Lincoln ChapterAssociation of Government Accountants
Newsletter –April, 2013
President’s Message – April 2013
Greetings to you the members and friends of the Lincoln Chapter of the Association of Government Accountants. The Sectional Leadership Meeting in Los Angeles was held last weekend. I’d like to devote most of this message to that event.
Unfortunately, of our delegation, not all were able to make the trip due to weather problems. Frank Faughn made it to Denver but his flight was late and he couldn’t make his connection. Given a standby status, along with who knows how many other hundreds of people, he wasn’t called and returned to Lincoln. Dee Ward and Candace Meredith had a similar experience. They couldn’t even leave Lincoln and board their flight to Minneapolis because of a storm there. However, Ralene Cheng, Ann Martinez, Jessica Elliott and I made it. The event was excellent.
We were welcomed by Relmond (Van) Van Daniker. He was only 10 minutes into his remarks when he used his famous quip, “if not us, who; if not now, when?” Of course, he was characterizing our role in government as financial managers. The federal budget is exploding which affects state and local budgets, too. Our profession is uniquely positioned to be the thought leaders and change makers in these discussions on advancing government accountability, and, I would add affordability.
The next speaker was Kathy Peterman. She will assume the national AGA presidency position July 1. She commented on the ‘value proposition’ in AGA membership. Our national organization has much to offer and sometimes our chapters don’t do a very good job of communicating this to non-members and members, too. Have you looked at the tools available on the website? Check them out at We will try to have Kathy visit us sometime next year.
The next speaker was a duo. This was an eye-opener for me, what national AGA is doing regarding connecting with other groups. Much of this is behind the scenes. The national staff-person presenting was Helena Sims. She’s a very sharp gal. Her responsibility is to build and maintain bridges from AGA to other organizations. During a break I asked her if we are bridging to national association of governors. She said yes, as well as with the county government leaders association and cities’, the National Association of State Auditors, Treasurers and Comptrollers, federal agencies, and more. She set up a remote link so Norm Dong could join in. He is the Deputy Controller for the federal Office of Management and Budget. He spoke at length explaining all the initiatives which are underway and of which AGA is either the initiator or at least a participant. I was very pleased to hear this and to know that our association is very much involved in being the thought leaders and innovators for improving government financial management.
The next presenter was Dave Blanc. This July 1 he’ll begin serving as AGA’s national treasurer. He shared some practical tips on this important function. He made an important suggestion. This is for chapters to consider securing event liability insurance.
The next presenter was Susan Fritzlen. She is Deputy Executive Director to Van. She shared comments focused on member recruitment and reinforced Kathy’s comments on AGA’s ‘value proposition’.
Following Susan was Bill Miller and Marsi Woody. These are two of the four Senior Vice Presidents for Regional Services for AGA. Our Midwest Region is part of Bill’s assignment. Bill is a member of the Kansas City Chapter and many of you will recognize his name for his long-time involvement with AGA and CPE presenter. He joined AGA in 1967. By the way, the KC Chapter was the number one ever chartered chapter after AGA was formed in 1950. They continue to set a high bar of excellence. Bill will become national president-elect on July 1 which starts a three year term. His special vice presidential appointment to assist him for three years is Harry Heflin. Harry is another very sharp professional from the KC Chapter. He told me he recently conducted a program review of the Nebraska Environmental Trust. Most of Harry’s career was with the air force. But I digress. The reason I mention this is because our chapter is highly esteemed and a member of the most prestigious region in the association. We presently are uniquely positioned to make an impact. I think this is very exciting.
Saturday morning was devoted to regional meetings and sharing time. Many effective ideas and strategies were shared including our own. This trip was very worthwhile for our chapter and leadership who were able to attend.
Our Chapter has continued to be very busy. Since my last message we had our April meeting at which Dr. Prem Paul spoke. There is much activity going on at UNL in the area of research. Dr. Paul deserves much credit for this. During his 10 year tenure, research dollars have more than doubled and the old state fairgrounds is now known as Innovation Campus. He has been successful in attracting nationally known researchers to UNL.
