diane Waters and Linda Gilbreath two cards each and one card to Herb Gilbreath. Peggy also visited Linda and took an orchid. The club donated fifty dollars to the American Cancer Society in memory of Linda.
Plant Sale – Cathy Nelmes reported that all remaining plants went to Summerour MS. A Barnes & Noble $50 gift cards were given to Emily and David, Sue Wyatt’s grandchildren for their help at the Plant Sale. Cathy stressed the importance of individual participation reports from the Plant Sale. Sandy Pagano showed what she had written up. Cathy said we should start thinking about the 2018 Plant Sale by collecting seeds, propagating hydrangeas and marking plants that need to be divided in the spring.
A report on the tour of Jane Burke’s garden on Sunday, May 7, was given.
A report on Amanda Gainer’s presentation on Bainbridge Island, May 11 was given.
A report on the May 18 celebration at Discovery Garden Park was given.A member cookout began at 5:30 pm and at 7pm the community was invited to a program titled “Goergia’s Water Wealth” given by member Carol MacGregor. Winners of the 2017 Wild & Wonderful Environmental Youth Summer Camp were announced. The club raised enough scholarship funds by selling donated plants from the City of Norcross. The scholarship recipients were Taylor Johnson, Sian Moyer and Makayla Youngker. The cost per camper was $125. All three girls are from Peachtree Elementary, are 5th graders and all attend the same Girl Scout Troop. A thank you note from Mayayla Youngker was read at the business meeting.
A report for the flower arranging activity for National Garden Week was given – See club website for pictures and more.
A report of the Community Market Children’s Activities, including cost and “Blossoming Gardener Award” for attendance was given. It was discussed if we should participate, if asked, next year. Trudy Rudert reported that attendance was good and children were very enthusiastic.
Sandy Pagano discussed the history of major repairs on the cottage and the property from 2/25/2007 to 8/21/2017.
A report on a sign for the Discovery Garden Park plot was given.
It was reported that the footbridge to Heritage Park was installed on 8/21 by Blake Manton’s Image Scapes’ crew of seven men.
Marion Lang, a past president of NGC, was honored by her family with a $1000 donation in her memory to the club. Donna and Linda Lang, NGC members, along with their families will be invited to a dedication ceremony with a plague displaying Marion’s name. Date to be determined.
The club has initiated a petition to transfer from the current Laurel District designation to the Dogwood District inorder to participate more fully in district activities since this district is closer to our location. This petition isto be signed by agreeing club members and delivered to The Garden Club of Georgia board members by September 24. Members will be asked to sign the petition at the September 11 meeting.
Jon Davis, resident of Norcross has daylilies to share. It was suggested we offer these to new members. The City of Norcross will be changing out flowerpots mid-October and have offered Ruellia brittoniana perennials to the club.
Budget changes based on amount earned from plant sale were discussed. There is no need to change the budget.
Reconstruction of the websiteand its ability to serve as a great communication toolwere discussed. Leanne encouraged us to visit the website and to have Jeanette’s newsletter link to the website.Members could rsvp if they plan to attend program meetings, which in turn would help hostesses to plan accordingly.
Leanneproposed the club purchase a $50 annual music service for the website and for slide shows to promote our activities and projects. In exchange member Tixie Fowler would use this music service for her nonprofit and for club visual/sound program productions. Cathy Nelmes moved that the Norcross Garden Club fund the $50 music service fee for our website and for Tixie’s nonprofit. Motion passed.
It was decided that the Master Gardeners table was a good and useful attraction to have at the plant sale. The program on bats and the building of bat boxes was discussed for a possible program offered to the community during the 2018 Plant Sale.
First Vice President – Asta Moore discussed the calendar of events for 2017-2018. The events looked very informative with many field trips. One field trip is to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens on November 30 to enjoy the Garden Nights-Holiday Lights. The cost of the event would include transportation and garden entry. The cost total is $32 for members and $35 for non-members. Member reservations must be made by September 18, after that time the slots will be open to non-members. Money must be paid by the October 9 program meeting. The other event is the Christmas Gathering to be held at VSOP Olive Oil and Vinegar Taproom. The cost of the meal is $20. It was questioned whether Jeanette Osowski could take credit card payments for both events.


Membership / Next business meeting / Sept. 19 Tues.
Jeanette Osowski / Provide members with upcoming program meeting information and business meeting minutes. / Before Sept. 11 meeting
Hazel Ringelstein / Schedule housecleaning day / Before Sept. 11
All members / Start thinking and planning for 2018 plant sale. Save seeds, propagate hydrangeas, think about what plants can be divided in the spring. / Now
Jolyn Barrow / Develop a sign for Discovery Garden Park plot stating “Maintained by The Norcross Garden Club” / Sept.
Hazel Ringelstein / Close up cottage after Lionheart rental / Sept. 24 Sunday
Jane Cunningham / Close up cottage after Tanasha Tindal’s baby shower / October 20 Friday 9PM
Hazel Ringelstein
Jolyn Barrow / Coordinate Sundays to close up cottage after Lionheart rental / November 12
December 10
Leanne Penman / Get bids on plaque for Marian Lang’s dedication / Sept.

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