Date of entry:Date of approval:
Data-analysis of EPOSA can lead to one or more articles or to a report in other form. In both cases a research proposal to the EPOSA publication committee needs to include at least the following parts.
1. Title of article:
2. Name and affiliation of principal investigator or first author:
3. Cooperating country:
4. Co-authors:
5. E-mail address for correspondence:
6. Rationale:
7. Research question(s):
8.Data (variables & instruments, timepoints):
9. Data-analysis plan:
10. Planned time schedule:
11. Proposed journal:
12. References
Further regulations
- In case of a scientific article by the EPOSA group:
- A maximum of3 co-authors from each country, and maximum four co-authors from the coordinating center in Amsterdam should be included in the article. First author countries may choose to include more than 3 co-authors up to a maximum of 5 co-authors. At the end of the authorship include: … “and the EPOSA group”.
- An opt-out option for co-authorship is possible for individual authors.
- The co-authors are listed in a sequence that makes it clear that the papers are collaborative efforts, so the second or third author is from a different country than the first.
- At least one draft of a paper is shared with the co-authors. When the paper is almost ready, it is sent to all co-authors AND the Coordinating Centre for a final check. This final check may include whether you agree with your co-authorship and affiliation.
- In case of a scientific article by EXTERNAL researchers:
- At least one co-author from each countryfrom the EPOSA-group should be included, with the possibility of an opt-out option.At the end of the authorship include: … “and the EPOSA group”.
- At least one co-author from the EPOSA-group will be assigned for quality control.
- At least one draft of a paper is shared with the EPOSA co-authors.When the paper is almost ready, it is sent to all co-authors for a final check.
- If during annual checking it turns out that the planned time schedule has not been achieved, the EPOSA publication committee contacts the principal investigator or first author to adjust the agreement. Possibly, a revised proposal will be requested.
- Data provided from EPOSA may be used for the research question described in this form only. If it is considered to address another research question using the same data, this should be approved first by the EPOSA publication committee.
- Financial support has to be mentioned in the Acknowledgements section. Also, in the Acknowledgements section, all EPOSA members have to be mentioned. If necessary, statisticians can be included.
The Indicators for Monitoring COPD and Asthma - Activity and Function in the Elderly in Ulm study (IMCA - ActiFE) was funded by the European Union (No.: 2005121) and the Ministry of Science, Baden-Württemberg. The Italian cohort study is part of the National Research Council Project on Aging (PNR). The Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA) is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports. The Peñagrande study was partially funded by the National Fund for Health Research (Fondo de Investigaciones en Salud) of Spain (project numbers FIS PI 05/1898; FIS RETICEF RD06/0013/1013 and FIS PS09/02143). The Swedish Twin Registry is funded in part by the Swedish Ministry of Higher Education.The Hertfordshire Cohort Study is funded by the Medical Research Council of Great Britain; Arthritis Research UK; the British Heart Foundation; and the International Osteoporosis Foundation.
The EPOSA research group: Germany: T. Nikolaus†(Principal Investigator), M. Denkinger, R. Peter, F. Herbolsheimer; Italy: S. Maggi (Principal Investigator), S. Zambon, F. Limongi; the Netherlands (coordinating center): D.J.H. Deeg (Principal Investigator), S. van der Pas, N.M. van Schoor, L.A. Schaap, E.J. Timmermans; Spain: Á. Otero (Principal Investigator), M.V. Castell, M. Sanchez-Martinez; Sweden: N.L. Pedersen (Principal Investigator); United Kingdom: E.M. Dennison (Principal Investigator), C. Cooper, M.H. Edwards.
- If you make use of EPOSA data from one specific cohort, make also sure that the EPOSA research group is acknowledged. The contact details of each specific cohort are available on the EPOSA website.
- The 5-year EPOSA follow-up measurement was only performed in the Netherlands, and conducted in the context of the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam. These data are available upon request provided that an agreement is made up with the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam. The cohort-specific data request form is available via If you make use of data from the 5-year follow-up measurement, make sure you included LASA in the acknowledgements section, as follows:
The Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam is supported by a grant from the Netherlands Ministry of Health Welfare and Sports, Directorate of Long-Term Care.
- Published EPOSA papers and accepted oral/poster presentations will be listed on the EPOSA website. When your paper has been published, the reference has to be sent by e-mail to the Principal Investigator Prof. dr. D.J.H. Deeg (), and CC to EPOSA (). Accepted oral/poster presentations, including EPOSA data, have to be forwarded as well.
- In the sample description, the reference to cite is:
van der Pas, S., Castell, M. V., Cooper, C., Denkinger, M., Dennisson, E., Edwards, M., Limongi, F., Lips, P., Maggi, S., Nasell, H., Nikolaus, T., Otero, A., Pedersen, N.L., Peter, R., Sanchez-Martinez, M., Schaap, L., Zambon, S., van Schoor, NM Deeg, DJH. (2013).European Project on Osteoarthritis: Design of a six-cohort study on the personal and societal burden of osteoarthritis in an older European population. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 14, 138.