Luton Challenge

Luton Sports Village

Butterfield Green Road off Hitchin Road


Competition Dates: Friday 25 November – Sunday 27 November 2016

Travel Dates: Thursday 24 November – Monday 27 November 2016

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Edinburgh Diving Club istaking a team of all ages to the Luton Challenge event and the coaches have nominated your diver to participate.

The timetable for the event is not yet available; when it becomes available I will forward a copy on to you.

The intention is to travel down to Luton on Thursday 24th November, returning on Sunday 27th November once the competition finishes. If we have confirmed numbers early enough, we will hopefully be able to get cheap flights for this trip.

Please note that this trip will only go ahead if chaperones are identified to accompany the divers.

All divers are encouraged to travel and stay as part of the team. Any exceptions must be agreed with the coaches/CPO – in which case independent arrangements must be made by parents/guardians.

Please reply to this email (to ) no later than Friday 23rdSeptember, indicating whether your diver will be taking part. Please include the diver’s name in your response and whether you will be travelling independently.

In addition a deposit for each diver travelling with the team must be paid by the same date - Friday 23rd September. A deposit of £50 is required for divers travelling with the team.

The final costwill vary depending on numbers, but we will endeavour to keep the price to @£250 per diver. Please make an electronic payment of your deposit to:

Account name: / Edinburgh Diving Club
Sort code: / 80-11-00
Account number: / 00272704

Please put your child's name and ‘LUT’ in the payment reference. You may have to sensibly abbreviate this information. Payments are made on a non–refundable basis as we have to book ahead and pay in advance (any exceptional requests for refunds must be made to the Management Committee).

Unfortunately any responses or paymentsreceivedafter Friday 23rdSeptember will mean that your diver will be unable to participate in the trip.

Please note that on these chaperoned trips, parents/guardians are discouraged from staying in the same hotel as the team (subject to local availability) and must not join the team for travel/meals.

Finally, if you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me. Further details of travel arrangements, accommodation costs etc. will be available once numbers have been finalised.


Kay Hume