1. After being cited for gallantry in the Mexican War this man left the army in 1852 to teach as the Virginia MIlitary Institute. Appointed brigadier general in the Confederate Army, he successfully diverted a superior force in the Shenandoah Valley Campaign, earned a Southern victory when his troops held off Union assaults during a crucial phase of the First Battle of Bull Run, and made the attack that broke Union lines at Chancellorsville, where he was accidently killed by one of his own sentries. FTP, who was this right hand man of Lee known as “Stonewall”?

Answer: Thomas Jonathon “Stonewall” Jackson

2. Improper reabsorption of this amino acid in the kidney results in Hartnup disease. Having the highest molecular weight but smallest human requirement of any essential amino acid, it ensures normal growth and development in infants, and in 1901 was isolated from casein by Frederick Hopkins. FTP, what is this amino acid used to manufacture niacin and serotonin popularly known for its sleep inducing effects?

Answer: tryptophan

3. Important pieces of music in this opera include the aria Where Will I Find the Traitor Who Took My Heart?, the notoriously difficult Il mio tesoro, sung by Ottavio, and Leporello’s Madamina. The protagonist’s failed advances on the peasant Zerlina and his murder of the Commendatore, father of Donna Anna, lead the ghost of the Commendatore, in the form of a statue, to drag the protagonist to hell. FTP, what is this 1787 opera about a libertine by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?

Answer: Don Giovanni

4. This poet created a sensation with the primitive, overtly emotional poems in The Map of Love. The collection Deaths and Entrances contains many of his best-known later poems, such as Ceremony After a Fire Raid, Poem in October, The Conversation of Prayer, and Fern Hill, while his non-poetic works include Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog, Under Milkwood, and A Child’s Christmas in Wales. FTP, who was this Welsh poet of Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night?

Answer: Dylan Thomas

5. This philosophical work begins by identifying the role of the philosopher as an underlaborer whose task is to remove “some of the rubbish that lies in the way of knowledge.” Book III holds that words name ideas, Book IV claims that intuition is the fundamental unit of knowledge, Book II distinguishes between simple and complex ideas and attempts to account for the origins of many commonly-held ideas, and Book I attacks the doctrine that men have innate knowledge of some truths, arguing instead that ideas come from experience. FTP, what is this 1690 treatise which claims that the human mind at birth is a “tabula rasa,” written by John Locke?

Answer: Essay Concerning Human Understanding

6. The last known victim of one of these was Hyperbolus. At the beginning of each year, the assembly voted if they wanted to hold one; if so, two months later every citizen was allowed to vote for one person on a sherd of pottery. If 6,000 citizens voted, then the person with the most votes, although allowed to maintain his property and citizenship, was banished from Attica for 10 years. FTP, what was this form of Athenian banishment whose victims included Theistocles and Cimon and now refers to any form of social shunning?

Answer: ostracism

7. The first scientist to describe the emission of Auger electrons, this physicist was forced to work in a carpenter’s workroom when barred by Emil Fischer from the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute Labs. In 1918 she took part in the discovery of protactinium, and with her nephew Otto Frisch realized that her earlier work had resulted in the discovery of fission. FTP, who was this Austrian-born Swedish physicist best-known for her collaboration with Otto Hahn?

Answer: Lise Meitner

8. Ouessant Island lies at the northern end of this body of water whose Abyssal Plain reaches depths of 15,000 feet. A triangle with an area of about 86,000 square miles, its southeast is home to Cape Breton, and its Gironde Estuary is formed by the mouths of the Garonne and Dordogne Rivers, which, with the Adour and Loire, are the major rivers which empty into this bay. Home to the ports of Gijon, Bilbao, La Rochelle, and Bordeaux, FTP, what is this wide bay bounded by the north coast of Spain and the west coast of France?