As I write this, tomorrow is our spring professional development conference. Registrations are right at 100. Frank Faughn deserves kudos for putting together another fine PDC.
I encourage you to attend our May 1 regular monthly Chapter meeting. Gerry Oligmueller, State Budget Officer, and a member of Governor Heineman’s cabinet, will be our speaker. Please see elsewhere in this newsletter for details regarding this meeting.
The May 1 meeting will be designated ‘Founders Day’ for our Chapter. Any member who previously served on our Chapter Executive Committee is invited to attend. We will recognize you for your service. If you are part of this elite group for our chapter and plan to attend this meeting please email me.
This is all for now. See you soon!
Ken Rouch, President
AGA May 2013 Chapter Meeting
Time: 11:45 am
Date: Wednesday – May 1
Location: Cornhusker Terrace Grill
Members and non-members alike are welcome to attend.
No registration required for this meeting
Speaker: Gerry Oligmueller – State Budget Administrator - Nebraska Department of Administrative Service – Budget Division speaking on State of Nebraska budgetary issues
Gerry has served as State Budget Administrator for the State of Nebraska since September 1995. Gerry has responsibility for assisting the Governor in the preparation of the Governor’s budget recommendations and management oversight of the use of state and federal funds by State agencies. He directs the executive fiscal planning and fiscal policy process.
During 2007, Gerry also served as Acting Director of the Department of Administrative Services. The Administrative Services Department is a large state agency with key enterprise responsibilities in the areas of insurance, risk management, personnel, accounting, procurement, vehicle and property management.
Gerry served as President of the National Association of State Budget Officers during 2001-02 and is a current member of its Executive Committee. NASBO is a national affiliate of the National Governor’s Association and provides research, policy development, education, training, and technical assistance on budget matters for the fifty state budget officers of the nation’s governors and their staff. In 2006, NASBO awarded Gerry the Gloria Timmer Award, its national recognition for outstanding achievement in state budgeting.
On February 25, 2009, Governor Heineman also assigned Gerry responsibility to coordinate activities for Nebraska state government related to implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009.
Gerry’s prior service in state government has included Deputy Director of the former Nebraska Department of Social Services, Deputy Director of the Nebraska Legislative Fiscal Office, and Deputy Commissioner of the South Dakota Bureau of Finance and Management.
Calendar of Events
May 1 – Wednesday – Monthly Chapter Meeting - 11:45 – Cornhusker Terrace Grill – Gerry Oligmueller,
speaking on State of Nebraska budgetary issues
May 15 - Wednesday - Board Meeting - 6th Floor NSOB - Conference Room B - 12 noon for one hour
May 22 – Wednesday – Audio Conference - Ethics
June 19 - Wednesday - Board Meeting - 6th Floor NSOB - Conference Room B - 12 noon for one hour –
Tentative based on when a Board Retreat is scheduled
July 14-17 - National Professional Development Conference - Dallas
July 24 - Wednesday - Board Meeting - 6th Floor NSOB - Conference Room B - 12 noon for one hour
August 21 - Wednesday - Board Meeting - 6th Floor NSOB - Conference Room B - 12 noon for one hour
September 18 - Wednesday - Board Meeting - 6th Floor NSOB - Conference Room B - 12 noon for one hour
October 16 - Wednesday - Board Meeting - 6th Floor NSOB - Conference Room B - 12 noon for one hour
November 20 - Wednesday - Board Meeting - 6th Floor NSOB - Conference Room B - 12 noon for one hour
December18- Wednesday - Board Meeting - 6th Floor NSOB - Conference Room B - 12 noon for one hour
Audio Conference – Ethics
Date: Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Time: 1:00 – 2:50
Location: NebraskaStateOfficeBuilding, LLD
Cost: Free to AGA members, $25 to nonmembers
Register on Lincoln Chapter AGA website
Learning Objectives: To understand how organizational culture and guidelines promote ethical behavior and to understand the relationship of ethical concepts and professional decision making.
Course outline: All of us know the importance of a good reputation. An organization’s reputation, whether in business or government, is built on a foundation of ethical practices. This audio conference will examine questions related to putting such a foundation in place.
