PTO Meeting Minutes

Subject / PTO Meeting / Date / 2/25/16
Facilitator / Melissa Gerry / Time / 6:00 – 7:04 pm
Location / Library - Academy of Early Learning, Greenfield, MA / Scribe / Kristin Hmieleski
Attendees / Gabriel Hmieleski, Shannon Schmalenbery, Aliesha Coyne, Faith Reipold, Kim Howell, Kristin Hmieleski, Jake Toomey, and Melissa Gerry






/ Action /


/ Minutes / Minutes for January 21, 2016 Meeting Reviewed / Minutes Approved


/ Treasurer’s Report / Report not Available, update will be given at March 17, 2016 meeting


/ Teacher Report / Mad Science was presented before break and was well liked by students and teachers.
AEL is drafting a new policy for Snow Days and Delays.
New parking and traffic flow for AEL during drop-off and pick-up was coordinated with AEL, DPW, and other town officials. This was done because of a few minor accidents and complaints from neighbors. Across street is now no parking. Neighbors seem happier with this new set-up.
Pre-K registration is going on now. Open House to kick-off registration was a successful event.
Kindergarten Registration packets were mailed last week.
When is last day of school for AEL? / ·  Jake will follow up on the last day of school for AEL students.


/ Old Business:
Bingo for Books
/ Bingo for Books went well. Selling of snacks made PTO a slight profit. Each AEL student and siblings that attended went home with at least one book.
Suggestion made that Reading Month is in March and it would be nice to do this event next year and align it with the month of March.
/ Birds of Prey / Birds of Prey at this time it has been tough to get in contact with Tom. Do know that the price will be $550 for two days. / ·  If Melissa is still unable to coordinate dates with Birds of Prey, there are suggestions to do a spring event for the kids and maybe find a musical or puppet show instead.
·  Jake will also check with Greenfield School Business Office to see if there is a list of approved vendors with insurance.


/ New Business / Beef Jerky Fundraiser – Aliesha discussed the pricing of the Beef Jerky and varieties we can sell. PTO approved fundraiser.
Discussion on having a Spring Family Event – PTO decided on a Spring Spruce Up on April 2nd from 9-12, rain date will be April 9th. We will rake, plant flowers, weed, mulch, etc.
We will also have a play space for kids with bubbles, chalk, bean bag toss.
Teacher/Staff Appreciation week May 3rd-6th / ·  Aliesha will put paperwork together and send home with students on March 10th.
·  Melissa will contact pizza guy to sell pizza during Spring Spruce Up.
·  Faith will draft a flyer to send home with students
·  We will need shovels, rakes, potting soil, compost bags, mulch, flowers, etc.
·  Discussion on Teacher/Staff Appreciation was tabled


/ Teacher Request / Teachers/AEL has requested the following items:
·  2 CD Players with Bluetooth - $80-$130
·  More sweatpants in larger sizes
·  9 – 5 gallon pails with lids
·  Glow sticks for emergency kits / ·  All were approved by PTO to be donated from the PTO
/ Next meeting Thursday, April 14th @ 6:00 pm