Answer: Bay of Biscay (or Golfo de Vizcaya or Golfe de Gascogne)

9. To pass the time in this poem, the schoolmaster plays the violin and the prophetess proclaims the Lord’s speedy coming, while the author’s parents tell stories of Indian raids and his aunt tells of her childhood. This occurs while the group is shut off from the world for a week, and the poem concludes by telling how the rural New England community works together to dig itself out of a winter storm. Subtitled “A Winter Idyll”, FTP, what is this most-famous poem by John Greenleaf Whittier?

Answer: Snow-Bound: A Winter Idyll

10. The grammatical ones of Panini served as a model for many of these religious compositions, which are found in all Indian philosophical systems except the Samkhya and which were originally expositions of ritual procedures. In Buddhism they refer to extended expositions forming the basis of the scriptures, but in Hinduism they are brief, aphoristic compositions summarizing a Vedic concept, and could be committed to memory due to their brevity. With a name meaning “thread”, FTP, what are these writings most known in their “kama” variety?

Answer: sutra or sutta

11. This king was compelled to abdicate and escaped to Liege after the revolt of his sons Conrad and Henry. His attempt to break the power of the nobles led to a Saxon uprising, which he put down as Hohenburg, after which his repression of ecclesiastical princes led to conflict with the Papacy, during which time he appointed the anti-pope Clement III and was compelled to make concessions at the Princes’ Meeting at Tribur. FTP, who was this 11th century German king forced by Pope Gregory VII to spend three days in the snow as a barefoot penitent at Canossa?

Answer: Henry IV

12. The fractional version of this effect is thought to be an example of the workings of anyons, while the integer version is used to make precision measurements of electrical voltages. Found at very low temperatures, it uses Planck’s constant over the square of the charge of the electron for its constant R sub H. Discovered by Claus von Klitzing, FTP, what is this effect in which the varying of a strong magnetic field causes the current in a thin film of material to change in a step-like fashion?

Answer: quantum Hall effect (DO NOT ACCEPT Hall effect)

13. In 1819, upon a suggestion that the composer should someday write this musical work, the composer immediately sat down and wrote the string sections, and later played the piano part from memory. The first important composition of its type, it is written in five movements instead of the usual four. The first two movements are a series of themes with little development, the third and fifth movements are styled after Austrian peasant dances, while the fourth is a theme with five variations based on one of the composer’s songs. Scored for violin, viola, cello, double-bass, and piano, FTP, what is this first-ever string quintet named for a type of animal and written by Franz Schubert?

Answer: Trout quintet (or Die Forelle)

14. At the end of this novel, the protagonist is attacked by a parrot while at the Night of Joy bar watching the act of Harlett O’Hara, and leaves with Myrna Minkoff for New York just before an ambulance from Charity Hospital comes to institutionalize him. Earlier he had led the Crusade for Moorish Dignity while working for Levy Pants and added to his enormous weight as a hot dog salesman for Paradise Vendors, just some of the adventures which resulted after a car wreck by his mother Irene forced the scholar Ignatius J. Reilly into the workplace. FTP, this describes what 1980 novel by John Kennedy Toole?

Answer: A Confederacy of Dunces

15. Author of The Panda’s Thumb and The Flamingo’s Smile, this thinker argued in Wonderful Life that the fossil finds in the Burgess Shale provided evidence of parallel evolutionary trends extinguished by chance rather than natural selection. His work on the developmental process of recapitulation can be found in Ontogeny and Phylogeny, while he is best known for a theory stating that evolution of species does not occur at a steady rate but could suddenly accelerate, with rapid changes occurring over a few hundred thousand years. FTP, who proposed with Niles Eldridge the theory of punctuated equilibrium?

Answer: Stephen Jay Gould

16. This leader negotiated 1802’s Treaty of Amiens, and won the Third Mysore War by defeating Tippu Sultan at Seringapetam. His Code reformed land tenure in India, where he served a Governor General, and due to the king’s refusal to grant Roman Catholic emancipation he resigned as Viceroy of Ireland in 1801, but is best-known for his role in the American Revolution. FTP, who was this victor at Camden and Guildford Court House who ultimately surrendered at Yorktown?