Does an organization’s culture foster development and promotion of ethical behavior? Does an organization’s ethical code of conduct arise naturally from the organization’s stated values? Should the code of conduct provide detailed guidance for handling ethical challenges? Does an organization which promotes general principles without specific provisions risk being perceived by employees as just window dressing? If that is the case, does the code of ethics breed cynicism rather than commitment?
What is our responsibility as individuals? What drives our ethical decision making? What determines how we will deal with ethical challenges? When does our value system begin? What are the differences between values, morals, integrity, and ethics? These terms are used interchangeably. Do you know the differences? What is the association between ethical decision making and our value system? Many have said that America has a severe lack of ethics. It has been said that Americans are far less ethical than previous generations and more willing to accept unethical behavior in their leaders. Most of us believe that society operates more smoothly if people adhere to certain core values and do not lie, cheat, or steal. Most would prefer for our leaders, coworkers, and neighbors to be honest, fair, considerate, and trustworthy. What motivates our ethical behaviors? These are some of the issues and questions that will be addressed during this audio conference on ethics.
The speaker is Bobby A. Derrick, MBA, CGFM, Former Director, Network Compliance and Business Operations, Standards and Compliance Directorate, Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS). Mr. Derrick is also a Past National President of AGA and currently serves as Field Representative for AGA’s chapters.
This is a live event, so in addition to the speaker’s presentation, about 20 minutes is set aside for questions and answers.
Omaha Association of Government Accountants - 1/2 Day Educational Spring Training Seminar
Date: May 7, 2013
Topics include:
- Why Executives Commit Fraud – Dr.VasantRaval Professor Creighton University
- The Pros and Cons of Public and Private Partnerships – CarolEbdon – Professor UNO
- IT General Controls – Including the use of the SOC Audit Reports – SeanWinekauf – KPMG LLP, Risk Consulting
Location:Mammel Hall Room 320A&B
Time: 12:30 – 4:30
Registration cost before April 26: AGA members $65.00
Otherprofessional member organizations: $75.00
April 27 and After: All $80.00
Pay online at or RSVP:
4 hours ofCPE applied for
Snack break sponsored by – (Sponsorship available)
AGA Topeka Chapter Educational Event
The Topeka AGA Chapter would like to formally re-announce the May 9, 2013 8 hour-PDC event featuring Paul Koehler as the Seminar Speaker. The 8-hour CPE event will cover the New 2011 Yellow Book - Government Auditing Standards and is eligible for Yellow Book CPE credit and includes 2 hours of Ethics CPE.
See attached announcement for further details and how to sign up on our website (
CGFM Intensive Review Course and Examinations
Have you been studying for the CGFM Examinations and are almost ready to take them? Sign up for AGA’s Intensive Review Course and take the CGFM Examinations before the July PDC. Don’t miss this opportunity to earn your CGFM. The Intensive Review Course will take place from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. on Thursday, July 11, and Friday, July 12. The CGFM Examinations will be offered by appointment only on July 13-14. Learn more at
The meeting was held at Misty’s Restaurant with 32 members and 1 guests present.
Ken Rouch, chapter president, opened the meeting and welcomed everyone in attendance. Guest and prospective member Rene Mayo-Rejai was introduced to the group.
A Slate of Proposed Officers/Directors for the 2013-14 chapter year was presented to the membership. Ron Carlson then asked if there were any nominations from the floor. Hearing none, a motion was made by Curt Youngman to accept the proposed slate as presented. The motion was seconded by Bruce Snyder. Motion passed unanimously.
Ken reminded the group that the Spring Professional Development Conference will be held at the Country Inn and Suites located in Lincoln on Tuesday, April 23rd. He indicated a social is also scheduled for 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 9th at the Watering Hole located in Downtown Lincoln. Also, the signed Governor’s Proclamation recognizing the month of March as CGFM month was passed around the room. In addition, Ken mentioned the proposed revised bylaws will be voted upon by the membership at our next Chapter Meeting scheduled for May 1st.
