
Scavenger Hunt: Go through the itinerary and answer the questions or follow the directions in bold.

1.  Day 1: Washington, D.C.

o  Arrive in Washington, D.C.

§  Where is Reagan National Airport located in relation to Washington DC?

o  Visit the Smithsonian museum of your choice, which may include:

·  National Air and Space Museum

·  Write down 1 thing you would like to see at this museum:

·  National Museum of Natural History

·  Write down 1 thing you would like to see at this museum:

·  National Museum of American History

·  Write down 1 thing you would like to see at this museum:

o  Take a night tour of Washington

·  Lincoln Memorial

·  What are the2 famous speeches that are carved into the walls of the Lincoln Memorial?

·  WWII Memorial

·  What do each of the pillars represent?

·  Korean War Veterans Memorial

·  How many sculptures are in this memorial?

·  Vietnam Veterans Memorial

·  What is carved into the wall of the memorial?

2.  Day 2: Harpers Ferry & Antietam

o  Visit Harpers Ferry National Historical Park


Take the virtual photo tour of the park (above link) and list 2 things you want to see while you are there:

o  Visit Antietam National Battlefield, site of the Civil War’s deadliest single day

What is “Bloody Lane”?

o  Travel to Gettysburg

What’s on the menu at General Pickett’s Buffet?

3.  Day 3: Gettysburg and Washington, D.C.

o  Visit the Gettysburg National Cemetery

o  Take a guided tour of Gettysburg National Military Park

o  Visit the Gettysburg Museum, Visitor Center and Cyclorama Experience

What did the soldiers do to battle bordom?

o  Travel to Washington, D.C.

How far is it from Gettysburg to Washington DC?

o  Visit Ford's Theatre and Petersen House

o  What important event happened at Ford’s Theater?

4.  Day 4: Washington, D.C.

o  Visit Arlington National Cemetery

·  Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier


·  What do the marble slabs represent?

What is written on the sarcophagus?

·  Kennedy gravesite

·  What is the flame at Kennedy’s gravesite called?

·  How many Revolutionary War Veterans are buried at Arlington?

o  Make a photo stop at the Marine Corps War Memorial

o  What scene is depicted in the memorial?

o  The Holocaust Museum:

o  What are do each of the 3 floors show?

o  Take a guided tour of Washington, D.C.

·  Washington Monument

·  How tall is the monument?

·  FDR Memorial

·  How is the monument organized?

·  Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial

·  Write down one of the inscriptions from the wall here:

·  Jefferson Memorial

·  What is the statue of Jefferson holding?

o  Visit Mount Vernon

·  Mansion and grounds

·  Museum and education center

·  George Washington's tomb

o  What are the twelve things that the websites suggest you see while at the plantation?

o  Take the virtual tour of the mansion. Write down one interesting fact you learned.

5.  Day 5: Washington, D.C.

o  Visit Capitol Hill

·  U.S. Capitol and Visitor Center

·  Watch the Student Orientation video (link on the home page) Name one interesting fact you learned.

·  U.S. Supreme Court

·  What are the 2 statues on either side of the main steps?

·  Library of Congress

·  What part of the building was shown in the movie, National Treasure 2?

o  Depart for home