Paul D. Saunders


Suncoast Solutions, Inc.

(941) 412-0323

Summary of Professional Experience

Thirty-six years of domestic and international nuclear power related experience. I have extensive experience in radiation protection and exposure management, radioactive waste management, liquid effluents, training development and implementation, subject matter assistance with software development, and process cost and efficiency analyses. I have also had lead roles in reviewing the adequacy of radiation safety and liquid and solid waste processing design features for advanced nuclear plants including the Westinghouse and General Electricdesigns, and the Electric Power Research Institute Advanced Reactor Utility Requirements Document.

Professional Experience

Thirty years of experience in the commercial nuclear industry. NRRPT Certified.

Six years military experience with the U.S. Navy, including experience in nuclear powered submarine operations, health physics and plant chemistry.

PresentSuncoast Solutions, Osprey, FL

President. Suncoast Solutions is a nuclear consulting firm specializing in Radioactive Waste Management, Radiation Protection and Exposure Control, Chemistry, Software Development Support, Liquid Effluents Management, Program Efficiency,and Training. In addition, Suncoast, has developed formal associations with several organizations with expertise in laser scanning technology, radiation shielding, Web based training, and two advanced manufacturing companies that can fabricate a wide range of simple-to-extremely complex components manufactured to ISOE 9001 Standards.

1994 - 2002CENTEC XXI, Gilroy, CA

Vice President of Development for a nuclear chemistry, radiation protection, radioactive waste and equipment design and manufacturing organization.

1978 - 1994New York Power Authority

Acting Radiation Protection Manager: Responsible for all Radiation Protection, Chemistry, Environmental, Emergency Plan, and Radioactive Waste Programs.

Waste Management General Supervisor: Responsible for all liquid and solid radioactive material management activities on site. This included liquid radwaste processing using mobile and installed plant technology, and the receipt, storage, packaging, shipping, processing and disposal of solid radioactive materials and radioactive waste. Collateral responsibilities included hazardous and mixed waste management for the Indian Point Unit 3 facility.

Health Physics Technician and Supervisor:Responsible for all aspects of Health Physics Program Management.

1972 - 1978U.S. Navy

Submarine nuclear plant Engineering Laboratory Technician and operator.


ManhattanCollege, B.S. Radiological Health Science, Magna Cum Laude

U.S. Navy Nuclear Power Propulsion Program

National Registry of Radiation Protection Technology Certified

HarvardSchool of Public Health Occupational Radiation Exposure Control

Numerous utility sponsored training and accreditation classes and programs

U.S. Coast Guard 50 Ton Masters License

Project Experience and Reactor On-Site Work

Lead role with EPRI for detailed design review of GE ESBWR and AP1000 advanced reactor DCDs for radioactive liquid processing and radiological health safety.

Provided design, content and technical input for development of three comprehensive software programs for analyzing liquid processing costs and performance.

Supported radioactive waste processing, Radiation Protection, and training projects at over 60 domestic and international reactor sites and agencies including:

Angra, Eletronuclear de Brasil

Arkansas Nuclear One, Entergy Operations

BeaverValley Nuclear Stations 1 & 2, FENOC

Braidwood Station, Exelon Corporation

Browns Ferry, TennesseeValley Authority

Brunswick Station, Carolina Power & Light

Byron Station, Exelon Corporation

Callaway Station, Union Electric Company

Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Plant, Baltimore Gas and Electric

Catawba Nuclear Station, Duke Energy

Clinton Station, Exelon Corporation

Cofrentes, Iberdrola, Spain

ComanchePeak Steam Electric Station, Texas Utilities

Connecticut Yankee Station, Northeast Utilities

Cooper Nuclear Station, Nebraska Public Power District

Darlington, Ontario Power Generation

Davis Besse, FENOC

D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Indiana Michigan Power Company

D1G Naval Reactor, Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory

Diablo Canyon Nuclear Stations 1&2, Pacific Gas and Electric

Dounreay Site, UKAEA

Dresden Nuclear Station, Exelon Corporation

E.I. Hatch Station, Southern Operating Company

Fermi Station, Detroit Edison Company

FortCalhoun, Omaha Public Power District

Gundremmingen Station, Germany

HopeCreek Generating Station, Public Service Electric and Gas

Indian Point Unit 2, Entergy Nuclear Northeast

Indian Point Unit 3, Entergy Nuclear Northeast

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Japanese Nuclear Safety Organization (JNES)

Kewaunee Power Station, Dominion

Koeberg Station, ESKOM South Africa

Laguna Verde, CFE, Mexico

LaSalle Station, Exelon Corporation

Limerick Generating Station, Exelon Corporation

McGuire Station, Duke Energy

Millstone Station Units 1-3, Northeast Utilities & Dominion

Nine Mile Point 1&2, Niagara Mohawk Company

North Anna, Dominion

Oconee, Duke Energy

Oyster Creek, Exelon Corporation

Palisades Station, Consumers Power Company

Peach Bottom Station, Exelon Corporation

Perry Nuclear Power Plant, FENOC

Pickering, Ontario Power Generation

Point Lepreau, New Brunswick Electric Power Commission

Quad Cities Station, Exelon Corporation

R. E. Ginna Nuclear Station, Rochester Gas & Electric Company

Salem Generating Station, Public Service Electric and Gas

San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Southern California Edison

Sequoyah Station, TennesseeValley Authority

Sizewell B Station, British Energy

South Texas Project, South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company

Surry Station, Dominion

Susquehanna Station, PPL - LLC

Three Mile Island, Exelon Corporation

Vermont Yankee Nuclear Station, Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp.

