September 26, 2011
The meeting was called to order in Heritage Hall by the Rev. Dr. Robert Laha, Jr. at 7:00 pm. The Clerk noted that a quorum was present.
Elder Campbell opened with a devotional and prayer.
Roll was taken:
MEMBERS OF SESSION PRESENT: Emma Beall, Jim Beall, Lee Berner, Kathy Callahan, Laura Campbell, Laura Cassidy, Sam Chamberlain, Brian Comey, Gerry Cooper, Rob Dunn, Mike Farmer, Gail Freunsch, David Gray, Rich Johnson, Linda Lanam, Alan Matney, Peggy Newman, Jenny Parker, Lora Ries, Margaret Rizzi, Norma Roberts, Clay Sumner, Mark Yachmetz, J.C. McElveen (Clerk), the Rev. Dr. Robert Laha, Jr. (Moderator), the Rev. Ann Herlin (Associate Pastor)
MEMBERS OF SESSION EXCUSED: Judi Elmore, Derrick Surratt
OTHERS PRESENT: Church Administrator Bob Clark, Church Director of Music Sam Baker, Deacon Lee Posey, Church Youth Director Mary Pratt , Grace Dunn
The Rev. Dr. Laha proposed that, for a substantial gift for certain capital projects, the Session authorize a plaque, to commemorate that gift. The plaque would say: "To the Glory of God, In Memory of , [or In Honor of ], given by ." After discussion, a motion was made, and passed, to approve that proposal.
Elder Lanam presented the report of the Session Committee which examined confirmand Grace Dunn. That report was accepted by Session, and Grace Dunn was unanimously welcomed to full membership in the Old Presbyterian Meeting House, pending public profession of faith.
Approval of Minutes:
· Called Meeting of Session, July 3, 2011
· Stated Meeting of Session, August 22, 2011. Approved with the following corrections. Linda Lanam – present; changed the name of the adult education speaker on October 2, 2011 to Mark Adams (from Mark Maldonado).
- None.
Baptisms: None.
Weddings: Jennifer Hird (m) and Reid Daugherity (m) on September 18, 2011 at Old Presbyterian Meeting House, the Rev. Herlin officiating;
Elizabeth Delaney (nm) and John Robinson (nm) on September 24, 2011, the Rev. Golemon officiating
Deaths: None
Membership: Move to Inactive
Joann Williams at her request
Dismiss with Letter of Transfer
Claudia Shuba, to St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church, New Orleans, LA
Jim Close, to The Georgetown Presbyterian Church, Washington, DC.
Communion: September 11, 2011; 8:30 am;
September 18, 2011; 8:30 am;
September 25, 2011; 8:30 am.
The Rev. Dr. Laha introduced the topic of our vision for the Church and for each of its ministries. Session divided into three groups, for discussion of the topic. After group discussions, suggestions were made, which included:
For the Church
· We must never forget we are a community of faith, in which each member is highly valued
· Worship is an integral part of faith development
· Existing small groups should be supported, and new small groups should be established, if appropriate
· Every effort should be made to get new members involved, as soon as possible
· The church can become a thriving and growing community, by shared experiences and biblical scholarship
· The Church should be a welcoming community, united by mission, that draws a diverse group of people
· There should be a strong emphasis on mission activities
· Local mission opportunities should be sought out, and the members should be made aware of those opportunities
· Community building, through a variety of activities, including social activities, should be emphasized.
With respect to the various ministries, the following comments were also made:
Worship – The visual and sound elements of the worship experience should be expanded
Education – Education should be biblically based
Membership and Evangelism – there should be lots of small group opportunities; Elders and Deacons should be more visible on Sunday mornings.
Mission – New members should be involved in a mission activity
Administration – care should be taken to insure the staff has the resources it needs; computers and software should be current; and the possibility of using the cloud should be explored. Opportunities should be taken to expand communications
Stewardship and Finance – the debt should be paid down; those who have not pledged should be encouraged to do so; a book club might be established, to study issues of importance, such as generosity.
Facilities – resources should be devoted to insuring the facilities are attractive.
Finally, the idea of Worship Plus Two as a goal for everyone in the congregation was raised. Attend worship; do one thing for yourself (for example, a learning experience); do one thing for others (for example, a mission activity).
Diaconate Report to Session.
Deacon Posey reported that, as the Net continues to grow, deacons are looking for different and better ways to connect with their people. She noted that, at the last Deacons' Meeting, several deacons discussed what has worked for them, in terms of making contact. She noted that there are different levels of response from various people in each Deacon's Net.
