launched by the Fondation Orange, the UEFA Foundation for Children and the International Foundation of Applied Disability Research (FIRAH)
– Letter of Intent –
Deadline for submission of letters of intent: 24 March 2017
Candidates should consult the FIRAH website ( on the dates and selection criteria for the Call for Projects.
The present form should be submitted to the FIRAH:
with no other documents attached, and with all indexes,
» as an email attachment, in Word format;
» with no photos or logos, so as not to unduly increase the size of the Word file.
The completed form should be sent to the FIRAH, to the following address:
Failure to comply with the rules of this document will result in elimination from the Call for Projects
I. Project presentation summary
A. Project title
Cliquez ici pour entrer du texte.
B. One-sentence summary of the project:
Cliquez ici pour entrer du texte.
C. Summary of the project: (1/3 page)
Cliquez ici pour entrer du texte.
D. Issue(s) covered by the project (check the appropriate boxes):
☐ Access to healthcare ☐ Community-Based Rehabilitation ☐ Support for caregivers
☐ Education ☐ Deinstitutionalisation ☐ Rehabilitation
☐ Technical aids ☐ Ageing in people ☐ Access to culture
☐ Sport and Disability ☐ Access to employment ☐ Fight against stigma
☐ Sexuality ☐ Empowerment ☐ Access to rights
☐ Accessibility ☐ Other Cliquez ici pour entrer du texte.
E. Impairments targeted by the project
☐ Visual ☐ Hearing ☐ Motor ☐ Intellectual
☐ Mental (psycho-social) ☐ Any types ☐ Other Cliquez ici pour entrer du texte.
F. Names and contacts of project leader and partners
Organization / Name / First Name / Function / Mail / PhoneProject Leader
Project Partner
Project Partner
G. Length and global budget for the project
a. Length of the project
Cliquez ici pour entrer du texte.
b. Global budget for project (in euros)
Cliquez ici pour entrer du texte.
c. Amount requested from the FIRAH (in euros)
Cliquez ici pour entrer du texte.
The following sections (II to VII) should be completed using the 6 selection criteria described in Part 2 of the Call for Projects presentation (see page 3)
II. Describe the overall objective of the project in relation to access to human rights for people with disabilities – Criterion 1 (1/3 page)
III. Discuss the originality of the project and demonstrate its innovative dimension – Criterion 2 (1/3 page)
IV. Presentation of the project leader and partners, and their respective roles within the project – Criterion 3 (1/3 page)
V. Presentation of the methodology and expected outcomes – Criterion 4 (1/3 page)
A. Introduce in one sentence the research hypothesis or question
B. Present the methodology and expected outcomes
VI. Presentation of tools produced to disseminate and capitalise on knowledge generated by the research, and methods for transferring these tools – Criterion 5 (1/3 page)
VII. Presentation of the adequacy between objectives, activities and resources – Criterion 6 (1/3 page)
1. Short Curriculum Vitaes of all relevant persons; presentation of the organisations involved, emphasizing their experience and skills relating to the research project. (three pages maximum)
2. Presentation of the project budget with budget headings for each of the main areas of expenditure (1 page maximum)
Planned expenditure for the research project
EXPENDITURE / GLOBAL COST OF THE PROJECT IN EUROS / AMOUNT REQUESTED OF THE FIRAH IN EUROSShow the budget headings linked to the development of your research (for example: ‘Materials‘ ‘Human Resources’, ‘Travel’, ‘Suppliers’, ‘Administrative costs’….)
The expenditure contained within each budget line will be explained below the table.
This annex should also present any eventual co-funding already acquired (name of funding body and amount) or requested (name of funding body, amount). You should also clarify whether you intend to request further funding from identified funding bodies. Requests for co-funding to the FIRAH, to complete funds which have already been granted, will be positively received.
3. Presentation of a timetable
This timetable will present the different phases of the research project, their duration, and the parties involved.
Phases / Duration / Actors