Applications from people currently in prison
We welcome applications from those in prison.We would like to support suitably all our students and we want to make sure that all necessary arrangements can be made so they can successfully complete their studies.
In order to make sure thatyou can be accommodated you must take the following steps before you submit your course applicationform and note these requirements should you subsequently register with the University.
1. You are strongly advised to speak to your prison authorities e.g. the Head of Learning and Skills, your Education Co-ordinator or the equivalent post-holderbefore you submit your application to the University –you will also need to pay anapplication handling fee. You should check whether they will allow you to study and whether they are willing to make arrangements for you to sit examinations in prison on the scheduled dates. A copy of the University’s instructions for the conduct of our examinations can be sent to the authority to assist.
2. It is a requirement for all of our students to have regular internet access. A number of our study materials are available online. You should check with your prison authorities if you can have regular internet access. If not, you are advised to check if a friend or relative can go online and print out the materials for you.Even where a friend or relative can assist, it may prove difficult for you to complete your studies without the benefit of regular internet access. Please think carefully about this before you register with us.
3. Some of our study materials may be provided in print and they will be posted to you. You should check with your prison authorities if you are allowed to receive such packages.
If they offer these facilities you can then complete an application form. You must complete the Specific Access Requirements Disclosure Form and answer the relevant questions i.e. for arrangements to be made for you to sit the examinations in the prison in which you are being held.
4. You need to ask the prison authorities to complete, sign and send us the section on the last page of this document. This must be done as soon as you submit your application form. We need this information so we can contact them to discuss your examination arrangements.
Please note that if you are moved to another prison while you are studying, you will need to take the following actions:
- Let us know that you have changed your contact address.
- Arrange for another signed statement to be sent to us, confirming that you can continue with your studies and examinations.
- Check and remind yourself of all of the above points once again.
In the event of your being released prior to your studies being complete, you should also consider whether there is an accessible examination centre near your home.
It is a student’s responsibility tosubmit an exam entry so they can enter for their examinations, please refer to our website:
Please note that students must maintain their registration with the University on an annual basis but students are not required to sit examinations each year. You should sit the examinations as and when you are fully prepared to do so, within the overall period of registration.
Please also note that written examinations are held once a year on specified dates. No adjustment to the examination timetable can be made.
The following section must be completed and signed by the prison authorities:
Prison Authorities Contact Details
Prison Officer Name:
Job Title:
Postal address:
Name of prisoner who would like to study:
Student number (if applicable):
Please read and sign the statement below.
The prison authorities are willing:
- to let the person named aboveto study at the University of London International Programmes for the programme of their choice
- to make arrangements for the person named above to sit theirexaminations in prison.
- to allow the person named above to receive packagescontaining study materials.
Signature……...... Date……......
Pleaseemail or post the above completed section to:
Diana Maniati
Postal address:
Assessment & Awards
University of London International Programmes
Stewart House, 32 Russell Square
London, WC1B 5DN