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Activity: Locate Places Using a City Map by Ana Azevedo

Prior knowledge: previous teaching on how to read a map (including index, colours of places, map numbers and coordinates) wasdone. I simplified all three exercises. Most streets from the original exercise were kept the same.

Handouts were given using Sheet 1 first. To complete Exercise 1students had to find different streets using the index at the back of the map book and write the map number beside each street on Sheet 1. This exercise can be done as an individual or collaborative task.

To complete Exercise 2 students had to find different streets and write the map number and their coordinates beside each street on Sheet 1.

To complete the next exercise students are divided into pairs: Student A(Sheet 2) and Student B (Sheet 3). Each student listens to each other’s spelling of three different streets; they write them down in the space provided at the bottom of their sheet;they find the streets on the map and write their map number and coordinates on their sheets beside their streets. After the completion of the exercise the answers are placed on the board.

Modified lesson follows below.

Finding Streets and LocationsSheet 1


  1. Look at the Index of the Sherlock’s Map and find the following streets; write the map numberon the space beside them.

Balmoral St.; ______

Wellington Ave. ; ______

Wall St.; ______

Bannatyne Ave.; ______

St. Mathews Ave.; ______

Your street (if possible); ______

When finished write the answers on the board.

  1. Look in the Sherlock’s Map and find the following streets; write the map number and their coordinates beside them.
  1. Sargent Rec Complex, Sargent Ave.; ______
  2. Health Sciences Centre , Sherbrook St.; ______
  3. Westview Park, Saskatchewan Ave.; ______
  4. GordonBellHigh School, Borrowman Place; ______
  5. University of Winnipeg, Spence St.; ______
  6. Your School, (street name); ______

When finished write the answers on the board.

Finding Streets and LocationsSheet 2

Student A

Listening/Writing Exercise

Tell your partner to write at the bottom of their sheet the followingstreets and locations. Spell the name of locations and streets one at a time. Repeat for your partner thespelling of the name of locations and streets as many times as you have to. Do not show the correct spelling to your partner.

Your partner will look on the map(Sherlock’s Map provided) and find the places. Your partner will write down the map number and the coordinates for these specific locations.

  • DanielMcIntyreHigh School, Alverstone Street; ______
  • TechnicalVocational School, Wall Street; ______
  • St. Mary’s Academy, Academy Rd.; ______

Place the streets from partner B here:

Name of street / Map number / Coordinates

Once everybody found the locations, the map number and coordinates will be placed on the board.

Finding Streets and LocationsSheet 3

Student B

Listening/Writing Exercise

Tell your partner to write at the bottom of their sheet the followingstreets and locations. Spell the name of locations and streets one at a time. Repeat for your partner the spelling of the name of locations and streets as many times as you have to. Do not show the correct spelling to your partner.

Your partner will look on the map(Sherlock’s Map provided) and find the places. Your partner will write down the map number and the coordinates for these specific locations.

  • University of Manitoba, University Cr.; ______
  • Red RiverCollege, Notre Dame Ave.; ______
  • Westview Park, Saskatchewan Ave.; ______

Place the streets from partner A here:

Name of street / Map number / Coordinates

Once everybody found the locations, the map number and coordinates will be placed on the board.

Finding Streets and Locations Page 1/4

Eva Galambos - Lesson adapted from Ana Azevedo