Reporting Tool: Reporting Long-Term Student Counts and Academic Performance Data ViatheCSPR and EDFacts
Related CSPR Tables and EDFacts File Specifications
CSPR Tables
- Studentsserved (
- Academicperformance in reading and mathematics( and
EDFacts File Specifications
- C113 & C125: Neglected or delinquent (N or D)academic achievement
- C135: N or D long term
Purpose of This Tool
Using the EDFacts system to reflect accurately the number of long-term students into the Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) can be challenging. It is a challenge because the number of long-term students (see tables and in the CSPR) is not entered into the system directly, but rather populated through a calculation by EDFacts through file specification C135. This reporting tool clarifies how the number of long-term students is calculated in file C135 and pulled into the CSPR, and what data are needed to complete this process.
Given the complexity of these data, this tool provides similar information in a few different formats—written and visually—to help detail the data requirements and collection format. The different sections of this tool can be used separately or together.
Changes for SY 2012–2013
- Reporting pre- and posttest results in C135isoptional for at-risk programs in SY 2012–13. If the results are not reported, no long-term student count will be generated for at-risk programs, and, as a result, reporting the number of long-termstudents is optional as well.
A. Understanding the Reporting Process for Long-Term Student Counts and Academic Performance
The following information is important to be aware of when collecting and providing data for file specification C135:
Count of Long-Term Students
Data for the number of long-term students (see the students served table in the CSPR—table is derived from data on the four types of pre-posttesting resultsthat are available for long-term students; these data cannot be entered into the EDEN Submission System as a single value.
- The data needed to create the number of long-term students are not specified in the CSPR forms, although they are specified and required by C135 and will be needed to populate the CSPR.
Grade Level Upon Entry
Posttest data are not required to report grade level upon entry.
- Althoughnot specified in the CSPR, data should be collected on both students testing below grade level and students testing at or above grade level.
Data Collection
To facilitate reporting via EDFacts and the CSPR, collect the sevenitems (a–g) in steps 1 and 2 below.
Step 1: Collect all data on the four types of testing results available
- Number of long-term students with BOTHpre- and posttest data available
- Number of long-term students with ONLY pretest data available
- Number of long-term students with ONLY posttestdata available
- Number of long-term students with NO posttest data available
Step 2: Collect grade-level results
- Collect grade-level results on all the students with any pre-test data (see a or b above). A posttest is not required to respond.
- The number of students testing at or above grade level
- The number of students testing below grade level
Data Calculations That Populate the CSPR
- The number of long-term students will be calculated usingthe sum of the four types of testing results among all the long-term students [sum of (a)+(b)+(c)+(d), identified in step 1 above] and will populate the long-term student data cell in the CSPR.
- Thenumber of students testing below grade level will be based on the data provided in (f), step 2 above.
- Thenumber of students with pre- and posttest data will be based on the data provided in (a), step 1 above.
- The academic performance data (improvement, no change, or decrease in performance) for reading and mathematics should then be reported on only the students identified as having pre- and posttest data (a).
The flowchart in Exhibit 1 depicts the relationship between the raw data, the data requirements for EDFacts, and the manner in which EDFactspopulates the CSPR.
Last Updated July 2013
This NDTAC tool is intended as a quick reference and does not supersede or replace any Federal forms or information about the collection and reporting of data pertaining to Title I, Part D. 1
Exhibit 1: Flowchart Exemplifying the Raw Data Required for EDFacts and the CSPR for Long-Term Students
Last Updated July 2013
This NDTAC tool is intended as a quick reference and does not supersede or replace any Federal forms or information about the collection and reporting of data pertaining to Title I, Part D. 1
B. Explanation of the Calculation
As noted in section A, the number of long-term students is calculated as the sum of available pre- and posttest results in reading and mathematics for each student (a–d). The availability of pre- and posttest results must fall into one of these four categories. If the results do not, an accurate long-term student count cannot be generated.
Ideally, itshould not matter whether mathematics or reading data are used to generate the count—even if the numbers for testing are different for each subject (a–d in mathematics and a–d in reading). When summed, they should each equal the total number of long-term students within the facility (see Exhibit 2).
Remember:All long-term students must be placed into one of the four categories.
C.Sample Data Demonstration
You have the following information available from one of your neglect programs: The facility has 350 students and 150 long-term students.
- In reading: A total of 120 students have results for a pretest. Of those students, 70 students also have results for a posttest. Five students took both a pretest and posttest; however, their pretest results were deleted during a system migration, so only the posttest results are available for those five students. Twenty-five students do not have pre- or posttest results on file.
- In mathematics: A total of130 students have results for a pretest. Of those students, 100 students also have results for a posttest. Twenty students do not have pre- or posttest results on file.
Flipping Exhibit 2 in the reverse direction, you should be able to create the long-term student count with either reading or mathematics information:
Exhibit 2: SampleLong-Term Student Count for Reading and Mathematics
Last Updated July 2013
This NDTAC tool is intended as a quick reference and does not supersede or replace any Federal forms or information about the collection and reporting of data pertaining to Title I, Part D. 1