Jason Walters then introduced ourprogram speaker, Dr. Prem Paul, Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development at UNL. His presentation focused on various areas of research being conducted at the University of Nebraska. He stated UNL’s NanoscienceResearchCenter is nationally recognized as one of the finest nanoscience research facilities in the country. According to Dr. Paul, in order to be successful, we need state of the art science facilities, to recruit and retain top notch talent in both faculty and students, and to build partnerships and collaborate with private industry. He also mentioned that research spending has leveled off over the past few years. With this in mind, one of the University’s goals is to increase research spending to $300 million annually by 2018, with 50% of the funding provided by the federal government. At the end of his presentation, he answered questions from the audience.
Our next chapter meeting will be held at 11:45 a.m. on Wednesday, May 1st at the Cornhusker Terrace Grill Restaurant located at 13th and M Streets. Our speaker for this meeting will be Jerry Oligmueller, State Budget Administrator with the Nebraska Department of Administrative Services.
Staci Bolton was the winner of the free lunch.
Presented by Ron Theasmeyer, Chapter Secretary.
Network with AGA Online Anytime
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Speakers and Topics
If you have any suggestions for speakers or topics for chapter meetings please call or email Jason Walters,471-2793, , orZach Wells 326-3064,
Bring a guest to a Chapter meeting. They will get a free lunch. If they join you get a free lunch.
Email Addresses
Please remember to send any email address changes to Tim Channer so the mailing list can be updated. Thanks
Members in the News
Send in member news to be included in the newsletter.
AGA Merchandise
AGA Logo merchandise is available through the marketplace on AGA’s website or in Topics.
Year 2012-2013 / Budget / To Date / Remaining
March 1, 2013 / $22,535.62
Spring Conference / $11,280.00 / $1,610.00 / $9,670.00 / Receipts:
Fall Conference / $9,525.00 / $11,640.00 / ($2,115.00) / Other Educational Events / $150.00
Other Educational Events / $450.00 / $337.00 / $113.00 / Spring PDC / $0.00
$0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / Fall PDC / $160.00
$0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00
Interest Income / $10.00 / $3.01 / $6.99 / Interest Income / $0.00
Misc. Income / $0.00 / $187.00 / ($187.00)
$0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / Total Receipts / $310.00
Total Receipts: / $21,265.00 / $13,777.01 / $7,487.99 / Disbursements:
Education-Non PDC / $0.00
Disbursements: / Fall PDC / $0.00
Spring Conference / $7,000.00 / $154.00 / $6,846.00 / Education Non - PDC / $0.00
Fall Conference / $7,040.00 / $6,228.56 / $811.44 / Membership Support / $48.41
Education-Non-PDC / $2,750.00 / $1,647.12 / $1,102.88 / Chapter Leadership / $0.00
National PDC / $2,800.00 / $2,508.50 / $291.50 / Certification / $146.05
Membership Support / $1,130.00 / $622.23 / $507.77 / Comm. - Website / $0.00
Early Careers / $1,000.00 / $300.00 / $700.00 / Early Careers / $0.00
Communications-Website / $600.00 / $334.95 / $265.05 / Total Disbursements / $194.46
Chapter Leadership / $450.00 / $172.34 / $277.66
Certification / $500.00 / $435.30 / $64.70 / March 31. 2013 / $22,651.16
Accountability and Outreach / $100.00 / $0.00 / $100.00
Community Service / $160.00 / $160.00 / $0.00 / Checking / $12,305.36
Chapter Award / $50.00 / $0.00 / $50.00 / Certificates of Deposit / $10,345.80
$0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / Total / $22,651.16
$0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00
$0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00
Total Disbursements: / $23,580.00 / $12,563.00 / $11,017.00
2010-2011 Chapter Officers and Board Members
President Ken Rouch, CPA, CGFM 471-0554
President-Elect Rich Sanne 476-6174
Secretary Ron Theasmeyer, CPA 471-3570
TreasurerDan Albrecht
Past-PresidentAmy Wilson, CPA, CGFM471-0616
Board Members
Director of Citizen Centric Reporting
Cindy Miserez 471-4174
Co-Directors of Communications
Tim Channer–CPA, CGFM
Lonnie Fierstein - Webpage 471-6822
Director of Education