David Normanton / John Cliff / Stephen Williams / Julie Pearson
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01422 346371 / 01422 205402 / 07752 762688 / 07704 668869




Chairman:John Cliff

TreasurerStephen Williams

SecretaryJulie Pearson

Apologies:Upper Hopton

Attendees:Blackley, Bradshaw, Clayton, Copley, Cullingworth, Great Horton Park Chapel, Greetland, Jer Lane, Illingworth, Lightcliffe, Low Moor Holy Trinity, Northowram Fields, Outlane, Queensbury, Rastrick, Shelf, SBCI, Sowerby Bridge, Sowerby St Peters, Stone, Thornton, Triangle, Todmorden, Warley

Minutes The Minutes of the AGM Meeting of 2015 were passed as a true record (D Normanton, P Butterfield)

Chairman’s Report– John Cliff

2015 has again seen our attendances at these meetings at an extremely high level. Well done and thank you. I hope that you continue to find the meetings both informative and useful to your clubs.

2015 has seen a dramatic change in the way domestic cricket in Yorkshire will be structured from the start of the 2017 season. Change is always difficult to accept and I am sure that some of us, I know I was, were a little concerned about the concept that was being proposed. The Halifax League has agreed with every club supporting the ‘pyramid’ system. This will allow the ambitious clubs, if they wish to, to progress into a higher division, with the comfort that they can always return if they should wish to. Other leagues in the area have made their own decisions and time will determine if they have made the correct decision.

Repeating what I said last year for cricket to continue to be strong in Calderdale we have to concentrate on junior cricket and support and work with our local primary and senior schools.

As you are aware the YCB have appointed a new Community Cricket Officer, Alexandra Murphy, who is currently running coaching sessions with a number of primary schools. She has also visited a number of clubs that are here tonight, to help them to prepare a programme of coaching so that they can continue to coach these children when the school programme has finished in the spring. It is therefore also important that clubs have sufficient coaches to follow on with the work that Alexandra is doing. I recommend that all clubs support this initiative as this is your life blood.

I would also encourage all clubs to qualify for Clubmark. Please do contact Stephen Williams and/or Steve Archer who can demonstrate the benefits of being a Clubmark Club.

Some of you, I know are CASC registered. I would also ask for those that are not to consider the benefits of registering. If any club want to discuss the benefits of this please contact me and I will be only too happy to explain the advantages.

May I remind all clubs that this is your meeting, we on this top table do not set the agenda, if there is a subject you wish to have discussed please contact Julie who will put it on the agenda.

I would like now to thank personally, Julie, Stephen and Andy for the work that they do for the benefit of the Group and for making my life so much easier.

Secretary’s Report – Julie Pearson

I would like to thank you all for attending tonight and throughout 2015.

I will give a short summary of the topics discussed at the meetings last year.

At the AGM held on 11th February 2015 all Officers were re-elected en bloc

Meetings were held on 11th February, 15th April and 21st October 2015:-

Regular Agenda items discussed at each meeting were:-

  • Clubmark updates by Stephen Williams
  • Courses updates by Peter Butterfield
  • Girls cricket in Calderdale updates by John Cliff
  • Website updates by Andy Prosser.

Additional Topics discussed last year were:-

  • Steve Archer gave an update of the changes due to take place regarding Clubmark and he provided a questions and answers paper for reference.
  • Andrew Watson from YCB gave a detailed presentation on the proposed new Pyramid Structure.
  • Updates were given from Steve Archer on Small Grants schemes, Community First Grants, School/Club Partnerships and NatWest Cricket Force.
  • YCB/CDG Forum update from Stephen Williams
  • West Yorkshire Area Council Meeting Report from John Cliff
  • Coach Training and Continuous Development Training details were given by Peter Butterfield.
  • Halifax Cricket League Training Programme update was given by Neil Myers
  • New Pathways Scheme update was given by Neil Myers.
  • Coach Education Presentation was given by Dale Kerruish & Kevin Gresham from the Yorkshire Cricket Board.

I hope that you have all enjoyed the meetings and that you will continue to support the CCDG through 2016.

If you have anything you would like to discuss at the meetings this year please let me know so that we can arrange for speakers to attend if necessary.

Treasurer’s Report - Stephen Williams

(see attached sheet)

The Treasurer delivered his accounts and these were ratified by the members.

Coaching Report– Peter Butterfield

Half way through level 2 coaching at the moment it filled up at last minute, he has received names but 50% of these do not specify which club. Some people asked after the course was filled.

Huddersfield New College – other courses are being run on February 28th, March 13th then 17th & 20th April. Andy Prosser to circulate via website – apply directly. Can have £50 subsidy in Calderdale region.

2 First Aid courses Northowram Fields and Bradshaw on9th March and 17th March – Andy to circulate – please let Neil Myers know if you wish to attend

Scorers Course – can be run at Blackley (7 so far) would probably need 12. Usually in March/April. (Martin or lady from Yorkshire).

Vote of Thanks to Retiring Officers:

The Group has now been running for 10 years this year, both John and Steve Archer illustrate the high regard this Group is held in at County, who report that they can’t get them going in other areas. Calderdale cricket is going from strength to strength, which is due to the work done in groups like this – we are lucky to have 4 people who will give up their time to ensure we can access the necessary funding as and when required for courses, flooding, etc. On behalf of all clubs in Calderdale I would like to thank the top table for all their work and long may they continue.

Nomination of Officers:

Nominations are as follows:-

President:David Normanton

Chairman:John Cliff

Secretary:Julie Pearson

Treasurer:Stephen Williams

WYAC:Andy Prosser

Officers were accepted en bloc

Meeting Closed8.30