Session Report from Diaconate Meeting:
Elder Ries attended the meeting of the Diaconate. She noted that the Diaconate broke into small groups, to discuss individuals in the Net. There was discussion of a possible flower delivery coordinator, so that flowers could better be directed to those who should receive them on a given weekend. The Backpack project was discussed, as was a Deacon's Corner Newsletter. Deacons may invite individuals within their Net to "Mid-Week Connection."
Session Report from Presbytery.
Elder McElveen reported on the September 17, 2011 Stated Meeting of the National Capital Presbytery. He noted that the Keynote Address, by the Rev. Anthony B. Robinson, "Getting God at the Center of Your Church's Life and Message," was very timely, in light of the discussion of our vision for the Meeting House. A summary of that message is available from Elder McElveen. Attendees at the meeting voted to approve the Charter of Brambleton Presbyterian Church. The Presbytery Operating Budget for 2012 was approved, as was the 2012 Presbytery Mission Budget.
- Report of Examination of Officer-Elect
- Elder McElveen reported that, on June 12, 2011, he, Elder McCoy and the Rev. Herlin had examined Elder-elect Peggy Newman, following her period of study and preparation, and the completion of her Statement of Faith. She was examined on issues of biblical and church history, reformed theology and church polity. Upon motion, the examiners unanimously sustained this portion of Elder-elect Newman’s examination.
- STANDING MINISTRIES. In addition to the written reports distributed prior to the meeting, the following matters were addressed during the meeting:
- Elder Callahan thanked Elder Dunn, and all those who worked so hard to make the Rev. Ann Herlin's 10th Year Celebration so meaningful. She noted that letters and comments about what the Rev. Herlin has meant to individual members of the congregation are still being accepted, and they will be assembled into a scrapbook, by Jean Rood.
- Elder Chamberlain announced that the Fellowship Hall Kitchen is finished, and the first official meeting utilizing it – a meeting of Mid-Week Connection – will be held October 12, 2011, in Fellowship Hall. The report on what needs to be repaired or replaced, in each building on the campus, will be completed soon. The tasks will each be assigned a "high," "medium" or "low" priority. Bids on post-earthquake repair of the sanctuary will be received very soon. It was moved, and passed, that up to $10,000 from the Reserve Fund be approved, for repair of the walls in the sanctuary damaged by the earthquake.
Elder Beall indicated that the policy regarding who may use the sanctuary for a wedding has been clarified to state that couples who are married at the Meeting House should attend here regularly. The policy now also states that a wedding may not be scheduled more than nine months in advance. Elder Beall also reported that the sanctuary sound system will need to be replaced in the next year. Skip Bea is looking into the issue of what a new system will cost.
- Elder Campbell noted that Ambassador Training is underway. Fifty Ambassadors will hopefully be able to reach out to all members of the congregation. A brochure will be available in October. Church Administrator Clark summarized the current status of the 2011 Budget, and he indicated we are on target.
Elder Matney discussed the adult education curriculum. He noted that, on October 9, 2011, all levels of education would focus on stewardship. He indicated that more teachers at the high school level, and for younger children, are always welcome. A motion to approve the high school curriculum was passed.
The Rev. Herlin mentioned that, on October 15, 2011, at Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, the Reformed Institute will sponsor a program entitled "The Family as a Learning Community." The Reformed Institute's 2012 Annual Convocation will be on January 28, 2012. The subject will be "Religious Pluralism." A set of classes will be offered by the Reformed Institute, in 2012, on the Confessions.
- Elder Rizzi noted that, on November 6, 2011, there will be a mini-Walk for Alive! House. With respect to alternate giving, she mentioned that discussions have been had on whether to open it up to the wider community. She stated that the "Other Local" Mission Ministry will now be known as "Community Outreach." The annual Covenant Network Conference will be November 3-5, 2011, in Durham, North Carolina.
Finally, Elder Rizzi indicted that anyone who has ideas for increasing the congregation's engagement in Mission should send those ideas to her.
There will be a two week Inquirers' Class, on October 2 and October 9, 2011. There will be a Called Session Meeting on October 9, 2011, to receive new members. The Session should consider wearing nametags on Sunday mornings.
There will be a Called Meeting of Session on October 9, 2011, at 10:30 am.
The next Stated Meeting of Session will be held in Heritage Hall on October 24, 2011.
The Pastor and Session members shared pastoral joys and concerns within the Congregation and in the greater world.
The meeting was closed with prayer by Elder Newman at 9:01 pm.
J. C. McElveen
Clerk of Session
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