Survey the PWD/household in order to collect information that will enable ILED project staff to:

Assess level of poverty: income, possessions, access to basic infrastructure

Assess vulnerability:

  • # people in household; # children, # old, # PWD; # working
  • Type sources of income, regular/irregular, monthly/seasonal
  • Savings: money, asset

The assessment of level of poverty and vulnerability will enable ILED project staff to assess:

“Human resources” available to engage in new economic activity

  • Who will take care of the activity?
  • How much time can he/she dedicate?
  • Will the rest of the family support?

The capacity of the household to meet their daily needs with the existing sources of income and/or livelihoods

The capacity to repay a loan with the existing sources of income if needed (the cash flow of the IGA does not match the loan repayment schedule)

The lending risk perceived by the community:

  • Are there asset to guarantee the loan?

The capacity of the household to cope with extraordinary and/or unexpected expenses:

  • Are there savings?
  • Can asset be sold without increasing the household’s vulnerability?

Capacity to save on a regular basis

The result of these assessments will enable ILED project staff to determine the potential of the PWD/household to:

Access loans

Avoiding to divert the “resources” invested in the activity to other uses

Repay loan and interest

Use part of the revenues to fund the working capital of the activity

Invest at least part of the profit to develop IGA

Such potentials are some of the key elements to determine if the PWD/household is more suitable for:

Livelihood support

IGA support

Name of data collector:
Date of interview (dd/mm/yyyy): /
Province: / District: / Village name:

1.General information of Household:

Name of interviewee:
​Age: / Relationship in household (Head of household, Wife and Child….)
Code: / Unit: / Family Registration Number: / House Number:

1.1)Name, age and occupation of household’s member:

No / Name / Relationship with head of family / Age / status / PWD or without PWD / Occupa-tion / If some children are not going to school, understand why?
Code of work
1)Child 7) Salary worker
2)Student 8) Pensioner
3)Homemaker 9) Daily labor
4)Handicraft 10) Unemployed and looking for a job
5)Trade 11) Unable to Work
6)Other business etc….
Code of child not going to school
1)In the village, there is no school for his/her level
2)We are too poor and can not pay for education
3)School is not important
4)They need to work for help the family
5)Other (specify) ………………………………...

2.Household Economic StatusInformation:

2.1 Observation of the possessions that indicates level of wealth of the household:

Who is the own of house that you live in? / Own house(3) /  / Write number of code at here:
Rent House (2) / 
Parent’s House (1) / 
Other (Please give details) (?) ……………………. / 
5.2 How many room does the house have (include detached rooms but not kitchens, toilets or bathrooms (one point for each room)? /
5.3 What type of roofing does the house have? / Leaves/Grass/Straw/Bamboo/Wood (0) /  /
Metal (1) / 
Tiles (2) / 
Other (Please give details) (?) ………………………………………. / 
5.4 What type of flooring does the house have / Dirt (0) /  /
Bamboo/Wood (1) / 
Cement (2) / 
Tiles (3) / 
Other (Please give details) (?) ………………………………………. / 
5.5 Please tick all of the following that interviewee has in their house: / Piped Water (1)
Other… ………………………….(0) / 
 /
Electricity (1)
If Yes, Grid (1)
Off-Grid (0)
Other …………………………… (0) / 

5.6 Please tick all of the following if interviewee is own the vehicle: / Bicycle (1) /  /
Motorbike (2) / 
Car (3) / 
5.7 In your house, do you have: / Fridge (1) /  /
Fan (1) / 
Landline phone (1) / 
Air-Conditioner (2) / 
DVD/VCD payer (2) / 
TV (2) / 
Mobile phone (2) / 
Computer (3) / 

Points Total /
Total Number of “?”

Ownership of agricultural asset and livestock in household:

Tick if yes / how many
(unit) / Tick if yes / How many
tractor (tok tok) / fish pond
weaving loom / rice field
buffalo / plantation
Cow / garden
Goat / metal detector
Pig / rice mill
poultry / Other (specify) …………………

2.2 The main sources of income and Second sources of income of household:

Main Sources of income:

No / From what? / Average Amount /year

Second sources of income or sources of livelihood:

No / From what? / Average Amount /year

Total amount income of household:

Description / Good / Bad
1. Amount: ……………………………………………..Kip / month
2. Amount: ……………………………………………. Kip / month
3. I don’t know
4. No income

2.3How many months per year is there rice shortage in your family?

No rice shortage / 1- 2 months / 3- 4 months / 5 ​months up / Buy rice all year

2.4What your monthly income used for?

Feed your family

Buy some clothes of family

Repair your shelter

For medicine of family

For education (i.e. buy books, pay fee and etc…)

Buy facilitate goods in house (i.e. furniture, motor scooter…)

For run business of family

For Social (i.e. go to ceremonies, cultural celebration and etc)

For regular saving

If save, how do you save?

Save with bank; how much/month? : ………………………………………..

Save in house; how much/month? :……………………………………………….

Buy livestock; how much/month? : …………………………………………………

Other...……………………………….; how much/month? ……………………….

2.5How much do you do regular save?

No / Description / Good / Bad
1. / Amount: ……………………………… Kip/month
2. / Amount: ……………………………… Kip/month
3. / I don’t know
4. / No save

3.Household’s vulnerability

3.1)In the last 2 years,Are there big expenses in your family?


  • If yes, for what? / Where did you get that money from?

1).………………………………………….. / …………………………………………

2)………………………………………….. / …………………………………………

3)…………………………………………. / …………………………………………..

​​​4. Information of PWD

4.1 How many PWD in your family? :……………………people

4.2 Please write name list on schedule below:

Name / Age / Status / Type of PWD

For PWD who has age < 16 years old, Ask this question with their household member:

4.3PWD’s household members have plan to run economic activity or not?

Yes NO

If yes, please ask question in form B

For PWD who has age > 16 years ask question 5:

(Ifthere are PWD older 16 years more than one person in household, please ask and separate their individual information)

5. Information of economic situation of PWD:

Ask this question if PWD is >16 years old:

Name of PWD: / Age:

5.1 Do you work or do any economic activity?


  • If No, why they not do? : ......
  • If Yes, Ask this question:
  • What do you do? : ......
  • How much your general income? ( write answer in this schedule below)

Description / Good / Bad
1. Amount : ………………………………………Kip/month
2. Amount : ………………………………………Kip/month
3. I don’t know
4. No income

5.2 How much do you save per month (write answer in this schedule below)?

Description / Good / Bad
1. Amount : ………………………………………Kip/month
2. Amount : ………………………………………Kip/month
3. I don’t know
4. No income

5.3Do you have your own assets? YesNo 

  • If yes, what’s?



6.2At present, do you have a plan to run economic activity?


If yes, ask question in form B: