VIIISteering Group Meeting
3 June 2015| Bratislava, Slovakia
Day oneTuesday
2 June 2015 / 19.00 Dinnerat Hotel Bôrik
Bôrik 1628/15, 811 02 Bratislava
Phone:02/599 810 00
Day two
Hotel Bôrik
Bôrik 1628/15, 811 02 Bratislava
09.00 – 09.30 / Registration
09.30 – 9.50 / Welcome speech
State Secretary, Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Sport SR, Mrs. Romana Kanovská (TBC)
PACs: Dr. Štefan Chudoba and Prof. Dr.Viktor Nedovic
09.50-12.30 / DRRIF Working Seminar, introduction by Dr. Štefan Chudoba and Heribert Buchbauer
Results of the DRRIF feasibilitystudy: representatives of EY
Discussion / next steps
12.30-13.30 / Lunch break
13.30-14.00 / Danube Programme 2014-2020, National Contact Point, Office of Government, Slovak Republic
Discussion on the PA7 SG links and roles in the Danube Programme Calls and future expectations
14.00-14.15 / Updates on the establishment of the Danube Strategy Point and the future of the PAC Technical Assistance, DG REGIO (TBC)
14.15-15.30 / Relevant news and updates:
Danube-INCO.NET project updates, Elke Dall, ZSI (TBC)
EUSDR Labelling of projects, Pilot phase in PA7 for Twinning Call 2015 - UNS
Annual Forum in Ulmrepresentative of Baden Würtemberg (TBC)
State of the play of the preparations, workshops and topics
Next steps
EUREKA CallMartinaHartl (TBC)
Danube call Mathias Hack/ Ulrike Kunze, TBC
COST action – possibilities for specific call for the Danube Region, Viktor Nedović
Smart cities in the Danube region, Štefan Chudoba
15.30-15.45 / Coffee Break
15.45-16.15 / Preparations for the PA7 Annual Report
Report on Working Groups activities, presented by PACs
Assessment of the PA7 targetsand update of the Roadmap for action – Discussion
16.15-16.45 / Up-date of Flagship projects
PA7 flagship projects - State of the play, presented by PACs based on the inputs gathered from the projects
16.45-17.00 / Final conclusions