Victorian Government Concessions2013-14

The Victorian Government funds a range of concessions either through direct funding or foregone revenue arrangements.

This table provides an overview of concessions in operation including the funding, administration and delivery arrangements for each concession.

Concession / Funding arrangement / Administered by / Delivered by / Concession card eligibility / Benefits / Paid as
Municipal Rates / Direct funding by State Government / DHS / Local councils /  /  /  / Household / Reduced bill
Stamp Duty / Foregone revenue / State Revenue Office / State Revenue Office /  /  /  / Household / Reduced bill
Water and Sewerage / Direct funding by State Government / DHS / Water corporations /  /  /  / Household / Reduced bill
Non-mains Water / Direct funding by State Government / DHS / DHS /  /  /  / Household / Rebate on expenditure
Life Support / Direct funding by State Government / DHS / Electricity retailers /  /  /  / Household / Reduced bill
Annual Electricity / Direct funding by State Government / DHS / Electricity retailers /  /  /  / Household / Reduced bill
Excess Electricity Concession / Direct funding by State Government / DHS / Electricity retailers /  /  /  / Household / Reduced bill
Medical Cooling / Direct funding by State Government / DHS / Electricity retailers /  /  /  / Household / Reduced bill
Controlled Load Electricity / Direct funding by State Government / DHS / Electricity retailers /  /  /  / Household / Reduced bill
Service To Property / Direct funding by State Government / DHS / Electricity retailers /  /  /  / Household / Reduced bill
Transfer Fee Waiver / Direct funding by State Government / DHS / Electricity retailers /  /  /  / Household / Reduced bill
Winter Gas Concession / Direct funding by State Government / DHS / Gas retailers /  /  /  / Household / Reduced bill
Excess Gas Concession / Direct funding by State Government / DHS / Gas retailers /  /  /  / Household / Reduced bill
Non-Mains Energy / Direct funding by State Government / DHS / DHS /  /  /  / Household / Rebate on expenditure
Public transport / Direct funding by State Government / DoT / DoT /  /  /  / Individual / Reduced fare
Motor vehicle registration / Foregone revenue / VicRoads / VicRoads /  /  /  / Individual / Reduced fee
TAC insurance / Foregone revenue / VicRoads / VicRoads /  /  /  / Individual / Reduced fee
Education Maintenance Allowance / Direct funding by State Government / DEECD / DEECD and schools /  /  /  / Household / Family / Payment split between parent and school
Education Conveyance Allowance / Direct funding by State Government / DEECD / DEECD /  /  /  / Household / Family / Reimbursement of actual fare incurred
Kindergarten fee subsidy / Direct funding by State Government / DEECD / DEECD and kindergartens /  /  /  / Household / Family / Reduced fees
Tuition fees / Foregone revenue / DEECD / DEECD and TAFE colleges /  /  /  / Individual / Reduced fees
Dental health / Direct funding by State Government / DH / DH and Dental Health Services Victoria /  /  /  / Individual and dependants / Full or partial bill reduction
Primary health / Direct funding by State Government / DH / DH and primary health care providers /  /  /  / Individual and dependants / Full or partial bill reduction
Ambulance / Direct funding by State Government / DH / Ambulance Victoria /  /  /  / Individual and dependants / Free service
Multi-Purpose Taxi Program / Direct funding by State Government / DoT / Taxi companies /  /  /  / Individuals / Reduced fees
Utility Relief Grant Scheme / Direct funding by State Government / DHS / DHS, energy retailers & water corporations /  /  /  / Proof of hardship required / Grants to cover outstanding bills

DHS - Department of Human Services

DoT – Department of Transport

DEECD – Department of Education and Early Childhood Development

DH – Department of Health

For more information contact the Concessions Information Line on 1800 658 521 or visit