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Ross-on-Wye Town Council
Minutes of the meeting of the Management Committee
held on Monday, 20 July 2015 at 7.00pm at The Corn Exchange, High Street,
Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, HR9 5HL
Present: - Cllr H Bramer – Chairman
Cllr C Bartrum, Cllr P Cutter, Cllr C Gray, Cllr J Jennings, Cllr D Ravenscroft, Cllr H Lerego,
In attendance: Mrs R Lewis, Deputy Town Clerk, R Tamplin, Project Officer, Cllr R Mayo, Cllr J Roberts, Cllr C Utting,
seven members of the public and press
IT WAS RESOLVED:that Cllr J Jennings be elected Vice Chairman.all agreed
The Chairman invited members of the public to speak:
Members of the Made in Ross collectiveexplained how their businesses were growing with increasing visitor numbers and sales and positive comments from residents and tourists alike. Having read an article in the Ross Gazette, they were concerned and disappointed that they may not be able to continue trading in the Market House.
Opinions of other councillors were expressed.
Cllr Lerego asked that it be minuted that she felt an apology was dueto Made in Ross for the upset caused to them by reading about a possible change at the Market House in the press.
The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 7.15pm to enable members to read a document containing advice from the County Council’s solicitor and endorsed by the Town Council’s Solicitor.
The meeting continued at 7.20pm and the Chairman asked for items 20 and 21 to be brought forward.
The Deputy Town Clerk advised that Item 21 Market House should be held in closed session because of the sensitivity and the legalistic aspects of the licence / lease.
IT WAS RESOLVED:NOT to exclude the public and pressfor the first part of Item 21 2 for and 5 against
IT WAS RESOLVED:to recommend that Full Council give notice to terminate the License to Occupy under clause two of the license, to enable replacing the license with a leaseand to look at the possibility of a co-operative venture in cooperation with the existing leaseholder
5 for and 2 against
There were none – all members were present.
Cllr Ravenscroft declared a NDPI on item 17 as a member of the Lions who are providing funding for the defibrillator. He signed the declaration of interest book.
There were none requested.
IT WAS RESOLVED:to set up a working party consisting of Cllrs Lerego, Jennings and Mayo to look at the website. All agreed
The Deputy Town Clerk would be meeting with the editor who will report regularly to the committee.
Cllr Ravenscroft had reviewed the following policies:
Data Protection Policy
Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
Steps to Sustainability
Apologies for Absence Policy
Community Engagement
Child Protectionand Vulnerable Persons’ Policy
With the exception of the Child Protection and Vulnerable Persons’ Policy and Apologies for Absence Policy changes were required. The DTC would circulate the suggested changes for consideration at the next management committee meeting.
IT WAS RESOLVED:to recommend approval of the Child Protection and Vulnerable Persons’ Policywith the substitution of the following last sentence to Full Council:
“Ross-on-Wye Town Council Staff or Members must refer any contravention of this policy;
they must not carry out investigations themselves”.
All agreed
IT WAS RESOLVED:to recommend approval of the Apologies for Absence Policyto Full Council with the substitution of “Standing Order 4(d)v” for “Standing Order 5(d)v”
All agreed
Members recommended that advice be sought from the new clerk and that a working party, to include Cllr Ravenscroft be set up to consider Standing Orders, particularly with regard to substitutes and committees.
The DTC had been in discussions with the architect regarding the front of the Corn Exchange. The DTC explained that while scaffolding was in place it would prudent to undertake the painting of the windows and the architect had put a tender out. He had commissioned a further report on the state of the stonework and the DTC was waiting to find out when a survey would take place.
IT WAS RESOLVED:to ask the DTC to facilitate the work to get the front of the building restored and repaired.
It was noted that Herefordshire Council has been told of the Council’s intention to complete the asset transfers with no further negotiation on the return of the Town Council’s solicitor from holiday at the beginning of August.
A request from Cllr Lister that the Town Council ask Herefordshire Council to transfer the maintenance of the seating area at Fiveways to the Town Council was discussed. BBLP had already been asked to tidy the area and it appeared that some work had already been done. Members would keep an eye on the area.
When the Council considers any further transfer of assets, this could be considered as part of a future package.
IT WAS RESOLVED:to allow the placing of a defibrillator at the Market House as recommended in the document circulated at Full Council on 8 June 2015 (Item 15/06 37) and referred to this committee.
A letter from Caple Security Services had been referred from Full Council (13 July 2015). It was agreed that the Project officer would note the contents of the letter when considering future security of the Old Chapel, Market House and Corn Exchange.
IT WAS RESOLVED:to renew the council’s insurance policy with its current provider and ensure all new assets were included and that future assets would be included as soon as they became the Council’s.
The Chairman agreed to consider item 22 next on the agenda
IT WAS RESOLVED:to agree to instruct the officers to approach agents to secure a professional tenant who will not trigger the overage for the Old Chapel;
that no building works as tendered for would be carried out but only minor repairs to enable use of the building;
6 for and 1 against
In addition it was agreed that the bottom of the building with access from Henry Street should not be used by the Town Council’s Site’s Officer for storage. Any additional use of this area could be reconsidered if it was not required by any tenant occupying the remainder of the building.
IT WAS RESOLVED:to exclude the public and press All Agreed
M15/0721(ii)MARKET HOUSE
Following a request from the Open Spaces Committee regarding the poor state of the two sets of outside steps which made cleaning particularly difficult, the DTC had obtained a quote for repointing. The quote received was three times the amount which the committee had agreed and the DTC was requesting further instruction from the Management Committee. The DTC was asked to obtain two further estimates for the work as stated in the Financial Regulations.
IT WAS RESOLVED:to readmit the public and press. All Agreed
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.55pm.