Wells-next-the-Sea Primary and Nursery School

Newsletter 2nd March 2017

Internet Safety

Please find below links on useful advice on how to keep your child safe online:

Mr A Ogle – Executive Headteacher

Year 6

Y6 have been looking at the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages this week. In English we arecontinuingwith our work on folk tales. We have alsobeenhaving a bit of a drive on independence and organisation. The children have really risen to the challenge which will make themso much better prepared for high school. Please look out for our letter about the residential trip to Whitwell which will be coming home this week.

Year 5

WORLD BOOK DAY! Everyone is very excited this week. In class we have decided to enter a competition to create a picture book. The winning picture book will win a free author event and 50 printed copies of their winning book! As you can guess this has created a lot of excitement and has sparked everyone’s imagination. I am looking forward to seeing the end products. Whitwell is another exciting topic this week and I for one am reallylooking forward to the year 5/6 residential.

Year 4

Our investigations into electricity have got us thinking about how children entertained themselves before computers gadgets were around. Thank you to all family members who helped us this week researching games. In maths we are looking at multiplication challenges and finding out about how we can use pictures and jottings to put our thoughts on to paper. We are looking forward to a visit to the Time & Tide Museum on 20th March. Don’t forget to return your slips and money as soon as possible.

Year 3

This week we have been preparing for our class assembly which will take place on Thursday 9thMarch at 9.10am. We have continued our work on fractions in Maths and have been adding and subtracting as well as ordering and comparing different fractions. During English, we have completed many activities around World Book Day including designing our own book tokens to enter into the 2017 competition.

Year 2

The children are really interested in the story of the Great Fire of London and have been doing lots of different work on this. In Maths we have made pop-up Tudor houses and we will be using nets of various 3D shapes to make our own houses as well. In English the children were asked to imagine what it must have been like to be there during the fire and then wrote some fantastic diary entries. They all loved the story about Samuel Pepys burying a cheese in his garden! In Topic we have been looking at the differences between London in the present-day and London as it was in 1666: buildings, jobs and clothes.

Year 1

Last week most of Year 1 took part in a road safety course called Step on it. 1 group was postponed due to the weather. The children in this group will take part later in this school year. This week we have continued our work on doubles by applying them in games. We have also worked on making number sentences (or calculations) using the 365 penguins story.


As part of our topic on story book animals we have been thinking about how to look after our pets. Here the children have set up a vets surgery in the Nursery

Lost Property

Miss Dowler still has a bag of lost property that was collected last half-term. If you have lost anything before the half-term holiday {including coats and wellies} please see Miss Dowler.

School Footwear

I am aware that several children are coming to school in trainers. Please may I remind you thatIn accordance with our uniform regulations trainers are not appropriate for all day school wear.