Answer: Charles Cornwallis

17. Measuring 56 3/4 by 64 inches, in the top center of this painting is another artwork depicting what appears to be a figure standing before some buildings, while a little of the left side of another painting can be seen on the far right going off the canvas. On the left is a black curtain decorated with various stripes and circles, while in the center is the title figure, sitting with her feet propped up on a low stool, holding lace in her lap, and dressed in a long black dress. FTP, what is this famous arrangement in gray and black?

Answer: Whistler’s Mother (or Arrangement in Gray and Black: Portrait of the Painter’s Mother)

18. This chemical function is defined as e to the d mu over RTd. The ratio of this value to its value in some standard state is called the activity, and it equals the activity for any gas, while if the gas is ideal it equals the pressure. FTP, what is this thermodynamic function used in place of partial pressure in reactions involving real gases and mixtures, symbolized f?

Answer: fugacity

19. One character in this play had been a post-office clerk who had an affair with a woman named Florence, another had drowned her baby daughter, and a third was a pacifist who was shot 12 times. Set in a drawing room in the style of the Second Empire, it concerns the discussions of Estelle Rigault, Inez Serrano, and Joseph Garcin, the latter of whom finally realizes that “hell is - other people.” FTP, what is this one-act play by Jean-Paul Sartre?

Answer: No Exit (or Huis Clos)

20. This mythological figure’s father Poeas lit Heracles’ funeral pyre, and was given one of Heracles’ weapons as a gift. When the Trojan seer Helenus revealed that Troy would fall only before the arrows of Heracles, Odysseus and Neoptolemus sailed for Lemnos, where this man had been abandoned 10 years before due to the stench which eminated from a snake bite. Cured by Macheon, FTP, who was this Greek hero who then killed Paris?

Answer: Philoctetes



1. FTPE, name the following about an Irish playwright.

1. (10 points) This author of Behind the Green Curtains, The Drums of Father Ned, and Cock-a-Doodle Dandy, specialized in plays depicting life in Irish slums, such as The Shadow of a Gunman.

Answer: Sean O’Casey (or John Casey)

2. (10 points) Possibly O’Casey’s most famous work, this play tells of Mrs. Boyle’s attempts to keep her family together during the Irish Civil War of 1922-23.

Answer: Juno and the Paycock

3. (10 points) Set during the Easter Rebellion, in this O’Casey play Nora Clitheroe has a breakdown after her husband Jack is killed and her child stillborn. When Bessie Burgess becomes her caretaker, she is killed by a sniper’s bullet.

Answer: The Plough and the Stars

2. FTPE, name these tariffs.

1. (10 points) This 1890 tariff raised average import duties to their highest level yet at 49.5 percent. Its unpopularity led to a major Democratic victory at the polls 2 years later, and was replaced by the Wilson-Gorman Tariff.

Answer: McKinley tariff

2. (10 points) This 1909 tariff replaced the Dingley tariff and sought to hinder trusts with foreign competition, but its average duty rate of 38 percent was considered too high by many. It was a major issue in the 1912 elections, and was replaced by the Underwood-Simmons tariff.

Answer: Payne-Aldrich tariff

3. (10 points) Enacted against universal opposition from economists, this 1930 tariff led to retaliatory tariffs from European countries and provoked a monetary crisis. It was replaced by the Trade Agreements Act.

Answer: Hawley-Smoot tariff

3. FTPE, name these Supreme Court cases.

1. (10 points) In this 1935 case the Court struck down the National Industrial Recovery Act by ruling the act delegated too much power to the president.

Answer: Schechter Poultry Company v. US (or the Sick Chicken Case)

2. (10 points) Despite the dissention of Holmes and Harlan, in this 1905 case the Court invalidated the 10 hour workday limit imposed by New York state on bakers.

Answer: Lochner v. New York

3. (10 points) In this case, the Court ruled that Congress had the authority to charter a national bank under the necessary and proper clause and that it had implied powers other than those specifically granted by the Constitution.

Answer: McCulloch v. Maryland

4. FTPE, name the following about muscles.

1. (10 points) These are the functional units that make up the myofibrils of voluntary muscle.