Please meet Mary Haines.

I have lived in East Canton all of my life and am a graduate of East Canton High School, Stark State College, and Malone University. I have been married to Roy “Fritz” Haines for 24 years.Our household is a hub of activity including four daughters (Kaitlyn, Korryn, Kelsey, and Kasey), mother-in-law (also named Mary Haines which brings an added dimension of confusion at times), two Labrador retrievers, and ten cats. All of our daughters will be enrolled in college this fall, and I will complete my master’s degree (MAOL) in December.I have worked at Malone University for ten years as the office manager for the departments of music and visual arts.

At IRCC, I enjoy volunteering in the nursery and assisting to clean the church with Fritz.When spare time can be found, scrapbooking, reading, traveling, and trying ideas from Pinterest are my favorite pastimes as well as enjoying time with family and friends and serving home-cooked, family dinners on the “veranda” (or patio in the backyard) when the weather allows.

Mary Haines

June 18, 2017
Attend / Offering Totals
8 a.m. Worship / 57
Sunday School / 61
Main Worship / 146 / $2,722.00
Budget Needed Weekly / $3,755.92
Faith Promise $176.00 / $875.00
Faith Promise Pledge / $18,500.00
Amount Needed Weekly / $356.00
~Building Vision Fund~
Clay Pot Amt. $12.00 / $641.00
Scrap Metal $53.00 / $3,886.00
Paper $62.86 / $293.84
Debt Reduction $367.86 / $23,987.84

June 25, 2017

The Lord's Day

8368 Hill Church Street, SE

East Canton, Ohio 44730


"Like" Us on Facebook

Terry Bailey, Minister


Caleb Bailey, Youth Minister


Sunday Services

8:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. - Worship

9:15 a.m. - Sunday School

6:00 p.m. - Social Time

6:30 p.m. - Adult Bible Study

6:30 p.m. - Youth Group


Worship Leader Sarah Bailey


Meditation Caleb Bailey

Offering Prayer Ray VanVoorhis


Washing Caleb Bailey


Usher Archie Sanders

Usher Craig Yoho

Usher Fritz Haines

Usher Russ S. Thorn

Paul Long

Lonnie Lowry

Tim Piatt

Dick Sutton

Ray VanVoorhis

Wendell VanVoorhis

Order of Worship


Time of Silent Prayer

Scripture Romans 10:1-4

A Time for Praise

Praise Team

A Time for Prayer

He Has Made Me Glad

(Please pass your Prayer Cards to the aisle)

Review of Prayer Concerns and Prayer

A Time for Preaching and Response

Special Music - Mike Griffith

Message - Under the Law

*Near the Cross

A Time for Remembrance

and Giving

You Are My All in All

(All Christians are welcome to partake)

We Bow Down



Birthdays and Anniversaries


*Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow

* Congregation please stand if able

Today's Activities

Today - Church Picnic

Upcoming Activity Dates

July 9 -Visit from Brad Dupray of CDF

July 10-14 - VBS - Sign up today!

July 16 - Visit from 64 to Grayson

Additional Information

Card making workshop will be on June 28 from 10am to 2pm. All ladies are welcome. If you have any questions, please contact Mary Sanders at 330-323-7809.

Use your investment dollars to help churches grow. Be here on July 9th to learn how CDF Capital has provided over $1.6 billion to over 900 churches to help with the expansion, building and growth of independent churches and ministries. Brad Dupray, Senior Vice President of CDF will preach for us that day and will also tell us how you can use your investments to help churches grow.Go to

church or call (844) 764-5250.

July 18 at 6:00 Fireside Chat - meal and childcare provided - New members and those interested in becoming members attend this third session to explain our congregation's doctrine, programs vision and structure.

Sign up today to help provide snacks for VBS. Signup sheet located on the display case table. If you have any questions, see Caleb Bailey or Jeanelle Thorn.

There is a basket on the counter to help with travel costs for the MCR trip which leaves today.

2017 VBS

July 10-14

6-8:30 pm

VBS registration cards are available on the table. You may also register at

IRCC Facebook messenger or call the church office.

Continuing Needs

Jim Beavers

Dick Borne

Helen Cross

Mark Demos

Sue Halsey

Darlene Krider

Kathy Mitchell

Steve Phillips

Sophia Rae


Annika Shankle

Reagan Terry

Tim Thorn

Logan Trizna

Bertha Unkefer

Denise VanVoorhis

Nursing Homes

Ethel Adkins – St. Joseph’s

Joyce Carroll -Canton Christian Home

Carolyn King - Hospitality House

Marion Lowery - St. Joseph's

Gary Young

Prayer List

Betsy Abertoni

Inez Anderson

Jackie Anthony

Baby Mae

Dale and Ella Bailey

Bob & Pat Barnhouse

Jodi Beavers

Ethan Bennett

Lisa Berger

Willard Berkebile

Greg Biedenbach

Lola Brewer

Sam Cartwright

Berry Cox

Jane Long Dye

Family of Jim Eakin

Family of Lee Farnsworth

Jay Fisher

Family of Bill Foltz

David Helmick

Jesse Labus

Pam Long

Marion Lowery

Manny Nieto

Sherri Oberly

Tom Parker

Barb Posatiere

Resendez/King Family

Amanda Rinehart

Derek Rodriguez

Beverly Rohn

Archie Sanders

Sharon Savage

John Sontog

Jack Spencer

Bessie Stanojevic

Kim Tekip

Bryan Wilson