Title of Unit: Remember God’s LoveYear: Pre-PrimaryTERM 1 – Weeks 8-10

Refer to p.52 for information on Lent.


8 / A 1.1 Identifies signs of new life
D. Read The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Discuss how the story is about new life, the great change that happened, and what they know about caterpillars/butterflies. Create a caterpillar or butterfly and display. / A 2.1 Expresses wonder at God who creates new life.
A. Create and decorate a ‘Wonder Cube’. Children take turns to roll the cube. Share thoughts on the question that lands upright p. 42. / A 3.1 Celebrates that God loves us
A. On three pieces of paper write: God Loves You, God Creates New Life and on the third display a picture representing new life. Put paper into separate balloons and inflate. Children sit in a circle and sing God Loves You whilst bouncing the balloon around the circle. Burst the balloon and share the messages.
Focus Questions???
  • Why does God give the gift of new life?
  • How do we know God loves us?
/ Work sample
9 /
B 1.1 Illustrates the story of Jesus’ Resurrection.
A. Read the Easter Story. Create a collage representing The Resurrection.
Focus Questions???
  • What did Jesus’ friends find at the tomb?
  • How did the disciples feel when they were told Jesus was alive?
  • What happened to Jesus?
/ B 2.1 Names ways people can live Jesus’ new life.
B. Read a bible story. Discuss actions of the main characters.
Focus Questions???
  • What are some of the things Jesus likes us to do?
  • How can you show people Jesus’ way of loving?
/ C 1.1 Identifies that the Church celebrates Jesus’ Resurrection.
B. Recall the story of Jesus’ Resurrection. Sponge paint a background in bright colours. Using textas draw a picture of the risen Jesus on the background. / Work sample
10 / C 2.1 Names ways followers of Jesus can care for others.
A. Read Tucking Mummy In. Create a caring badge, children to take it home to remind them of how to care for their family. Prayer p. 35.
Focus Questions???
  • How did Mum care for the children?
  • How did the children care for Mum? Why?
  • How do you feel about their actions?
  • How have you cared for other family members?
  • How can you show you care for your family?
/ C 3.1 Reviews and expresses what they have learned throughout the unit.
A. Chart and display activities children have enjoyed throughout the unit. / Observation
Work Sample