Republic of Zambia
Department of Civil Aviation
Symposium on Regional Aviation Safety Agencies
Livingstone, Zambia, 13-15 July 2009
Practical information on your stay in Zambia
TheRegionalAviationSafetyAgencies (RASA)Symposium willbeheld from13th to15thJuly2009 inLivingstone, Zambia.
The RASA Symposium will be held atSunInternationalHotelinLivingstone.
2.1Flights – Flights between Johannesburg and Lusaka are availablethroughouttheweek.Delegates are advised to make directflights to Livingstone sinceLivingstone is an international airport and has the immigration facilities.Delegatesareresponsibleformakingtheirownflightarrangements.
2.2Transport – the Government of the Republic of Zambia, as the host, is responsibleforprovidingtransport andprotocol facilities.Transport will be available from10th July2009.To facilitate theschedule oftransport from andto theairport, delegates are requested to submit their itineraries well in advance in theRegistrationForm,whichshouldbefaxed ore-mailed to the Department ofCivilAviation Zambia, preferably from1st to 5thJuly 2009.
2.3Transport will beavailablefordelegates betweenthefollowingpoint:-
(i)Onarrival – LivingstoneInternationalAirport, and
(ii)Ondeparture – backtoLivingstoneInternationalAirport.
2.4Transport (minibuses), for all other delegates, will be operating between designated hotels (attached herewith) and the Conference venue attimeintervals tobespecified in the Conference Programme,whichwouldgenerally be15 to30 minutes beforeandafter themeetings.
3.1The Zambian Governmentrequires that all delegates beinpossessionof a validpassport orsimilar authentictravel document.
3.2All delegates who require visas are requested to arrange through Zambian Missions in theirrespective countries.
3.3Delegates from countries without resident Zambian Missions must communicate their details to the officials of theDepartment ofCivil Aviation forair portvisa arrangements.
3.4Delegates will bemetatLivingstoneInternationalAirporttobe assisted withentry formalities.A special deskmanagedbyLiaison/Protocol Officerswill beset up at theairport.
PleaseseeAnnexure “A” attachedhereto.
5.1Livingstone townisnearthe might Zambeziriver, andthistime oftheseason daytime temperatures mayrange from 23 C to 31 C (73 – 88 F), droppingatnight to aslowas5C (41 F) in June andJuly.Delegates areadvised tocarrywarm clothes.
5.2Usually from June to August, Zambia experience warm days and cold nights.
6.1Timeisuniformthroughoutthe country and one hourahead oftheGreenwichMean Time (GMT).
7.1Postalservice is readilyavailable throughout thecity.Rate fromZambia for airmail letters varyaccordingly to thecountry ofdestination.
7.2An Internet Café is available at theConference venue.
8.1Thereisno restriction on theamountofforeign currencythatmaybebrought into Zambia. All amounts must however be declared withcustoms andExcise officials onarrival.
8.2Foreignexchange facilities areavailable through Bureau De Changesalldaysof the week from 08:00 hours to 17:00 hours in the businesscentre and theInternationalAirport.
8.3Banks areopen asfromMondaytoFriday from09:00 hoursto 15:00 hours and on Saturday from 09:00 hours to 12:00 hours. Travelers cheques andall major creditcards areacceptablein Zambia.
Most hotels will take creditcards.Most of thebigger bankswilladvance local currency against a credit card. Standard Chartered Bank, Stanbic andBarclays Bank haveATM’s whichaccept visa cards forcash.
The Kwacha has denominations of K100, K500, K1,000, K5,000, K10,000, K20,000 and K50,000500Kwacha notes. As of June 2009, 1 United States Dollar equals approximately K5,200 but this rate fluctuates regularly and sometimes quite dramatically.
On leaving Zambia, non-residents pay a departure tax of US$25. This is now normally included in the cost of an air ticket but you will be asked to pay this separately in US Dollars if it is not.
12.1Delegates - registration will be done at the Conference venue.Alldelegates will beissued withidentificationbadges andentrance to theConference venue will strictly be based on such identification. Alldelegates areadvisedtosubmittheir registrationforms before oron 9th July2009.
12.2Press – All Journalists will be accredited by Department of Civil Aviation/National Airports Corporation Limited and an AccreditationDeskwill be in place at the Conference Centre.Please bring two passport size photographs and aletterofassignment fromyour employer.
12.3Media Coordinator:
Geoffrey Chipolyonga
NationalAirportsCorporation Limited
Tel:+260 211 27
Fax:+260 211 224777
Mobile:+260 977 790 892
Liaison Officers will be available to assist with coordination of transport, accommodation issues andother matterspertaining toprotocol.There willbea desk at theairport aswell as at theConference venue.
