Khalid Abdul Muhammad

Khalid Abdul Muhammad:
Organizer of the Million Youth March

"Well, I can't be an anti-Semite, in the sense that they say, because they're not the Semites. But let's leave that to the side, whatever the hell they say they are, I'm anti-[sic]. If you say you're a Semite--even though I know goddamn well you're not a Semite, if you just say you're one-I'm against you. If you say you're white, goddammit I'm against you. If you're a Jew, I'm against you. Whatever the hell you want to call yourself, I'm against you. Whatever the hell you want to call yourself."
September, 1997

"Notice the crackers here at Cal Poly pretending to be righteous. Look at them as they walk around San Luis Obispo, arrogant peckerwoods. Stop going on college campuses and developing alliances with the white Zionists, and dicing your own people." --Speech at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo on May 22, 1997, printed in the campus newspaper, Mustang Daily

"The so-called Jew claims that there were six million in Nazi Germany. I am here today to tell you that there is absolutely no evidence, no proof. There is absolutely no evidence to substantiate, to prove that six million so-called Jews lost their lives in Nazi Germany..."

"Don't let no hooked-nose, bagel-eating, lox-eating, perpetrating-a-fraud so-called Jew who just crawled out of the ghettoes of Europe just a few days ago..."

"The practice of those freakish Rabbis [circumcision] is that they place their lips on the penis of these young boys and after they have cut the foreskin back, suck the blood from the head of the penis of their own young boys..."

"The Federal Reserve is privately owned and a so-called Jew controls the Federal Reserve...Talking about the National Debt, the Federal Debt, someone should ask, well who the hell do we owe...And who in the world has that much money that we would get in debt with them...Who are the rich power brokers behind the scenes?…Why is the Federal Reserve controlled by the so-called Jew."

"The Jew-nited Nations in Jew York City..."

"They are stealing our oil money, stealing our diamonds, and our gold, they have robbed us of our natural resources, our material resources and robbed us of our human resources."

"Our entertainers, our basketball players, our football players, our track stars, our baseball players, our entertainers and athletes are in the palm of the white Zionist Jew's hand..."

"The white man is not only practicing racism and Zionism and with the prostitution ring, the so-called Jew man with the Jew woman all over the world to make a few dollars. He is also practicing sexism. He's a racist, he's a Zionist, a sexist, and imperialist. He's a no good bastard. He's not a devil, the white man is the Devil."

"...The World Bank. Who's pimping the world? The hairy hidden hands of the Zionist in the world...Let Greenspan, so-called Jew, just hint that he's going to raise the interest rate, nations of the earth … run all over the globe. What kind of power is this?"

"...Stealberg, they call him Stealberg. When it's Swindler's list, they call it Schindler's list. They said that they would move into the Government, manipulate from behind the scenes, manipulate the Congress, manipulate the White House, manipulate the Political process, manipulate affirmative action, welfare reform, all of the things that you thought would save you…" --A speech at San Francisco State University, May 21, 1997

"The nerve of them to get angry with him [O.J. Simpson attorney Johnny Cochran] because he paralleled Mark Fuhrman with Adolf Hitler. Look at it, so-called Jew. Look at it, imposter Jew. Somebody must call you what you are. Somebody must look you in your cold lying blue eyes and pull the cover off of you today. I don't give a damn about you and I will give you hell from the cradle to the grave." --On the weekend proceeding the October 16, 1995 Million Man March, Muhammad was the keynote speaker at the "Black Holocaust Nationhood Conference".

Khalid Muhammad's Message The Jew was controlling. The Jew was influencing. The Jew was manipulating, while the Germans had their chest stuck out. So Hitler, another devil, rose up and started trying to crush the Jewish influence and power that had grown up right in the midst of his people in Germany. ...eventually...killing millions of his white brothers, who are called Jews today.

"The Jews lost six million people, we lost more than 200 million during the Middle Passage alone," he declared, according to the Amsterdam News. "This was the worst crime committed in the annals of history." He then complained, "Nobody wants to talk about what the Jews did, they are always talking about what Hitler did to the Jews, but what did the Jews do to Hitler?"

Everybody always talks about Hitler exterminating six million Jews... But don't nobody ever ask what did they do to Hitler?...They went in there, in Germany, the way they do everywhere they go, and they supplanted, they usurped, they turned around and a German, in his own country, would almost have to go to a Jew to get money. They had undermined the very fabric of the society. Now he was an arrogant, no-good, devil, bastard, Hitler, no doubt about it. He was wickedly great.... But they are wickedly great, too, brother.

At Howard University on April 19. 1994, Muhammad further belittled the devastation of the Holocaust and ridiculed its survivors. "You make me sick -- always got some old crinkly wrinkled cracker that you bring up, talking about, 'this is one of the Holocaust victims.' Goddamn it! I'm looking at a whole audience full of Holocaust victims," Muhammad told his audience of 2,000. Continuing, he said that the "Holocaust lasted 10 years; ours lasted 500. How can you compare, buddy? You are so arrogant."


The line-up of speakers at Howard also included other individuals whose rhetoric has been embraced by BAHC, most notably, Professor Leonard Jeffries and Professor Tony Martin. In Jeffries' speech, after describing the enslavement of Africans as "the most devasting holocaust ever conceived in the mind," he dismissed the extermination of six million Jews as irrelevant. "That which occurred in Europe, the European Nazi Holocaust of the European Jew has to do with white on white crime," Jeffries said. "It has nothing to do with African people, Asian people, Native American people." In his own speech about the "Black Holocaust," Professor Martin minimized the misdeeds of Africans who sold fellow blacks into slavery. Then, echoing an erroneous charge that has been leveled by Louis Farrakhan, among others, Martin argued that the behavior of these Africans was no worse than that of Zionist Jews who, he alleged, collaborated with the Nazis during World War II.