V. C. Summer Nuclear Station, South Carolina Gas and Electric Company

Watts Bar Station, TennesseeValley Authority

WNP-2 Washington Public Power Supply System

WolfCreek, WolfCreek Nuclear Operating Corporation

Zion Nuclear Station, Exelon Corporation

Publications (Authored and Assisted)

  1. IAEA, Categorizing OperationalRadioactive Wastes, IAEA-TECDOC-1538, April 2007
  2. IAEA, Modular Design for Low Level Radioactive Waste Processing and Storage Facilities, draft, 2007
  3. IAEA, Considerations for the Application of Mobile Processing Systems for Radioactive Waste Management, draft, 2008
  4. IAEA, Techniques and Technologies for the Control of Liquid and Gaseous Effluents from Nuclear Reactors, draft, 2008
  5. EPRI Does Mitigation for Future Alloy 600 Inspections, 2008
  6. EPRI Program on Technology Innovation: Feasibility Assessment of a Core Vacuum for Foreign Material and Activity Removal.
  7. EPRI Technology Development to Improve Radiation Shielding for Material Inspections, 2008
  8. EPRI ANP LLW Management Review: Mobile Processing and Treatment Systems; 2005
  9. EPRI Radioactive Waste Processing Systems for the Next Generation of Nuclear Reactors: Interim Progress Report; 2002.
  10. EPRI Utility Requirements Document, Radwaste Update 2006
  11. EPRI Utility Requirements Document, Radiation Protection Chapter Development, 2007.
  12. EPRI Utility Requirements Document, Groundwater Considerations, 2007.
  13. EPRI Technical Support for GE Economic Simplified BWR (ESBWR) - Radwaste System Design; 2005
  14. EPRI ALWR Project: Utility Position Paper on Significant Design Considerations for the Westinghouse AP1000 LLW Management Program; 2004.
  15. EPRI ALWR Project: Review of Westinghouse AP1000 LLW Management Program; 2003.
  16. EPRI Radioactive Liquid Processing Guidelines; 1997 & 2004.
  17. EPRI Cost-Effective Liquid Processing Programs; 1995.
  18. EPRI Solid Low Level Waste Management Guidelines; 1995.
  19. EPRI Interim On-Site Storage of Low Level Waste; 1991-1993.
  20. EPRI Storage Guidelines; 1991-1993.
  21. Radioactive Wet Waste Reduction Opportunities for Waste Class B and Class C; 2005
  22. EPRI Development of a Successful Cavity Decontamination Plan; 2004.
  23. EPRI Waste Logic: Liquid Processing Program and User’s Manual; 1998.
  24. EPRI Waste Logic: Fast Track Program and User’s Manual; 1999.
  25. EPRI Processing Decision Matrix for Liquid Radioactive Waste; 1999.
  26. EPRI Radwaste Desk Reference Volume 4; 1994.
  27. EPRI Spent Resin Disposition Guidelines; 1995.
  28. EPRI Industry Wide Cost Initiative-Liquid Waste Processing Cost Savings; 1995.
  29. EPRI Steam Generator Blowdown Demineralizer Cost Reduction Process Options.
  30. EPRI Optimized Site-Specific ALARA Assessments: PWR Methodology Development.
  31. EPRI Pressurized Water Reactor Plant "Radwaste Test Facility" Phase II - Liquid Radwaste Optimization Program – Cost Analysis; 1999.
  32. EPRI Evaluation of Advanced Ion Exchange Media: PWR LLW Test Facility Results from Surry; 2001.
  33. EPRI PWR LLW Test Facility: Interim Report on RO Optimization; 2000.
  34. EPRI Analysis of Advanced Liquid Waste Minimization Techniques at a PWR: Advanced Media; Pleated Filters; and Economic Evaluation Tools; 1998.
  35. EPRI Evaluation of Radwaste Processing Options for High Iron Liquids; 1998.
  36. EPRI System and Cost Impact of a Liquid Processing Test Facility: Assessment of Indian Point 2; 1998.
  37. EPRI Use of Chemical Pretreatment to Enhance Liquid Waste of Processing; 1999.
  38. EPRI Liquid Processing Test Facility: Surry Nuclear Station -- Phase I; 1999.
  39. EPRI Cost/Performance Evaluation of Advanced Low Level Waste (LLW) Liquid Processing Technologies: Pressurized Water Reactor Liquid Processing; 1999.
  40. EPRI Radiation Field Control Manual; 2004.
  41. EPRI Strategies for Managing Liquid Effluents – Options, Actions, and Results; 2003.
  42. EPRI. Radiation Protection Program Resource Optimization Project: Brunswick Nuclear Plant; 2003.
  43. EPRI Exposure Reduction Through Optimized Planning and Scheduling
  44. Guidance on Incorporating ALARA Concepts; 2005.
  45. Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization: Control of Radiation Exposure at Nuclear Power Plants; 2006.
  46. EPRI PWR LLW Test Facility at Surry; Phase III: Process Evaluation and Brine Management; 2002.
  47. EPRI Scaffolding Program Management for Dose Reduction; 2004
  48. EPRI Scaffolding Program Management for Dose Reduction: 2007
  49. EPRI Planning and Scheduling ALARA; 2004
  50. EPRI Plant ALARA Assessments: Lessons Learned; 2002
  51. EPRI Assessment of Absolute Filtration Technology at Indian Point 3; 2002
  52. EPRI Evaluation of an Alternate; Advanced Filtration Media for Radioactive Liquid Processing; 2004
  53. EPRI Tritium Management Model – Project Summary Report; 2005
  54. EPRI Assessment of Cost Effective Technologies to Reduce Radiation Fields; 2005
  55. EPRI Liquid System Manager; 2006 - 2008
  56. ANS 40.37 revision 2007 - 2008

Numerous other industry papers and publications

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