The Government of theRepublicofZambia will ensuresecurityofdelegates at theConferencevenue.As part of these arrangements badges will beissued to all participantsattheRegistrationDesk.
Emergency numbers LivingstoneCentral Police 03-323 575 0r 03 320 116.
The local current is 220v, 50 cycle AC and thesockets havetheBritish 3 square pin layout.
16.1Medical facilitiesarelocatedin thecenter oftown and transport will be readily availablethroughout theday.Delegates musthave medical insurance covertocater for anyailment or medical requirements.
16.2Delegates with specialhealth needs are kindly requestedtocommunicatethese toZambia’s SADC NationalContact Point inadvance.
17.1All officialcorrespondencemustbedirectedto theDirector ofCivil Aviation at thefollowingaddress:
Department ofCivil Aviation
P.O. Box 50137
Tel:+260 211251 861
Fax:+260 211251 841
17.2Completed Registration Forms andallenquiries ondayto day arrangements shouldbemadeto thefollowingpeople:-
Mr Tom Kok+260 955 711 205 Mr PeterNyirongo +260 977 254 788
Ms Pamela Chalawila+260 955 754 351
Ms Nancy Nyambose+260 977 668 208
Ms SilviaMwale+260 977320 919
Contact details:
Tel:+260 211251861
Fax:+260 211 251841
(i)Foreign TravelAdvisories
(ii)British Foreign Office
(iii)United States Department of State
For more information about Zambia as a destination, see the website of the Zambian Tourist Board
Extensive further travel information on Zambia from a previous edition of one of the main.
Travel guides on Zambia (slightlyoutdated when it comes to telephone numbers etc. can be found at –travel – guide asp.bradt=170
On Livingstone
Livingstone is one of the oldest towns in Zambia, and is 11km from the famous Victoria Falls. In the last few years tourism has developed rapidly. There are many tours and activities available, including elephant rides, horse back safaris, white water rafting, bungee jumping, river cruises, microlight and helicopter flights over the Falls.
The Symposium will be held at the Fall Resort and Convention Centre situated right next to the world famous Victoria Waterfalls, one of the seven natural wonders of the world.
Livingstone is probably better oriented towards visitors than any other corner of Zambia. In spite of this, visitors travelling north from Zimbabwe are attracted simply by the Victoria Falls.
From Livingstone, you can make interesting day trips to the falls, Mosi-oa-Tunya national park directly adjacent to Livingstone or to ChobeNational park just across the border in Botswana. Fairly new is the opportunity to make a trip with the Victoria Fall Steam Train Company that takes you for a picture perfect experience on the steam train from Livingstone onto the magnificent Victoria FallsBridge.
Republic of Zambia
Department of Civil Aviation
Symposium on Regional Aviation Safety Agencies
Livingstone, Zambia, 13th-15thJuly 2009
First Name: ………………………………………………………………………
Last Name:………………………………………………………………………
Passport No. …………………………………………………………………………
Address: …………………………………………… City/Town ………………………...
Tel: ……………………………………………….. Fax: ………………………………..
Arrival date: ………………………………………………………………………………
Time: ……………………………………………. Flight No: ……………………………
Name of Hotel: …………………………………………………………………………….
Room No: ………………………………………………………………………………….
Departure date: …………………………………………………………………………...
Time: ………………………………………….. Flight No: ……………………………..
Republic of Zambia
Department of Civil Aviation
Directors General of Civil Aviation/Chief Executive Officers of Civil Aviation Authorities/Directors of Departments of Civil Aviation/International Civil Aviation Organization Eastern andSouthern African Office.
Dear Sir/Madam
Invitation to theRegionalAviationSafetyAgencies (RASA) Symposium:
Livingstone, Zambia, 13th to15thJuly 2009
I havethehonorto inform youthat the Regional Aviation Safety Agencies (RASA) Symposium willbeheldin LivingstoneZambiafrom 13thto 15thJuly 2009.
YoumayrecallthatAFCAC, EASA andZambiaCivil Aviationhadmade a formalinvitation to thesymposiumduring the 2009 Global AviationSafety Workshop and3rd COSCAP-SADC SteeringCommittee meetinginSwakopmund inNamibia.
This is animportantsymposiumfor allSADC, ………………… ascriticaldecisions mustbemadeconcerning:-
Attached please find a copy of theproposed meetingagenda.
Yours sincerely
Chitalu Kabalika
Department of Civil Aviation